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he outside. It resembles in form and operation a sausage-cutting machine, but delivers a coarser product. Baize. (Fabric.) A coarse woolen fabric with a long nap, principally used for covering tables, screens, etc. First made at Colchester, England, in 1660. Bought me a new black baize waistecoate, lined with silk. — Pepys, 1663. Sir Thomas Clifford talked much of the plain habits of the Spaniards: how the king and lords themselves wear but a cloak of Colchester bayze, and the Colchester bayze, and the ladies mantles, in cold weather, of white flannell; and that the endeavours frequently of setting up the manufactory of making these stuffs there, have only been prevented by the Inquisition. — Ibid., February, 1667. Ba-la-lai′ka. (Music.) A musical instrument of the bandour kind, of very ancient Sclavonian origin. It is in common use both with the Russians and Tartars. According to Niebuhr, it is also frequent in Egypt and Arabia. The body of it is an oblong semicircle, about six