Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Beaufort, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) or search for Beaufort, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) in all documents.

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Anderson's communications are cut off; that Fort Moultrie has been completely repaired and the guns remounted; and that every thing is in readiness to open a fire on Major Anderson. New batteries are being erected around him by the secessionists.--N. Y. Times. In New York city an assembly of the people in the City Hall Park fire 100 guns in honor of Major Anderson. Five thousand citizens of Baltimore have signed a letter addressed to Governor Hicks, of Maryland, approving his course in refusing to convene the Legislature of that State. The list is headed by John P. Kennedy, Mr. Fillmore's Secretary of the Navy, and comprises the names of nine-tenths of the business men of the city. Calls for public meetings to sustain the Governor are now being issued all over the State.--Baltimore American. Governor Ellis, of North Carolina, dispatched troops to seize upon Fort Macon, at Beaufort, the forts at Wilmington, and the United States arsenal at Fayetteville.--Times, Jan. 3.
Regiment, Colonel George W. Pratt, returned to New York from the seat of war. The Eighth Regiment, Mass., reached Boston from the seat of war.--N. Y. Herald, August 2. The prize brig Herald, with a cargo of naval stores and tobacco from Beaufort, S. C., bound to Liverpool, and which was captured by the frigate St. Lawrence on the 16th of July, arrived at Philadelphia, Pa. She cleared from Boston, May 27, ostensibly for Turk's Island, but was then chartered by parties in New York for BeaufoBeaufort, S. C., with the intent to try the experiment of running the blockade.--N. Y. Evening Post, August 2. Scouts returned to Cairo, Ill., from the South, and reported that the rebels at New Madrid were well-armed and drilled. They have five batteries of ten-pound field-pieces, officered by foreigners, and two regiments of cavalry well equipped. General Pillow is in command. He has promised Ex-Governor Jackson to place 20,000 men in Missouri at once. He has also issued a proclamation, fu
mboldt, Kansas, was defeated by a force from Fort Scott, and their leader, killed. On his person was found an order from Ben McCulloch for the enrolment of the Quapaw Indians.--National Intelligencer, Sept. 28. The British schooner Revere, of and from Yarmouth, N. S., with a cargo of salt fish, arrived at Boston, Mass., in charge of Henry W. Wells, master's mate, and a prize crew from the United States steamer Cambridge. The Revere was captured while attempting to run the blockade at Beaufort, N. C.--N. Y. World, Sept. 23. The steamer War Eagle returned to Jefferson City, Mo., from an expedition on the Missouri River this evening. This steamer, together with the steamer Iatan, with the Indiana Twenty-second and Eighteenth regiments aboard, accompanied the steamers White Cloud and Des Moines, with the Indiana Twenty-sixth, as high up the river as Cambridge, where they captured the steamer Sunshine, seized a short time since by Green. They encountered no rebel troops. Unio
e crowds collected around the news and telegraphic offices throughout the day until late at night. Families commenced packing up, and large numbers of females and children were sent from the city by the night train to the up-country. The efflux will probably continue, and upon the whole we think this portion of the population should not be present to embarrass the defensive preparations.--Savannah Republican, Nov. 9. It having been reported that there were sundry rebel batteries near Beaufort, which is about ten miles above Port Royal, the gun-boats Seneca, Ottawa, and Pembina were detailed to go up and clear the way, if they, perchance, should find any thing to clear. They, however, ran the whole distance without encountering any opposition, or seeing any thing to lead to the belief that there were any masked guns along the river. They found the village entirely deserted by white people, the only man remaining being too drunk to get away. There were a number of negroes rem
rnor Brown.--The colored people of Vicksburg, Miss., advertise in the papers of that city to give a ball for the benefit of the soldiers from that State, in the Confederate service.--General Lee issued an order granting furloughs to those members of the South Carolina Legislature who were serving as soldiers in the Confederate States army, in that State, during the session, which commenced on the 25th ult.--Savannah News. Adjutant-Gen. Thomas sent out instructions to Gen. Sherman, in Beaufort, S. C., to take possession of all the crops on the island — cotton, corn, rice, etc.--on military account, and ship the cotton, and such other crops as were not wanted for the army, to New York, to be sold there for account of the United States; also, to use negro slaves to gather and secure the crops of cotton and corn, and to erect his defences at Port Royal and other places on the island.--Washington Republican, Nov. 30. A band of rebels, under the notorious Sy. Gordon, captured Capt.
