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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Connecticut Volunteers. (search)
ober 21-23. Frampton's Plantation, Pocotaligo, October 22. Duty at Hilton Head and at Beaufort, S. C., till June, 1863. Moved to Folly Island, S. C. Expedition to James Island July 9-16. . C., October 21-23. Action at Frampton's Plantation, Pocotaligo, October 22. Duty at Beaufort, S. C., till March, 1863, and at Jacksonville, Florida, till April. Moved to Hilton Head, S. C.-23. Action at Frampton's Plantation, Pocotaligo, October 22. Duty at Hilton Head and Beaufort, S. C., till January 8, 1863. Moved to Fernandina, Florida, January 13, and duty there till Apraven and mustered in March 8, 1864. Left State for Annapolis, Md., March 19. Moved to Beaufort, S. C., April 8-13, and duty there till August 8. Attached to District of Beaufort, Dept. of th 1st Division, 25th Army Corps, Dept. of Texas, to October, 1865. Service. Moved from Beaufort, S. C., to Bermuda Hundred, Va., August 8-13, 1864. Siege operations against Petersburg and Ric
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Illinois Volunteers. (search)
5-17. Peach Tree Creek July 19-20. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Utoy Creek August 5-7. Flank movement on Jonesboro August 25-30. Battle of Jonesboro August 31-September 1. Lovejoy Station September 2-6. Pursuit of Hood into Alabama October 1-26. Action at Resaca, Ga., October 12-13. March to the sea November 15-December 10. Monteith Swamp December 9. Siege of Savannah December 10-21. Campaign of the Carolinas January to April, 1865. Moved to Beaufort, S. C., January 3, thence to Pocotaligo. Reconnoissance to Salkehatchie River January 20. Salkehatchie Swamp February 2-5. Rivers' and Broxton's Bridges February 2. Rivers' Bridge February 3. Binnaker's Bridge, South Edisto River, February 9. Orangeburg, North Edisto River, February 11-12. Columbia February 15-17. Fayetteville, N. C., March 11. Cape Fear March 18. Cox's Bridge, Neuse River, March 19-20. Battle of Bentonville March 20-21. Occupation of Goldsb
ainst Fort Pulaski till April 11. Bombardment and capture of Fort Pulaski April 10-11. Duty at Hilton Head and Beaufort, S. C., till March, 1863. Expedition to Jacksonville, Florida, March 18-23. Operations near Jacksonville March 23-31. Reconnoissance toward Baldwin March 25. Skirmish near Jacksonville March 25. Moved to Beaufort, S. C., March 31-April 1. Expedition against Charleston April 3-12. Moved to Hilton Head, S. C., April 16, and duty there till November 14. Moved to Beaufort, S. C., November 14, and duty there till April, 1864. Veterans on furlough March and April. Moved to Fortress Monroe, Va., April 14. Butler's operations on south side of James River and against Petersburg and Richmond To St. Helena Island February 10, and duty there till April 4. Expedition against Charleston April 4-12. At Beaufort, S. C., till June. Moved to Fernandina, Florida, June 4-6, and duty there till October 6. (A detachment acting as Art
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Massachusetts Volunteers. (search)
ion Cavalry Organized by detachment of Companies I, K, L and M, 1st Massachusetts Cavalry, August 4, 1863. Duty at Beaufort and Hilton Head, S. C., till February, 1864. Company I (a Detachment) at Morris Island, S. C., August to December, 18le of New Berne March 14. Guard, picket and outpost duty at New Berne till January 22, 1863. Reconnoissance toward Beaufort and Expedition to Washington March 20-21, 1862. Company A ordered to Washington May 1, and Company C to same point Mastrict, District of. Charleston, Dept. South Carolina, to August, 1865. Service. At Thompson's Plantation near Beaufort, S. C., June 4-8, 1863. Moved to St. Simon's Island June 8-9. Expedition up Altamaha River June 10-11. At St. Simoy 11-13. Duty at Forts Jackson, Bartow and Battery Lee till February 1. Moved to Hilton Head, S. C., thence to Beaufort, S. C., February 1. Expedition up South Edisto River February 1-6. Moved to Stono Inlet February 6. Expedition to
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Michigan Volunteers. (search)
h Army Corps, to July, 1865. Service. Sherman's Expedition to Port Royal, S. C., October 19-November 7, 1861. Capture of Forts Walker and Beauregard, Port Royal Harbor, November 7. Hilton Head, S. C., November 8. Occupation of Beaufort, S. C., December 7. Chisholm Island December 17. Port Royal Ferry, Coosaw River, January 1, 1862. Guard and picket duty at Beaufort till April. Reconnoissance up Bull River February 23-26 (Detachment). Duty at Battery Halleck, Tybee Beaufort till April. Reconnoissance up Bull River February 23-26 (Detachment). Duty at Battery Halleck, Tybee Island, during siege of Fort Pulaski April 1-12. Bombardment and capture of Fort Pulaski April 10-11. Reconnoissance to Wilmington and Whitmarsh Islands and action April 16. Duty on Port Royal Island till June. Pocotaligo May 29 (1 Co.). Operations on James Island, S. C., June 1-28. Battle of Secessionville June 16. Evacuation of James Island June 28-July 7. Moved from Hilton Head, S. C., to Newport News, Va., July 12-17, thence to Fredericksburg, Va., August 4-6. Oper
