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of the column. A salute of three rounds was fired by the infantry and artillery over the grave.--Charleston Mercury, July 29. Last night the steamer W. I. Maclay, Capt. Conway, bound from Cincinnati for St. Louis, Mo., was fired into at Cape Girardeau. The Maclay had landed at Cape Girardeau to discharge freight and passengers, and had no trouble whatever with any person or persons at that place. It was late at night, and very few people were seen. The officers discovered a number of teCape Girardeau to discharge freight and passengers, and had no trouble whatever with any person or persons at that place. It was late at night, and very few people were seen. The officers discovered a number of tents, presenting the appearance of a camp, above the town. Soon after the boat had left the wharf to continue her trip to St. Louis, between two and three hundred shots were fired at her from shore. The shots took effect in the texas, pilot-house, and hurricane roof, some of them entering a lot of empty barrels on the roof. Two or three shots passed through the bulkheading of the texas, and one of them took effect in the head of the cook, who was asleep in his berth. It struck him on the left
atkins' old force, has moved the encampment from Bloomfield to within eight miles of Charleston. Part of Pillow's command, numbering some 3,000, are upon the Cape Girardeau road, between Madrid and Charleston. The rebels have taken military possession of the road through West Prairie from New Madrid to Cape Girardeau, and are prCape Girardeau, and are preparing for an attack upon Bird's Point or Cape Girardeau. However, every thing is in a masterly state of preparation both at Camp Defiance and at Bird's Point, for the fight.--(Doc. 139.) Yesterday M. Parks, the agent of the State of North Carolina in Portsmouth, Virginia, transferred to the Confederacy a fleet of five steaCape Girardeau. However, every thing is in a masterly state of preparation both at Camp Defiance and at Bird's Point, for the fight.--(Doc. 139.) Yesterday M. Parks, the agent of the State of North Carolina in Portsmouth, Virginia, transferred to the Confederacy a fleet of five steamers already manned and armed.--Richmond Examiner, July 30, 31. Brigadier-General Pope issued a special order, assigning Brigadier-General Hurlburt to the command of the United States forces along the Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad. Colonel Grant to command at Mexico, on the North Missouri road; Colonel Ross to occupy Mount
s, and were ill-clad, almost barefoot, weary, and hungry. The whole of the two hundred and forty fugitives enlisted in the United States service at Camp Dick Robinson, in Kentucky.--Louisville Journal. The office of the Sentinel at Easton, Pa., was destroyed by a crowd of Unionists.--Philadelphia Press, August 20. The town of Commerce, Mo., forty miles from Cairo, Ill., which was taken by a battery planted by the secessionists, was retaken by five hundred troops sent down from Cape Girardeau by order of Gen. Fremont. The rebels made no stand with their battery on the approach of the National troops. Their number was about one hundred and fifty infantry and one hundred and fifty cavalry.--Boston Transcript, August 21. This day the Department of State, at Washington, gave notice that no person will be allowed to go abroad from a port of the United States without a passport either from this Department or countersigned by the Secretary of State; nor will any person be all
August 30. General Fremont, at St. Louis, issued a proclamation declaring martial law throughout the State of Missouri; the disorganized condition of the State Government rendering it both proper and necessary that he should assume the administrative powers of the State. The lines of the army of occupation were declared to extend from Leavenworth, by way of the posts of Jefferson City, Rolla, and Ironton, to Cape Girardeau on the Mississippi River; and all persons who might be taken, with arms in their hands, within those lines should be tried by court-martial, and if found guilty of disloyalty to the Government, should be shot. General Fremont, in accordance with the law passed by Congress, declared that the property, real and personal, of all persons in the State of Missouri, who should take up arms against the United States, or be directly proven to have taken active part with their enemies in the field, should be confiscated to the public use, and their slaves, if any they
ng the President, and other officers of the St. Louis Mercantile Association and the Chamber of Commerce, to take the oath of allegiance prescribed by law. In case of failure to do so for the space of ten days, the officer so failing shall be deemed to have resigned; and if he attempts to exercise the functions of his office, he shall be arrested for contempt and punished according to the laws of war.--(Doc. 20.) The Southern expedition left Port Royal, S. C., and consisted of all the light-draft steamers, light gunboats, and eight thousand troops. The object supposed to be an attack on Savannah, commencing with Fort Pulaski. Official despatches received at St. Louis, Mo., from the expedition sent from Cape Girardeau to Benton and Bloomfield. It captured Lieutenant-Colonel Farmer and eleven other officers and sixty-eight privates, with a quantity of arms, horses, saddles, etc. Most of the rebel officers were surprised and captured in a ballroom.--General Halleck's Despatch.
