Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 18, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Colchester (United Kingdom) or search for Colchester (United Kingdom) in all documents.

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hundred and forty-four pounds), the mare was not overburdened with weight.--Mr. Brown and his nag started at 5 1.10 A. M. Kelvedon, twenty-three and three-fourth miles from the start, was the first place where the time was taken, at 7.30 A. M. Colchester (thirty-three and three-fourth miles) was reached at 8.20 A. M., where the nag was rested for twenty-five minutes, her mouth washed out, &c., and receiving every attention. At 8.45 A. M., the journey was continued without any diminution of spes five minutes and fifty seconds, including twenty-five minutes for the stoppage at Kelvedon. When three miles of the return journey had been completed, another pull-up was made, man and horse receiving every attention, but no time was taken. Colchester was reached at 11.50 A. M., the animal appearing to be as fresh as at the start, having trotted sixty and three quarter miles in six hours, forty-eight minutes and fifty seconds. Twenty minutes rest allowed, and gruel, &c., was administered, wh