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, New Hampshire Volunteers. (search)
ames Island, S. C., June 8. Action on James Island June 10. Moved to Beaufort, S. C., June 12, and duty there till April, 1863.) Regiment moved from St. Augustine, Florida, to Beaufort, S. C., September 6, 1862, and duty there till April, 1863. Expedition to Pocotaligo, S. C., October 21-23, 1862. Action at Caston 1864. Capture of Forts Wagner and Gregg September 7, 1863. Moved to Beaufort, S. C., January 17. Expedition to Whitmarsh Island February 20-22, 1864. Moved to Jacksonville, Florida, February 23, and return to Beaufort, S. C., February 26. Veterans on furlough March-April. Non-Veterans at Beaufort till April 12Beaufort till April 12, then ordered to Gloucester Point, Va. Butler's operations on south side of James River and against Petersburg and Richmond May 4-27. Capture of Bermuda Hundred aService. Duty at Dry Tortugas, Florida, till June 16, 1862. Moved to Beaufort, S. C., June 16, and duty there till September 15. Moved to St. Augustine, Flo
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, New York Volunteers. (search)
ton August 17-23. Vinegar Hill August 26. (Co. K built Fort Duane at Beaufort, S. C., summer 1863.) Capture of Forts Wagner and Gregg September 7. Bombarust to October. (Cos. G and I at Fort Pulaski.) Duty at Hilton Head and Beaufort, S. C., October, 1863, to February, 1864. Expedition to Jacksonville, Florida,vember 7. Occupation of Bay Point November 8 to December 11. Duty at Beaufort, S. C., and vicinity till June 1, 1862. Expedition to Port Royal Ferry Januaryered to Hilton Head, S. C., January, and duty there till June, 1863. At Beaufort, S. C., till December, 1863, and at Hilton Head, S. C., till February, 1864. Eohnson and Battery Simpkins, James Island, S.,C., July 3, 1864. Duty at Beaufort, S. C., till November, 1864. Hatch's Expedition up Broad River November 28-30.ort Royal, S. C., January 26. Duty at Port Royal, St. Helena Island and Beaufort, S. C., till June, 1863, and on Folly Island, S. C., till July. Attack on Morr
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Pennsylvania Volunteers. (search)
Moved to Hilton Head, S. C., June 18-22, thence to Beaufort, S. C., July 2, and duty there till October. Expedition topwrecked off coast of North Carolina. Occupation of Beaufort, S. C., December 6. Port Royal Ferry, Coosaw River, Januar Operations against Charleston April 4-15. Duty at Beaufort, S. C., till July 6. Moved to Folly Island July 6. Expecotaligo, October 22. Duty at Port Royal Ferry near Beaufort, S. C., till January, 1864. Regiment re-enlisted January 1egard, Port Royal Harbor, November 7. Occupation of Beaufort, S. C., December 8, and duty there till June, 1862. Port Rtion against Charleston, S. C., April 4-12. Duty at Beaufort, S. C., till July. Expedition to James Island, S. C., July At St. Helena Island, S. C., till February 27. At Beaufort, S. C., till June, and at Hilton Head, S. C., till July 28. ry 27-February 3. Duty at St. Helena Island, S. C., Beaufort, S. C., and Hilton Head, S. C., till July, 1863. Ordered h
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Rhode Island Volunteers. (search)
tion at Whitmarsh and Wilmington Islands April 16, 1862. At Beaufort, S. C., till November, 1863. Moved to Morris Island, S. C., Novembust 15-19. Engagement at Gainesville August 17. Moved to Beaufort, S. C., October, and duty there till November 29. Expedition to Boer 6-9. Deveaux Neck December 6 and December 27. Duty at Beaufort, S. C., till May, 1865, and in Dept. of the South till August, 1865. tober 22. At Hilton Head, S. C., till January, 1863, and at Beaufort, S. C., till June, 1863. Broad River April 8. Port Royal Ferry ed men by disease. Total 196. African Descent. Organized at Beaufort and Hilton Head, S. C., May 22, 1863. Attached to Districts of Hilton Head and Beaufort, S. C., 10th Army Corps, Dept. of the South, to July, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division. Morris Island, S. C., 10thlle March 23-31. Evacuation of Jacksonville March 31. At Beaufort, S. C., till July. Raid on Combahee River June 2. Expedition to
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, South Carolina Volunteers. (search)
Carolina Regiment Infantry (African Descent). Organized at Beaufort, S. C., January 31, 1863. Attached to District of Beaufort, S. C.,., November 7 (Co. A ). Doboy River November 8. Duty at Beaufort, S. C., and Port Royal Island till March, 1863. Expedition from BeBeaufort up St. Mary's River in Georgia and Florida January 23-February 1. Skirmish at Township January 26. Expedition from Beaufort to JaBeaufort to Jacksonville, Florida, March 6-10. Occupation of Jacksonville March 10-31. Camp Jackson March 10. Operations near Jacksonville March 23-31. Skirmish near Jacksonville March 29. At Beaufort, S. C., till January, 1864. Expedition up South Edisto River July 9-11, 1863. d K at Hilton Head, S. C., till September, 1863, then moved to Beaufort, S. C.; Cos. A and F moved to Hilton Head September, 1863, returning to Beaufort, S. C., October 2.) Regiment moved to Hilton Head, S. C., January, 1864. Expedition to Jacksonville, Florida, February 6-8.