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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Arbuthnot, Marriott, -1794 (search)
Arbuthnot, Marriott, -1794 British naval officer; born about 1711; became a post-captain in 1747. From 1775 to 1778 he was naval commissioner resident at Halifax, Marriott Arbuthnot. Nova Scotia. Having been raised to the rank of vice-admiral in 1779, he obtained the chief command on the American station, and was blockaded by the Count d'estaing in the harbor of New York. In the spring of 1780 he co-operated with Sir Henry Clinton in the siege of Charleston, S. C. In February, 1793, he became admiral of the blue. He died in London, Jan. 31, 1794.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Arnold, Benedict, 1741-1801 (search)
in a baggage-wagon and sent down the slope towards the river, with the intention of drowning them in the stream at its foot, but the vehicle was caught by an apple-tree. The cries of the sufferers could be heard above the crackling of the burning town by persons across the river. With this atrocious expedition the name of Benedict Arnold disappears from the records of our history. Arnold went to England at the close of the war, where he was despised and shunned by all honorable men. He was afterwards a resident of St. Johns, New Brunswick, engaged chiefly in trade and navigation, but was very unpopular. He was there hung in effigy. His son, James Robertson (an infant at the time of his father's treason), became a lieutenant-general in the British army. Arnold's second wife, whom he married when she was not quite eighteen years of age, survived him just three years. Arnold died in obscurity, but in comfortable pecuniary circumstances, in Gloucester Place, London, June 14, 1801.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Asgill, Sir Charles, 1762-1823 (search)
Queen of France asking them to intercede with Washington. She also wrote a touching letter to Washington, who was disposed to save the young officer. if possible. The King and Queen of France did intercede, and on Nov. 5, 1782. Congress resolved, That the commander-in-chief be, and hereby is, directed to set Captain Asgill at liberty. It was done. The case of young Asgill had created an intense interest in Europe, and, on the arrival of every ship from America at any European port. the first inquiry was about the fate of Asgill. In 1836, Congress granted to Martha Piatt, only surviving child of Captain Huddy, then seventy years of age, $1,200 in money and 600 acres of land, the amount due Captain Huddy for seven years service as captain of artillery. Asgill succeeded to the title and estate of his father, and rose to the rank of general in the British army. He died in London, July 23. 1823. Madame de Sevinge made the story of Captain Asgill the ground-work of a tragic drama.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Astor, John Jacob, 1763-1848 (search)
Astor, John Jacob, 1763-1848 Merchant; born in Waldorf, Germany, July 17, 1763. Joining his brother, a dealer in musical instruments in London, at the age of sixteen, he remained until he was twenty. when, with a small stock of furs, he began John Jacob Astor. business in New York. He built up a vast fur-trade with the Indians, extending his business to the mouth of Columbia River, on the Pacific coast, where he founded the trading station of Astoria in 1811. By this and other operations in trade, and by investments in real estate, he accumulated vast wealth. He bequeathed $400,000 for establishing a library in the city of New York, which for many years was known by his name, and now forms a part of the New York Public Library. He died in New York City, March 29, 1848.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Atlantic Telegraph. (search)
White) were living, and again met in the same room, and around the same table whereon that association was signed, with the same attorney of the association then engaged, David Dudley Field. Mr. Cooper was chosen president of the company. Mr. Field procured a cable in England to span the waters between Cape Ray and Cape Breton Island. It was sent out in 1855. and was lost in an attempt to lay it. It was recovered, and was suceessfully laid in 1856. The same year Mr. Field organized in London the Atlantic Telegraph Company to carry the line across the ocean. Mr. Field subscribed for one-fourth of the stock of the company. The American and British governments gave them aid in ships. and during 1857 and 1858 expeditions were at sea, laying a cable across the ocean to Valentia on the western coast of Ireland. Twice, in 1857, the attempt failed, but was successful the following year. Two vessels, with portions of the cable. met in mid-ocean. July 28, 1858. The portions were s
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bacon, Nathaniel, 1642- (search)
Bacon, Nathaniel, 1642- Patriot; born in Suffolk, England, Jan. 2, 1642. He was educated at the Inns of Court. London: came to America with a considerable fortune in 1670; settled in Gloucester county. Va., and owned a large estate high up on the James River. A lawyer by profession and eloquent in speech, he easily exercised great influence over the people. He became a member of the council in 1672. He was a republican in sentiment; and. strongly opposing the views and public conduct of Governor Berkeley, the stanch loyalist. he stirred up the people to rebellion. Berkeley, who was very popular at first, had become tyrannical and oppressive as an uncompromising royalist and rigorous executor of his royal master's will. At the same time republicanism had begun a vigorous growth among the people of Virginia; but it was repressed somewhat by a majority of royalists in the House of Burgesses; and the council were as pliant tools of Berkeley as any courtiers who paid homage to
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Badeau, Adam, 1831-1895 (search)
Badeau, Adam, 1831-1895 Military officer; born in New York, Dec. 29, 1831; served on the staff of General Sherman early in the Civil War; was severely wounded at Port Hudson; joined General Grant, and became his military secretary, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, in January, 1864; and was made aide-de-camp to the general of the army, with the title of colonel, in March, 1865; and retired in 1869, holding the rank of captain, U. S. C., and brevet brigadier-general, U. S. V. He was consul-general in London in 1870-81; accompanied General Grant on his journey around the world in 1877-78; and was consul-general in Havana in 1882-84. After General Grant's death Badeau lost a suit against the heirs for compensation for alleged services in the preparation of General Grant's Memoirs. He published Military history of Ulysscs S. Grant; Grant in peace, and several romances. He died in Ridgewood, N. J., March 19, 1895.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Baffin, William, 1584- (search)
Baffin, William, 1584- Navigator; said to have been born in London about 1584. He made voyages to West Greenland in 1612-15, and to Spitzbergen in 1614. In 1616 he commanded a vessel which reached, it is said, lat. 81° 30‘ N., and is supposed to have ascertained the limits of the great bay that bears his name. He was the author of two books, in the first of .which he gave a new method of discovering the longitude at sea by an observation of the stars. He was killed by the Portuguese at the siege of Ormuz, May 23, 16
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Baker, Edward Dickinson, 1811- (search)
Baker, Edward Dickinson, 1811- Military officer; born in London, England, Feb. 24, 1811. His family came to the United States when he was a young child, and settled first in Philadelphia and afterwards (1825) in Illinois. Young Baker chose the law for a vacation, and entered upon its practice in Green county, Ill. In 1837, while residing in Springfield, he was elected to the legislature. he was a State Senator in 1840-44, and then a member of Congress until the beginning of war with Nexico. In that war (1846-47) he served as colonel of Illinois Edward Dickinson Baker. volunteers, and was again elected to Congress in 1848. He settled in California in 1852, where he became distinguished in his profession, and as and orator in the ranks of the Republican party (q. v.). In 1859 he removed to Oregon, where he was elected United States Senator in 1860. He was in that service at the outbreak of the Civil War, when he raised a body of troops in New York and Philadelphia. Those o
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Balcarres, Alexander Lindsay, Earl, (search)
Balcarres, Alexander Lindsay, Earl, British military officer; born in Scotland in 1752; served three years in America under Carleton and Burgoyne, and was captured with the latter at Saratoga. At the battle of Hubbardton, where he was wounded, thirteen balls passed through his clothes. He was made major-general in 1793; lieutenant-governor of Jamaica in 1794; general in 1803; and subsequently one of the representative peers from Scotland. He died in London, March 27, 1825.