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men from the 37th regiment, which was then on outpost duty in front of the division, and a few mounted men, left the picket post at Accotink, and in obedience to orders, proceeded to the houses of Mrs. Lee and Potter, just beyond the village of Colchester. The two houses in question were located on each side of the Colchester road, and within 150 yards of the Occoquan. The detachment of our men reached the vicinity about midnight Lieut. Col. Burke divided his men into four sections. As MasColchester road, and within 150 yards of the Occoquan. The detachment of our men reached the vicinity about midnight Lieut. Col. Burke divided his men into four sections. As Massy's men approached Mrs. Lee's house, the sentry at the door fired his gun and gave the alarm. He was immediately shot down. --The rebel rangers within, nine in number, under command of Major Burrows, came to the upper windows and fired down upon our men. The fire was returned, and for nearly half an hour the bullets flew thick and fast in every direction. Lieut. Col. Burke came up with the remaining 25 men, and burst open the door. One of the rebels was met with a lantern in his hand, and wa