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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 874 98 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 411 1 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 353 235 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 353 11 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 345 53 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 1 321 3 Browse Search
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 282 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 253 1 Browse Search
Allan Pinkerton, The spy in the rebellion; being a true history of the spy system of the United States Army during the late rebellion, revealing many secrets of the war hitherto not made public, compiled from official reports prepared for President Lincoln , General McClellan and the Provost-Marshal-General . 242 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 198 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I.. You can also browse the collection for Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) or search for Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) in all documents.

Your search returned 99 results in 16 document sections:

decided on transferring his establishment to Baltimore; and, in the summer of 1824, knapsack on shoas least likely to be offered. He reached Baltimore about the 1st of October, and issued on the , though receiving little encouragement from Baltimore itself. A year afterward, it began to be ise had expected, he was met, on his return to Baltimore, with tidings of the death of his wife, afteic. Lockport, Utica, and Buffalo, reaching Baltimore late in October. Lundy made at least one ipated slaves; was beaten nearly to death in Baltimore by a slave-trader, on whose conduct he had c join him in the editorship of The Genius at Baltimore, whither he accordingly proceeded in the AutLegislature had been repeatedly presented in Baltimore, receiving, at one election, more than nine denounced the coastwise slave-trade between Baltimore and New Orleans as domestic piracy, and stigbeing prevented by violence from speaking in Baltimore, he concluded to issue his journal from Bost
probably with other foreign Powers, dangerous to the integrity of the Union, inexpedient in the present financial condition of the country, and not called for by any general expression of public opinion. The Whig National Convention met at Baltimore, May 1--every district in the United States fully represented. Henry Clay was at once nominated for President by acclamation, and Theodore Frelinghuysen for Vice-President on the third ballot. The number in attendance was estimated by tens ofgreat interests of the whole Union, embracing agriculture, manufactures, and the mechanic arts, commerce, and navigation. I heartily approve the resolutions upon this subject as passed by the Democratic National Convention, lately assembled at Baltimore. I am with great respect, Dear Sir, your ob't serv't, James K. Polk. John K. Kane, Esq., Philadelphia. and dissembling on the Tariff question, had been frank and open on this. Nor had the ruling purpose with which the acquisition of Te
(30 of them Democrats from Free States; 8 Whigs from Slave States; and 74 Whigs from Free States); Nays 97; (21 Democrats from Free States, with all the Democrats, and all but 8, as aforesaid, of the Whigs, from Slave States). As the Court was then constituted, there was little room for doubt that its award would have been favorable to Slavery Extension; hence this vote. Mr. Clayton's Compromise, thus defeated, was never revived. The Democratic National Convention for 1848 assembled at Baltimore on the 22d of May. Gen. Lewis Cass, of Michigan, received 125 votes for President on the first ballot, to 55 for James Buchanan, 53 for Levi Woodbury, 9 for John C. Calhoun, 6 for Gen. Worth, and 3 for Geo. M. Dallas. On the fourth ballot, Gen. Cass had 179 to 75 for all others, and was declared nominated. Gen. William O. Butler, of Kentucky, received 114 votes for Vice-President on the first ballot, and was unanimously nominated on the third. Two delegations from New York presenting the
th of September; and, within ten days thereafter, a negro named James Hamlet had been seized in the city of New York, and very summarily dispatched to a woman in Baltimore, who claimed him as her slave. Before the act was a month old, there had been several arrests under it, at Harrisburg and near Bedford, Pa., in Philadelphia, atvantages derived by it from the Union. The National Conventions of the rival Whig and Democratic parties for 1852 were not held till very late — convening in Baltimore, the Democratic on the 1st, and the Whig on the 16th of June. But it had already been made manifest that a new article — acquiescence in the Compromise of 1850-, in Congress or out of it, the agitation of the Slavery question, under whatever shape or color the attempt may be made. The Whig National Convention met in Baltimore two weeks later than its rival, and a caucus of the Southern delegates, held the night before its organization, unanimously resolved to insist on making the wisd
