Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I.. You can also browse the collection for Beaufort, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) or search for Beaufort, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) in all documents.

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h are scarcely average samples of diplomatic suavity. Georgia having given January 2, 1861. a large popular majority for Secession, her authorities immediately took military possession of the Federal arsenal at Augusta, as also of Forts Pulaski and Jackson, commanding the approaches by sea to Savannah. North Carolina had not voted to secede, yet Gov. Ellis simultaneously seized the U. S. Arsenal at Fayetteville, with Fort Macon, and other fortifications commanding the approaches to Beaufort and Wilmington. Having done so, Gov. E. coolly wrote to the War Department that he had taken the step to preserve the forts from seizure by mobs! In Alabama, the Federal arsenal at Mobile was seized on the 4th, by order of Gov. Moore. It contained large quantities of arms and munitions. Fort Morgan, commanding the approaches to Mobile, was likewise seized, and garrisoned by State troops. The steamer Star of the West left New York unannounced, during the night of January 5th, laden
telligently hostile to the Union, became a much easier prey to the conspirators. Her Democratic Legislature — reconvened at Raleigh, November 19th, 1860--had refused, a month later, to pass a bill to arm the State, though visited and entreated to that end by Hon. Jacob Thompson, then a member of Mr. Buchanan's Cabinet; and had adjourned December 22d. without even calling a Convention. This, as we have seen, did not prevent Gov. Ellis taking military possession of the Federal forts near Beaufort and Wilmington (January 2d), on the pretext that, if he did not do it, a mob would! He proceeded to reconvene the Legislature in extra session, and to worry it into calling a Convention; for which, an election was duly held. January 30, 1861. But the act making this call provided that the people, when electing delegates, might vote that the Convention should or should not meet. They profited by the gracious permission, and, while electing a Union Convention by an immense majority, vote
ed vessels might easily have intercepted and captured them all. All their works on Hilton Head and the adjacent islands, with about 40 guns, most of them new and large, were utterly abandoned; and, when our forces took possession, soon after, of Beaufort, they found but one white person remaining, and he drunk. The Rebel forts were fully manned by 1,700 South Carolinians, with a field battery of 500 more stationed not far distant. The negroes, save those who had been driven off by their mastersur arms. But Gen. Sherman had not been instructed to press his advantages, nor had he been provided with the light-draft steamers, row-boats, and other facilities, really needed for the improvement of his signal victory. He did not even occupy Beaufort until December 6th, nor Tybee Island, commanding the approach to Savannah, until December 20th; on which day, a number of old hulks of vessels were sunk in the main ship channel leading up to Charleston between Morris and Sullivan's islands — as
rom Gov. Harris. 482. Barry, Major, on the battle of Bull Run, 545. Barry, Mr., of Miss., withdraws from the Dem. Convention at Charleston, 314. Bartow, Gen., killed at Bull Run, 543; 545. Bates, Edward, of Mo., 247; in the Chicago Convention, 321; in President Lincoln's Cabinet, 423. Baton Rouge, La., Arsenal seized at, 412; 490. Bayard, James A., (father,) 107. Bayard, James A., (son,) 315; presides at the Seceders' Convention, 317, on Secession, 350; 437; 562. Beaufort, S. C., captured by Federals, 605. Beauregard, Gen. G. P. T., 442; demands the surrender of Fort Sumter, 443; proclamation by, 534; commands the Rebels at Bull Run, 539; his official report, 541 to 546; 551. Beckwith, Major, at Lexington, Mo., 588. Bedford, Pa., fugitive-slave arrests near, 216. Bee, Gen., (Rebel,) killed at Bull Run, 543; 545. Bell, John, his election to Congress, in 1827, aided by negro votes, 179; 207; nominated for President, 319; 325; 482; vote cast for him