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pends for success. It seems that the Federals intend to continue menacing both Columbus and Bowling Green, and that with a force only to be resisted from our entrenchments; and that another force is to march on, if it can, to Nashville, via Scottsville and the Bowling Green and Nashville Railroad. This expedition to Nashville will be under the command of McCook.--Crittenden is to cross the Gre branch of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad. They hope thus to force Hardee out of Bowling Green into the open field, or to a surrender. The plan, a sort of miniature of that of Gniesnau ijust, and unless positively crowded down, we feel certain the victory will be thus either at Bowling Green itself or at Nashville. The more we try to get at the exact force of the Federals, the more doubt that they possess the needed superiority to carry out this plan; devised, we think; on an erroneous estimate by them of our forces, especially of those parts of it outside of Bowling Green.
rebels. The result of this pursuit, I have learned since beginning this letter, was the captures of a very large portion of the force; but so improbable sounds the number that I can hardly give it credence and the benefit of an expression. The result of this splendid achievement has been the defeat and destruction of an army of 10,000 men, and, doubtless, their utter demoralization. It has removed from the left flank of our army the only obstruction that prevented its marching on Bowling Green. It has left. General Thomas's division free to act as the left wing of the main army, composed of the First, Second and Third divisions, and we, shall doubtless have vigorous movements on the part of Generals McCook, Nelson and Gritenden, in accordance with this one on Gen'l The man's part, we says gained and new hold possession of the entrenchments of while Gen. Creek and Mill Spring. We have taken eighteen pieces of artillery and many pieces mounted on the works. All their ammuni
Latest from the North. reported battle at Bowling Green--the Federals defeated. [special Dispatch to the Richmond Dispatch.] Norfolk, January 28. --The flag of truce steamer, this evening, brought Mrs. Carl Epping and three children, wife of the Dutch Consul at Savannah. The New York Herald, of the 27th, has been received here. It was reported in Washington yesterday that a battle had occurred at Bowling Green, in which the Federals were . Wothing official receivedBowling Green, in which the Federals were . Wothing official received. The Europa had arrived at Halifax, with dates to the 12th. She brings further news from the Trent affair, its political effect, &c. Great satisfaction was manifested at the British demands being complied with. The Paris Moniteur, with most of the London journals, condemn bitterly the stone blockade. The Tuscarora was still watching the Confederate steamer Nashville. It was reported that the Sumter had left Cadiz for Southampton. Dresden had been visited by an earthqu