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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 36. battle of Port Royal, S. C. Fought November 7, 1861. (search)
my official despatches, I have sent gunboats to take possession of Beaufort and to protect the inhabitants; but I regret to say they have fled Capt. Gillis over the other side. To-day I have an expedition to Beaufort to save the light vessels, but they were fired instantly after the surrender. Beaufort is deserted. The negroes are wild with joy and revenge. They have been shot down, they say, like dogs, because they is to be bettered. The white men have all fled. Vessels go up to Beaufort to-day. This will be carried by Capt. Steedman, of the Bienvillthe Wabash into the thickest fight, and behaved very gallantly. Beaufort has been taken by the gunboats, the town having been abandoned by the Beaufort Rangers, Whippe swamp Guards, the Carlton Guards, and Beaufort guerillas. After four hours bombardment the rebels fled precipinot even stop long enough to fire them. To-day, the large town of Beaufort, fifteen miles from here, is entirely deserted — not a white man i
morning Fort Beauregard, on Bay Point, was also occupied, and several gunboats were sent up to Beaufort, and the town was found deserted. From one of the wounded rebels taken prisoner at Fort Walkportance of their aid must be great. Soon after landing, a detachment of men proceeded up to Beaufort, and found it tenantless except by one dilapidated person, who presented some traces of cultivacited only the risibles of our men as they raised, with many cheers, the Stars and Stripes over Beaufort. As I close my long and hasty letter, troops are being landed from the transports to occupy he heaviest attack will be on the south side. The inlet behind the north island leads north to Beaufort, and that behind the south island leads south to Savannah. Thursday, Nov. 7.--Early this mor arrival rebel gunboats were discovered through our glasses — some coming from the direction of Beaufort and others from Savannah — running down occasionally from Parry Island, which faces the entranc
Doc. 137 1/2. capture of Beaufort, S. C. A correspondent of the New York Herald, gives the following account of this capture:-- F no defences of any kind could be described, beside a battery near Beaufort, where the guns had been taken out and transferred to Bay Point. On arriving at a point about half a mile distant from Beaufort quite a number of persons were observed to leave the village, and hastily take Captain Collins, the senior officer of the gunboats, to proceed to Beaufort and suppress any excesses that the negroes might commit in their e them to continue in a state of slavery, and that they might go to Beaufort or to Hilton Head, as they pleased. They left, saying that they would return to Beaufort and make arrangements to remove, and they thought that all the slaves would come down to Hilton Head. Some of them hanee, Port Royal Bay, November 11, 1861. Our gunboats went up to Beaufort yesterday, land found the town and the river banks deserted by the
the highest among us. He enjoys the confidence of the people, and his reputation already renders powerless the arms of your enemies. By him we have won victories in the South, and by these victories we have assurances of triumphs yet to come. Beaufort is ours — Charleston may be ours — the whole country now disintegrated may be shortly united by the force of those arms of which you are a part, and the Union once more signify to the world the intent of that glorious motto, E Pluribus Unum. Thee protection of our homes, the safety of our families, the continuation of our domestic altars, and the protection of our firesides. In such a war we are justified, are bound to resort to every force within our power. Having opened the port of Beaufort, we shall be able to export millions of cotton bales, and from these we may raise the sinews of war. Do you say that we should not seize the cotton? No; you are clear upon that point. Suppose the munitions of war are within our reach, would we
tation on Hutchinson Island, about twelve miles above Otter Island, which was as far as the vessels could go. Here were a large number of negroes, but no white men, although they told me there was a picket of soldiers about three miles beyond. At this time I heard heavy firing, and as we all supposed it proceeded from the Pawnee, I hurried every one on board and returned down the river as quickly as possible; but, on reaching that vessel, was told that the sounds came from the direction of Beaufort. Then, with the Pawnee, got under way, and, accompanied by the other vessel, ran across the bay to Hunting Island's River, where I landed and looked for the fortifications on the point of Hunting Island, but could not find the least appearance of there ever having been any there. The light-house had been recently blown up, and all the public property carried away. I had now examined all the points mentioned in your letter, except Coffin's Landing, which had been visited by Lieutenant O
l the 13th of November, and was in regular communication with his friends and family until mail communication was cut off. All letters, excepting some of those from his family, were opened and read before he received them. He had access to the daily papers in Montgomery, and occasionally received papers from Richmond. The tone of the papers, and of persons with whom he conversed, were arrogant and confidant even to boasting, until the arrival of intelligence of the attack and capture of Beaufort by the Federal forces. This news fell like a wet blanket upon all their hopes. They made no secret of denouncing the rebel Government for not making a better defence. declaring there was no safety to the cities on the coast, and that no dependence whatever could be placed upon the fortifications. A tone of despair seemed to prevail, and the people were loud in their denunciations of a Government which gave them no security, nor intelligence of the actual condition of affairs, and the re