Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 22, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Beaufort, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) or search for Beaufort, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) in all documents.

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leston, S. C., will tend to allay all injudicious apprehensions with respect to the loyalty of the negroes in and around Beaufort: Headquarters, Coosawhatchie, Nov. 13, 1861. General: --In reply to your enquiries, I have the honor to infoon there has been some misapprehension in regard to the condition and state of feeling of the negroes in the vicinity of Beaufort, and upon Port Royal Island. I visited Beaufort and rode through the Island in company with a small escort yesterday moBeaufort and rode through the Island in company with a small escort yesterday morning. We saw no indications of any general disaffection among the negroes. Some disorders it is true appear to have transpired during the absence of the whites, but all of the negroes whom we met, and we conversed with many of them, appear to be dinger and Lieut. W. L. Campbell, took a detachment of the Colleton Guards, and went down to Sam's Point, five miles from Beaufort, where Capt. Hays' company was stationed. We had learned that they had evacuated, and concluded if a little risk would
Capture of a Yankee, &c. Augusta, Nov. 21. --The Charleston Courier, of this morning, says that one of the invaders has been captured and brought to that city. A gentleman who arrived there yesterday reports that three vessels, crowded with Federals, were lying at Hazard Creek, and, it is supposed, were about to land. Some vessels were off Beaufort, and sixty or seventy of the enemy were quartered in that town.