upon withdrew from the Convention. On the first ballot for President, Millard Fillmore, of New York, received 71 votes; George Law, of N. Y., 27; and there were 45 scattering. On the next ballot, Mr. Fillmore received 179 to 64 for all others, and was nominated. On the first ballot for Vice-President, Andrew Jackson Donelson, of Tennessee, received 181 votes to 24 scattering, and was unanimously nominated. The nomination of Mr. Fillmore was ratified by a Whig Convention, which met at Baltimore on the 17th of September--Edward Bates, of Missouri, presiding. Mr. Fillmore was absent in Europe when the American nomination was made; but, returning early in July, took ground emphatically against the Republican organization and effort. In his speech at Albany, he said: We see a political party presenting candidates for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency, selected, for the first time, from the Free States alone, with the avowed purpose of electing these candidates by the suffrag
ates were convulsed with fear, rage, and hate, by telegraphic dispatches from Baltimore and Washington, announcing the outbreak, at Harper's Ferry, of a conspiracy oemonstration: Insurrection at Harper's Ferry!To the Associated Press: Baltimore, Monday, Oct. 17, 1859. A dispatch just received here from Frederick, and ndation in a difficulty at the Armory, with which negroes had nothing to do. Baltimore, 10 o'clock. It is apprehended that the affair at Harper's Ferry is more sthis State. There are many other wild rumors, but nothing authentic as yet. Baltimore, Monday, Oct. 17—2 P. M. Another account, received by train, says the briarper's Ferry Railroad. Washington is fifty-seven miles distant by turnpike; Baltimore eighty miles by railroad. Modest as the village then was, space had been witt the Government at Washington, Gov. Wise at Richmond, and the authorities at Baltimore, were in immediate communication with Harper's Ferry, and hurrying forward tr
ion at Charleston Splits on a platform the fragments adjourn to Baltimore and Richmond Douglas and Fitzpatrick nominated by the larger fra of Virginia, by a vote of 195 to 55, adjourned, to reassemble at Baltimore on Monday, the 18th of June; recommending to the Democratic partyThe regular Convention reassembled at the Front-street Theater in Baltimore, pursuant to adjournment. Some days were spent in considering thh met, first at Richmond on the 11th of June, adjourned thence to Baltimore, and finally met at the Maryland Institute on the 28th of June. T Constitutional Union (late American ) party held a Convention at Baltimore on the 19th of May; and, on the second ballot, nominated John Bels platform was practically eviscerated by the ready acceptance at Baltimore of Gov. Wickliffe's resolve making the dicta of the Supreme Court., who had so determinedly bearded the South at Charleston and at Baltimore, defying threats of disruption and disunion, were the very men wh
party there; while, if Lincoln triumphs, the result cannot fail to be a South united in her own defense — the only key to a full and — we sincerely believe — a peaceful and happy solution of the political problem of the Slavery question. Columns like the above might be quoted from the Breckinridge journals of the South, showing that they regarded the success of Douglas as the great peril, to be defeated at all hazards. In the Senate throughout the preceding, Session, at Charleston, at Baltimore, and ever since, they had acted precisely as they would have done, had they preeminently desired Mr. Lincoln's success, and determined to do their best to secure it. And now, a large majority of Lincoln Electors had been carried, rendering morally certain his choice by the Electoral Colleges next month, and his inauguration on the 4th of March ensuing. So the result contemplated and labored for by at least two of the four contending parties in the canvass had been secured. What next<
gh nothing was further from our intention. The following is a portion of Dr. Channing's letter: Boston, May 14, 1848. my dear Sir:--I wish to call your attention to a subject of general interest. A little while ago, Mr. Lundy, of Baltimore, the editor of a paper called The Genius of Universal Emancipation, visited this part of the country to stir us up to the work of abolishing Slavery at the South; and the intention is to organize societies for this purpose. I know of few objeon, is quite another. The former is Reform; the latter is Revolution. Hon. Reverdy Johnson, who lived in the same house with John C. Calhoun from 1845 to 1849, and enjoyed a very close intimacy with him, in a letter to Edward Everett, dated Baltimore, June 24, 1861, says: He [Calhoun] did me the honor to give me much of his confidence, and frequently his Nullification doctrine was the subject of conversation. Time and time again have I heard him, and with ever-increased surprise at his
rthern cities were anxious, apprehensive, and paralyzed, it was noted that at Baltimore, though no formal celebration was had, people seemed relieved and cheerful; tlitical barometer. It had been arranged that he should next day pass through Baltimore, the center of a grand procession — a cynosure of admiring eyes — the object thus far, passed through nearly all the great cities of the Free States. But Baltimore was a slaveholding city, and the spirit of Slavery was nowhere else more rampions that, in a confederacy composed exclusively of the fifteen Slave States, Baltimore would hold the position that New York enjoys in the Union, being the great sh take the cars secretly, during the evening of the 22d, and so passed through Baltimore, unknown and unsuspected, early on the morning of the 23d--reaching Washingtoto form an escort of one hundred thousand armed men to see him safely through Baltimore, than to have him pass through it clandestinely and like a hunted fugitive.