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he forces there, which are threatening Missouri. The Germans did not want to leave Cairo, and many left in tears. Louisville, June 29--The St. Louis Democrat's Cairo correspondent says that hundreds of Missourians are concentrating on the Arkansas border and are receiving arms from the South. They expect to be joined by Tennesseeans, Arkansians and Mississippians. Bird's Point is guarded by two regiments and a battalion of flying artillery. Hon. A. T Leary has arrived at Cape Girardeau. Gen. Lyon is still at Booneville. Col. Rosseau's troops go into camp on the Indiana side. Gen. Lyon prohibits the shipment of everything intended for the seceded States. Boston, June 29.--The St. Domingo advices of the 17th say that Spanish men-of-war are in St. Wana Bay, and that storehouses were being erected on the shore. Baltimore, June 29.--Six regiments from the North have passed through here for Washington within the past twenty-four hours. Jefferson City, Mo