ve them, and all they had to do was to drive out the Federal officers, and that they would live and possess the country in ease and luxury. The Colorado volunteers, (Pike's Peakers,) and some one thousand regulars, are at and in the vicinity of Fort Craig, under command of Col. Paul. Gen. Canby has reestablished his headquarters at Santa Fe, where he and the staff are at present.--Missouri Democrat. An expedition consisting of six squadrons of the First Wisconsin cavalry, from Cape Girardeau, Mo., went to Bloomfield yesterday, and early this morning fell upon the rebel Col. Phelan's camp, scattering them in every direction, with one killed and eleven captured. A large number of horses and a quantity of camp equipage were also taken. A rebel force, numbering five or six hundred, infest Chalk and Poplar Bluffs, impressing all the men. The country is being swept of horses, cattle and supplies, which are sent South. The people are in a state of great terror.--Indianapolis Journa
e rebellion.--At Louisville, Ky., during the sale of a lot of negroes at the court-house this morning, the Provost-Marshal notified the buyers that four of those put up for sale were free under the provisions of the President's Proclamation. The sale, nevertheless, went on, when the matter of the four contrabands was turned over to the District Judge.--Louisville Journal. The Seventy-sixth Ohio regiment, under the command of Colonel R. C. Woods, returned to Milliken's Bend, La., from an expedition into Mississippi. They visited the regions bordering on Deer Creek, and destroyed three hundred and fifty thousand bushels of corn, and thirty cottongins and grist-mills in use by the rebels. The town of Cape Girardeau, Mo., garrisoned by a force of National troops, under the command of General John McNeil, was this day attacked by a strong body of rebels, under General Marmaduke, but after a contest of several hours' duration, the rebels were repulsed with heavy loss.--(Doc. 177.)
April 28. About ten o'clock last night a rebel regiment, being the advance-guard of Marmaduke's army, which was then retreating from Cape Girardeau, were surprised three miles west of Jackson, Mo. Two small howitzers loaded with musket-balls were discharged simultaneously within thirty yards of them, killing and wounding a large number. At the same time the First Iowa cavalry charged upon them, and not a man of the entire regiment escaped, all who were not killed or wounded being taken prisoners. All of their guns, horses, camp equipage, and several thousand dollars' worth of stolen property were captured by the Union party. Early this morning General Vandeveer advanced, and perceiving the main body of the rebels in full retreat, he immediately followed, keeping up a constant artillery fire on their rear. At two o'clock this afternoon he was joined by General McNeil, and the combined forces continued the pursuit.--Missouri Democrat. General Hooker's army crossed the Ra
May 2. The battle of Chancellorsville, or the Wilderness, Va., between the Union forces, under Major-General Hooker, and the rebels, under Gen. Lee, commenced this day.--(Doc. 183.) After repulsing the rebel force under General Marmaduke, at Cape Girardeau, on the twenty-sixth ultimo, General McNeil, with a much inferior force, immediately started in pursuit, and chasing them from point to point, finally came up with them to-day at Chalk Bluff, on the St. Francois, and drove them across the river into Arkansas, thus ending Marmaduke's rebel raid into Missouri.--(Doc. 177.) The Union cavalry force, under Colonel Grierson, arrived at Baton Rouge, La., to-day, after a raid of fifteen days through the State of Mississippi. They had several skirmishes with parties of rebels, defeating them at every encounter; they destroyed bridges, camps, equipages, etc.; swam several rivers, captured a number of prisoners and horses, and obtained a large amount of important information c
elf, with a remnant of his band escaped. Before the war he was the United States agent for the Cherokees of East-Tennessee and North-Carolina, a position which gave him great influence with the savages. The Union loss in the fight was three killed--among whom was Lieutenant Capran, son of the colonel who first commanded the regiment — and five wounded. A detachment of the Forty-ninth Ohio were sent to bring in the prisoners. Day before yesterday a scouting-party sent out from Cape Girardeau, Mo., by Colonel J. B. Rogers, under command of Captain Shelby, Second regiment of cavalry, M. S. M., attacked a large band of guerrillas under the noted chief, John F. Bolin, killed seven, and captured eight men, thirteen horses, and fifteen wagons loaded with corn. Bolin was captured and confined in the guard-house at that post. At a late hour to-night he was forcibly taken by the enraged soldiers and citizens from the custody of the guard, and hung. No intimation of the act reached