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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 19, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Venice (Ohio, United States) or search for Venice (Ohio, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 4 results in 1 document section:
The Daily Dispatch: March 19, 1864., [Electronic resource], The Italian conspiracy against Napoleon — official Accusation of Mazzini as the "Head of the Plot ." (search)
Mobbing a Democratic paper in Dayton, Ohio.
--A letter in the Cincinnati Enquirer, written from Dayton, Ohio, gives the following account of the mobbing of the Empire newspaper there, a Democratic sheet.
It says:
We arrived at Dayton on Dayton, Ohio, gives the following account of the mobbing of the Empire newspaper there, a Democratic sheet.
It says:
We arrived at Dayton on the morning train from the North.
On our way to the hotel bells sounded the alarm of fire.
As we neared the principal streets shouts of "mob, mob," saluted our ears, followed by cries of "the Empire office is being mobbed"--an exclamation which seeDayton on the morning train from the North.
On our way to the hotel bells sounded the alarm of fire.
As we neared the principal streets shouts of "mob, mob," saluted our ears, followed by cries of "the Empire office is being mobbed"--an exclamation which seemed to be unusually popular with the peddlers upon the discovered the whole cause of alarm, which brings us to particulars.
An article in the Empire, of the 2d, referring to the 63d regiment, had given offence.
Misconstrued, exaggerated, and on and the Government, [cheers,] and I tell you, by G — d, if any action is taken against me and my men here, the city of Dayton shall suffer."
This man belongs to Springfield, is a pseudo Captain in the 44th O. V. I., and wears a uniform which