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M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 12 0 Browse Search
E. T. Merrill, Commentary on Catullus (ed. E. T. Merrill) 4 0 Browse Search
Aristotle, Politics 2 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 2 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 21-30 2 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 2 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 2 0 Browse Search
C. Valerius Catullus, Carmina (ed. Sir Richard Francis Burton) 2 0 Browse Search
C. Julius Caesar, Commentaries on the Civil War (ed. William Duncan) 2 0 Browse Search
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Aristotle, Politics, Book 5, section 1306a (search)
ian general may have been in 367 B.C.); so sometimes they attempt at once to introduce some reform, at other times they rob the public funds and in consequence either they or those who fight against them in their peculations stir up faction against the government, as happened at Apollonia on the Black Sea. On the other hand, harmonious oligarchy does not easily cause its own destruction; and an indication of this is the constitutional government at Pharsalus, for there the ruling class though few are masters of many meni.e. both of the lower classes and of the subject cities. because on good terms with one another. Also oligarchical governments break up when they create a second oligarchy within the oligarchy. This is when, although the whole citizen class is small, its few members are not all admitted to the greatest offices; this is what once occurred in Elis, for the government being in the hands of
Demosthenes, On Organization, section 23 (search)
Rewards to citizens, rightly thus granted by our ancestors, are wrongly granted by you. But how about foreigners? When Meno of Pharsalus gave twelve talents of silver towards the war at Eion near AmphipolisPresumably in 424, but Themistocles does not mention it. The historical examples here are borrowed from Dem. 23 and supported us with two hundred cavalry of his own vassals, our ancestors did not vote him the citizenship, but only gave him immunity from taxes.
Demosthenes, Against Aristocrates, section 199 (search)
Thus they distributed rewards within the city righteously and to the public advantage; we do it the wrong way. But what about those bestowed on strangers? When Meno of Pharsalus had given us twelve talents for the war at Eion near Amphipolis, and had reinforced us with three hundred of his own mounted serfs, they did not pass a decree that whoever slew Meno should be liable to seizure; they made him a citizen, and thought that distinction adequate.
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Phocis and Ozolian Locri, chapter 13 (search)
. This is the way in which the bisons are caught. Opposite the bronze head of the bison is a statue of a man wearing a breastplate, on which is a cloak. The Delphians say that it is an offering of the Andrians, and a portrait of Andreus, their founder. The images of Apollo, Athena, and Artemis were dedicated by the Phocians from the spoils taken from the Thessalians, their enemies always, who are their neighbors except where the Epicnemidian Locrians come between. The Thessalians too of Pharsalus dedicated an Achilles on horseback, with Patroclus running beside his horse: the Macedonians living in Dium, a city at the foot of Mount Pieria, the Apollo who has taken hold of the deer; the people of Cyrene, a Greek city in Libya, the chariot with an image of Ammon in it. The Dorians of Corinth too built a treasury, where used to be stored the gold from Lydia.Dedicated by Gyges and by Croesus, kings of Lydia. The image of Heracles is a votive offering of the Thebans, sent when they had f
Polybius, Histories, book 5, Capture of Thebes In Phthiotis (search)
d upon the bank of the Enipeus, and collected from Larisa and the other cities the siege train which he had caused to be constructed during the winter. For the chief object of his campaign was the capture of the city called Phthiotid Thebes. Thebae Phthiotides, B. C. 217.Now this city lies no long way from the sea, about thirty stades from Larisa, and is conveniently situated in regard both to Magnesia and Thessaly; but especially as commanding the district of Demetrias in Magnesia, and of Pharsalus and Pherae in Thessaly. From it, at that very time, much damage was being inflicted upon the Demetrians, Pharsalians, and Larisaeans; as the Aetolians were in occupation of it, and made continual predatory expeditions, often as far as to the plain of Amyrus. Philip did not regard the matter as at all of small importance, but was exceedingly bent on taking the town. Having therefore got together a hundred and fifty catapults, and twenty-five stone-throwing balistae, he sat down before Thebe
E. T. Merrill, Commentary on Catullus (ed. E. T. Merrill), Poem 64 (search)
