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In our summary of Northern falsehoods, published a few days since, there was an account of a "skirmish" on the Occoquan, in which ten Texans were said to have been "surprised and killed, and one taken prisoner," at the house of Mrs. Lee, at Colchester, by fifty Yankees. It is not very surprising that men who exhibited the cowardice of these fifty Yankees should lie about it. The truth is eight of Gen. Whiting's brave Texan scouts were surrounded at dead of night in Mrs. Lee's house, by fiftdier General Commanding congratulates the Texas brigade on the brave and successful defence made by eight of their comrades, on the night of the 28th instant, against a numerous scouting party of the enemy. These gallant men were in a house at Colchester, surrounded by a number of the enemy late at night. Though roused from their beds and summoned to surrender, they made fight and beat off the invaders, who left three of their dead on the ground and carried off several wounded. One who was wo