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2. --A special to the Appeal gives news from the Chicago Times or the 28th ult. At Indianapolis. Gen. Haskell has issued an order declaring that editors of newspapers, or other persons, endeavoring to bring the Government's war policy into disrepute, will violate Gen. Burnside's death order, and will be treated accordingly. Six hundred infantry and seven hundred cavalry have gone into Brown county to make arrests. At Cincinnati, naval officers from below say that Vicksburg will not be attacked, but instead, the levees will be cut and other mischief done, with the view of rendering the country below Helena untenable. At Cairo, Gen. Jeff Thompson, with 2,500 men, attacked Cape Girardeau, but withdrew with the loss of fifty killed. The Federal loss is small — McNeill commanding. The month of Arkansas and White river are connected by a canal. Grant's headquarters are at New Carthage. Important movements are afoot. Over 3,000 males and females are oath-bound.