Peneus flows (cf. v. 285) Phthiotic, as synonymous with Thessalian in general, though in strictness the district of Phthiotis was the southernmost of the divisions of Thessaly, extending not so far north even as Pharsalus. Crannon and Larisa were both towns of Pelasgiotis near the Peneus. Pharsalum coeunt: the commoner form of the legend made Mt. Pelion the place of the wedding, and Chiron the h meant to the Greeks Macedonia, but with common poetic inexactness is here used of Thessaly; cf. Verg. G. 1.491 nec fuit indignum superis sanguine nostro Emathiam pinguescere (of the battle of Pharsalus). sorores: cf. Ov. Trist. 5.3.17 dominae fati quidquid cecinere sorores ; Mart. 5.1.3 veridicae sorores . quae fata secuntur: which the
C. Valerius Catullus, Carmina (ed. Sir Richard Francis Burton), Marriage of Peleus and Thetis (search)
an, vouchsafed to marry? You did Tethys empower to woo and wed with her grandchild; Nor less Oceanus, with water compassing th' Earth-globe? But when ended the term, and wisht-for light of the day-tide Uprose, flocks to the house in concourse mighty, convened, Thessaly all, with glad assembly the Palace fulfilling: Presents afore they bring, and joy in faces declare they. Cieros abides a desert: they quit Phthiotican Tempe, Homesteads of Crannon-town, eke bulwarkt walls Larissa; Meeting at Pharsalus, and roof Pharsalian seeking. None will the fields now till; soft wax all necks the oxen, Never the humble vine is purged by curve of the rake-tooth, Never a pruner's hook thins out the shade of the tree-tufts, Never a bull up-plows broad glebe with bend of the coulter, Over whose point unuse displays the squalor of rust-stain. But in the homestead's heart, where'er that opulent palace Hides a retreat, all shines with splendour of gold and of silver. Ivory blanches the seats, bright gleam
C. Julius Caesar, Commentaries on the Civil War (ed. William Duncan), CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES of THE CIVIL WAR. , chapter 6 (search)
hind them in Italy, that they might embark with less confusion, and in greater numbers; putting all their hopes in victory, and the generosity of their general." The whole army testified their approbation of what was proposed, and called out that they were ready to submit to his orders. Accordingly having put seven legions on board, as we have before observed, he set sail the fourth of January, and arrived next day at the Ceraunian mountains: where, having found, among the rocks and shelves, with which that coast abounds, a tolerable road; and not daring to go to any port, as he apprehended they were all in the enemy's possession; he landed his troops at a place called Pharsalus, whither he brought his fleet, without the loss of a single ship.
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 4, line 715 (search)
to live; and, as a brave man should, He rushed upon the heap, and fighting fell. In vain with turbid speech hast thou profaned The pulpit of the forum; waved in vain From that proud Reading 'arce,' not 'arte.' The word 'signifer' seems to favour the reading I have preferred; and Dean Merivale, Hosius, and Francken adopt it. citadel the tribune flag: And armed the people, and the Senate's rights Betraying, hast compelled this impious war Betwixt the rival kinsmen. Low thou liest Before Pharsalus' fight, and from thine eyes Is hid the war. 'Tis thus to suffering Rome, For arms seditious and for civil strife Ye mighty make atonement with your blood. Happy were Rome and all her sons indeed, Did but the gods as rigidly protect As they avenge, her violated laws! There Curio lies; untombed his noble corpse, Torn by the vultures of the Libyan wastes. Yet shall we, since such merit, though unsung, Lives by its own imperishable fame, Give thee thy meed of praise. Rome never bore Another so
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 6, line 263 (search)
arkness in. There too Olympus, at whose foot who dwells Nor fears the north nor sees the shining bear. Between these mountains hemmed, in ancient time The fields were marsh, for Tempe's pass not yet Was cleft, to give an exit to the streams That filled the plain: but when Alcides' hand Smote Ossa from Olympus at a blow,See Book VIII., line 1. And Nereus wondered at the sudden flood Of waters to the main, then on the shore (Would it had slept for ever 'neath the deep) Seaborn Achilles' home Pharsalus rose; And Phylace Protesilaus, from this place, first landed at Troy. whence sailed that ship of old Whose keel first touched upon the beach of Troy; And Dorion mournful for the Muses' ire On Thamyris Thamyris challenged the Muses to a musical contest, and being vanquished, was by them deprived of sight. vanquished: Trachis; Melibe Strong in the shafts The arrows given to Philoctetes by Hercules as a reward for kindling his funeral pyre. of Hercules, the price Of that most awful torch;