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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 5, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) or search for Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 8 results in 6 document sections:
the liabilities of Josiah Lee & Co., of Baltimore, are estimated at $300,000. the American says:
the terms of the assignment are that the partnership property shall first be devoted to the payment of partnership debts; their individual property to pay individual debts, and after the payment of individual debts, balance of the individual property to pay partnership debts.
It is the impression, from our best sources of information, that the creditors of the partnership will not realize more than 15 cents in the dollar.
Deed of assignment will be recorded in Harford county, and the estate settled in the court of that county.
P. Gover & Co. Also stopped on Thursday, and have made an assignment.
Their affairs are in better condition, and will pay about 75 cents on the dollar.
the following is a comparative statement of the imports of foreign dry goods at the port of New York, for last week, and since January 1st:
For the week.
entered at
Baltimore cattle market Baltimore, Nov. 2
--The offerings of beef cattle at the scales yesterday amounted to 1.600 head, of which 350 head were driven to Philadelphia, 200 to the country, 150 were left over unsold, and the balance (900 head) were taken by Baltimore butchers at prices ranging from $2.50 to $3.75, and averaging $3.12 ½, the same rate as last market day. There were, however, but few lots that brought the outside rates.
Hogs were a shade lower.
Sales were made at $8 to $8.25 per 100 lbs. for good to prime lots.
For sheep to day prices ruled as last Thursday, viz: $3 to $4 per head.
City Point. Nov. 3d, 1860.
Steamship Jamestown, Skinner, Richmond.
Steamship Roanoke, Couch, New York.
Steamer Belvidere, Keene, Richmond.
Schr. Margaret, New York.
Br. bark Junietta, Williamson, Liverpool.
Steamship Jamestown, Skinner, New York.
Steamship Roanoke Couch, Richmond.
Steamer Belvidere, Keene, Baltimore.
The Daily Dispatch: November 5, 1860., [Electronic resource], Free from Headache. (search)
Dock statement for October.
--Inward--71,000 bricks; 993 bbls., boxes and bales mdze.; 4,619 bags coffee; 1,000 bushels corn; 93 crates; 4,602 tons coal; 33 casks hardware; 1,910 bbls. fish; 3,361 tons guano; 1,770 bales hay; 761 tons iron; 695 tons ice; 111 tons iron ore; 3,799 casks lime; 1,361,672 feet lumber; 100,000 lath; 100 bundles pitch; 705 tons plaster; 5,509 sacks salt; 325,300 shingles; 52,430 bushels wheat; 5 New York, 5 Baltimore, 3 Boston packets, assorted cargoes; 223 boats and vessels entered the Dock; 205 cleared from Dock.
Outward--33,184 bbls. flour; 5,077 packages tobacco; 2,256 hhds. do; 11,700 bushels mill offal; 181 tons iron; 297 kegs nails; 22 tons copper; 302 bales domestics; 9 saw mills; 1,374 boxes, bbls.
and bales mdze; 800 empty bbls.; 100 bbls. cement; 274 bags dried fruit.