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ident or death to mar its recollection. Colonel Shaw, personally reporting to General Hunter, was ordered to proceed to Beaufort and disembark. On that day General Hunter wrote the following letter:— headquarters Department of the South, Hilton m, Your very obedient servant, D. Hunter, Major-General Commanding. It was 4 P. M. when the De Molay started for Beaufort, leaving the storehouses, quarters, and long pier making up the military station of Hilton Head. The steamer crossed thon its waters, including the frigates Wabash and Vermont, a monitor, several gunboats, and a French steamer, and reached Beaufort before dark. Col. James Montgomery, with the Second South Carolina Colored, was just debarking from a successful foray ng this first afternoon on South Carolina soil Colonel Shaw thoughtfully sent to the officers a present of champagne. Beaufort was our abiding-place for only four days, and the Fifty-fourth never returned to it. Sandy streets shaded with fine oaks
n unsuccessful assault on Fort Wagner, with considerable loss to us. Abraham F. Brown of Company E accidentally shot himself to death with a small pistol he was cleaning. Late that afternoon Lieutenant-Colonel Hallowell, with Companies D, F, I, and K, went out on picket in front of our right, remaining throughout a dark and stormy night. During the night of the 13th, Captain Emilio, with Company E, picketed about Legareville. Capt. A. P. Rockwell's First Connecticut Battery arrived from Beaufort on the 14th. Between the 10th and 16th there had arrived for the enemy from Georgia and North Carolina two four-gun batteries and six regiments of infantry. Beauregard also reduced his force on Morris Island and concentrated on James, under command of Brig.-Gen. Johnson Hagood. Gillmore still kept Terry there, inviting attack, although the purpose of the diversion had been accomplished. On the 15th the enemy demonstrated in front of the Tenth Connecticut pickets. It was rumored that
rms, which had either been destroyed or damaged in their hands by shot and shell, or were thrown away in the effort to save life. The officers present for duty were Captain Emilio, commanding, Surgeon Stone, Quartermaster Ritchie, and Lieutenants T. W. Appleton, Grace, Dexter, Jewett, Emerson, Reid, Tucker, Johnston, Howard, and Higginson. Some fifty men, slightly wounded, were being treated in camp. The severely wounded, including seven officers, were taken on the 19th to hospitals at Beaufort, where every care was given them by the medical men, General Saxton, his officers, civilians, and the colored people. By order of General Terry, commanding Morris Island, the regiment on the 19th was attached to the Third Brigade with the Tenth Connecticut, Twenty-fourth Massachusetts, Seventh New Hampshire, One Hundredth New York, and Ninety-seventh Pennsylvania, under General Stevenson. Upon the 20th the labors of the siege work began, for in the morning the first detail was furnished
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Chapter 7: bombardment of Charleston. (search)
as a lack of fresh vegetables. Early in October, however, Mr. Reuben Tomlinson brought a large supply for the Fifty-fourth,—a present from the contrabands about Beaufort; and similar welcome gifts followed from the same source from time to time. Tobacco, dried apples, lime-juice, writing-paper, brushes, etc., were purchased withy-fourth was a visitor in camp about this time, in the person of Albert G. Browne, Esq., the special agent of the Treasury Department, whose headquarters were at Beaufort. His son, Col. Albert G. Browne, Jr., was the military secretary of Governor Andrew, and also one of the regiment's early and tried friends. There had been sunder date of December 13. In his report he says,— I deem it proper to say here, that among the many regiments that I saw at Hilton Head, St. Helena Island, Beaufort, Folly, and Morris Island, white and colored, there are none, to my inexperienced eye, that equalled the Fifty-fourth and Fifty-fifth, unless it was the Fortiet
Sixty-fourth Georgia, Col. D. L. Clinch, Fourth Georgia Cavalry, and Captain Crawford, Twenty-eighth Georgia. After the war in 1867 or 1868 the remains of Union soldiers buried on the field of Olustee were taken to the National Cemetery at Beaufort, S. C., for reinterment. The battlefield remains in much the same state as in 1864,—an open pine barren with many trees bearing the scarifications of shot and shell. Provision was made for carrying the wounded from Barber's, February 21, by plabe had, finding an old oven, had soft bread baked. The worthy quartermaster describes his first batch as a sort of indigestible paste very good for diarrhoea. Our wounded were first cared for at Jacksonville, and then sent to Hilton Head and Beaufort. Major Appleton, on the 26th, with Companies A, B, and E, was sent to occupy works at the front as a reserve, should the cavalry be forced back. That day the Fifty-fourth and Fifty-fifth Massachusetts were brigaded together for the first time,