antry force and battery to protect his movements, Colonel Leonard was compelled to let the rebel guns remain in position, and after nightfall the rebels returned and took them off.--(Doc. 217.) Port Royal Island, S. C., on which the town of Beaufort is situated, was taken possession of by the Union forces on the 6th inst., but neither the island nor the town were fully occupied till to-day, when a reconnoissance in force, consisting of three hundred of the Fiftieth Pennsylvania regiment, thtown were fully occupied till to-day, when a reconnoissance in force, consisting of three hundred of the Fiftieth Pennsylvania regiment, three hundred of the Roundheads, and half of Hamilton's Battery, all under command of General Stevens, drove the enemy completely from the island, they having to cross Port Royal Ferry, and taking up a position on the main land. The Union pickets were immediately extended so as to defend the town of Beaufort and the entire island of Port Royal.--N. Y. Tribune.
January 5. A party of National troops engaged the rebels in a slight skirmish on the mainland, near Port Royal, S. C., during which seven of the latter were captured, and marched to Beaufort. While under guard they were extremely unruly, and at one time attempted to effect their escape by beating down the guard and seizing their weapons.--N. Y. Times, January 11.
es of the Seventh Illinois cavalry, under command of Major Aplington, when reconnoitring within a mile and a half of Corinth, Miss., discovered two rebel regiments of infantry in position on both sides of the road. Major Aplington gallantly charged upon them, but fell pierced by a ball through the brain. Four of the Union troops were slightly wounded; the rebels suffered the loss of thirty killed and wounded, and four prisoners. The United States Senate passed a bill establishing Beaufort, S. C., as a port of entry. The iron-clad gunboats Galena, Aroostook, and Port Royal left Fortress Monroe and started up James River, at six o'clock this morning. Immediately after their departure, the rebel tug, F. B. White, came out from Craney Island, having left Norfolk this morning with a crew and two citizens on board, on a mission to Tannery Point, but they run over to Newport News, and surrendered to General Mansfield!--Baltimore American, May 9. Three brigades of General Bu
outh of the Warwick, the other about south-west from Mulberry Point. The upper battery, on Hardin's, or Mother Pine's Bluff, has heavy rifled pieces. Between the batteries lay the Jamestown and Yorktown. Commander Rodgers offered battle, but the gunboats moved off. He silenced one battery and ran past the other. Harvey Brown was confirmed as Brevet Brigadier-General in the United States army. President Lincoln issued a proclamation declaring that the blockade of the ports of Beaufort, Port Royal, and New Orleans shall so far cease and determine, from and after the first of June next, that commercial intercourse with these ports, except as to persons and things and information contraband of war, may from that time be carried on, subject to the laws of the United States and to the limitations and in pursuance of the regulations which are prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury.--(Doc. 14.) Commander Palmer, of the United States steamer Iroquois, demanded the surr
, were captured by a body of Nationals belonging to Col. Boone's regiment and carried into Nashville.--Nashville Union, July 12. John Morgan, the rebel guerrilla leader, issued an appeal to the citizens of Kentucky, calling upon them to rise and arm, and drive the Hessian invaders from their soil. --A fight took place two miles south of Scatterville, Ark., between a detachment of the First Wisconsin cavalry and a rebel force of ninety men under Capt. Allen. General Saxton, at Beaufort, S. C., reported to the War Department as follows: I have the honor to report that every thing pertaining to the special service for which I am sent to this department is in a favorable condition. The negroes are working industriously. We have some fifteen thousand acres of corn and cotton under cultivation. It looks well. The system of voluntary labor works admirably. The people are contented and happy. When the new crop is harvested they will cease to be a burden upon the Governm