Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Whitehall (United Kingdom) or search for Whitehall (United Kingdom) in all documents.

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n, had humbled the pride of Louis XIV. in the dust — quailed before an unbreeched rabble of two thousands men from the Highlands. Panic fear marched in their van ; the royal army blundered up to the north, while the Pretender was hurrying southward; the gates of Edinburgh flew open, and on tle 17th of September, just three weeks after his landing, the heir of the Stuarts was seated on the throne of his ancestors in Holyrood House. That two thousand men, wrote the Marquis of Tweedale from Whitehall to Lord Milton, who had escaped from Edinburgh, and these the scum of two or three highland gentlemen, the Camerons, and a few tribes of the Macdonalds, should be able in so short a time to make themselves masters of Edinburgh, is an event which, had it not happened, I should never have believed possible. The panic, says another letter, wrought so powerfully on some, and worse arguments on others, that the town is now in the hands of the rebels. What bubble burst, when the forces of th