Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Cape Girardeau (Missouri, United States) or search for Cape Girardeau (Missouri, United States) in all documents.

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reat of his ten thousand confederates from Cape Girardeau into Arkansas, having been an eye-witness ittle band camped four miles north of the Cape Girardeau road--thirty miles march — crossing one swn their way to seize the important post of Cape Girardeau, General McNeil instantly turned his columicer Commanding U. S. Forces in and around Cape Girardeau: Sir: By order Major-General Sterling Prrender, unconditionally, of the troops in Cape Girardeau and the adjoining forts, together with allyour demand for a surrender of the post of Cape Girardeau. He thinks himself able to maintain its pas demanded the surrender of the forces in Cape Girardeau — the fortifications and Government proper. With my combined forces now surrounding Cape Girardeau, I deem it an easy task to storm and captuGeneral McNeil, Commanding U. S. Forces in Cape Girardeau. General McNeil, to this insulting dem been gobbled up by them. The column from Cape Girardeau was not allowed to push on, prudential rea[3 more...]<