lett and Benj. B. Edmands, newly appointed, reported; Capt. R. H. L. Jewett and Lieutenant Littlefield re-joined from the North; Assistant-Surgeon Pease resigned; Assistant-Surgeon Bridgham, who had been reappointed, reported June 5, but went to Beaufort, sick, resigning there on the 16th. Lieutenant Tomlinson was discharged at the North. There was variable weather the second week in June, but remarkably cool for three days previous to the 15th, with rain. Then the hot weather set in, the teentry-boxes were built for shelter. The troops suffered from want of ice. Desiccated vegetables, soaked overnight and boiled with fresh beef, were issued twice a week. As fresh vegetables were sorely needed, Commissary-Sergeant Lee was sent to Beaufort and brought back a limited quantity. Our daily duties of fatigue and grand guard went on unvaryingly week after week. The troops only looked forward to the arrival of the mails to bring news of events taking place elsewhere. Some sick and w
1, 1864, were free April 19, 1861. The fact of freedom was to be settled by the sworn statement of the soldier, and entered against the man's name on the musterrolls. August 29, Sergeant Cross and a few men of the Fifty-fourth returned from Beaufort, where they had received full pay from enlistment in accordance with the foregoing regulations. Colonel Hallowell made the first effective muster for pay of the regiment on the 31st. As no particular form of oath had been prescribed, he adminind assistance of their only friends, the negroes. Besides the departure of the One Hundred and Fifty-seventh New York, on the 21st, the Morris Island garrison was further reduced by the transfer of the One Hundred and Twenty-seventh New York to Beaufort. This necessitated the detail the next day of Lieutenant Leonard and Company K as provost guard, and Company A joined in that duty shortly after. At a meeting of the officers on the 24th the Rev. James Lynch, a colored man, was elected chaplai
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Chapter 13: operations about Pocotaligo. (search)
re exchanged. That day the Twenty-fifth Ohio went by water to Blair's Landing, advanced on the Beaufort road, and flanking a work of the enemy, compelled its abandonment and captured two guns, one ofegiments. January 3, at night, the Twenty-sixth United States Colored Troops left Graham's for Beaufort, and the Fifty-fourth the next morning took position at the former regiment's old camp close beseen a few mounted men only. Sherman was now transferring his right wing from Thunderbolt to Beaufort; his left wing was ordered to Robertsville. There seemed to be some uncertainty regarding the yal Island to the main on a pontoon bridge, and moved toward Pocotaligo, twenty-five miles from Beaufort. They encountered Colonel Colcock, our old friend of Honey Hill, at Gardner's Corners, and dryond the rice-fields, recrossed with small loss. News came of Lieutenant Webster's death, at Beaufort, January 25, of fever. This faithful young officer was the only one the Fifty-fourth lost by
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
erset Co. Md. 7 May 63; 29 May--Gen. Hos. Beaufort, S. C.; dis. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. laborer; Woodford, Ky. 12 May 63; 8 Je 65 Beaufort, S. C.; dis. Wounded 18 Apl 65 Boykins Mills, S. barber; Brooklyn, N. Y. 16 Mch 63; 16 Jly 65 Beaufort S. C; dis. Trsfd from Co. D. $50. Middletoeaman; Sheeban, Pa. 17 Dec 63; died 30 Apl 64 Beaufort, S. C.-Chr. Diarrhea. $325. Green, John A.; laborer; Columbia, Pa. 27 Mch 63; 10 Jly 65 Beaufort S. C.; dis. $50. Circleville, O. Company Ech 63; died of wounds 27 Jly 63 Gen. Hos. Beaufort, S. C. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft Wagner. $50. Richapl 63; died of wounds 14 Aug 63 Gen. Hos. Beaufort, S. C. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Jac14 Apl 63; died of wounds 7 Aug 63 Gen. Hos. Beaufort S. C. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft Wagner. $50. Atkaborer; Evansville, Ind. 25 Jly 63; 16 Jly 65 Beaufort, S. C; dis. Wounded and pris. 20 Feb 64 Olusn.; farmer; Scituate. 25 Aug 63; 8 Je 65 Beaufort, S. C.; dis. —— Raymour, William 19, sin.; la[51 more...]<
lin, Jason. Private, Co. K; roster says, missing, supposed killed, and nothing further; name in list of wounded prisoners at Lake City, March 31, 1864. Gooding, James H. Corporal, Co. C, wounded; died a prisoner, July 19, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga. Hawkins, Isaac S. Private, Co. D; exchanged March 4, 1865, at Goldsboro, N. C.; discharged June 20, 1865, at Annapolis, Md.; name in list of wounded prisoners. Johnson, Edward. Private, Co. G, wounded; discharged July 16, 1865, at Beaufort, S. C., for disability. Mitchell, William. Private Co. F; roster says, wounded and prisoner, and nothing further; name in list of wounded prisoners, March 31, 1864, at Lake City, Fla. Morris, George. Corporal, Co. B, wounded; exchanged March 4, 1865, at Goldsboro, N. C.; returned to regiment June 7, 1865. Morris, William H. Private Co. K; roster says, missing, supposed killed, and nothing further; name in list of wounded prisoners, March 31, 1864, at Lake City, Fla. Rensellaer, C