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Your search returned 574 results in 119 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: June 29, 1861., [Electronic resource], Notice to our Subscribers. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: July 19, 1861., [Electronic resource], Unfortunate occurrence--
(search)five persons Drowsed.
Outrageous conduct.
--On Thursday last, as the steamer J. C. Swon, with German soldiers from Cape Girardeau, was passing the little town of Preston, on the Mississippi river, in this county, a large number of the soldiers commenced firing with Minnie rifles into the town, and kept up the unaccountable firing as long as the boat was in reach.
Although the steamer was nearly three-quarters of a mile from the shore, the whistling of the bullets could be distinctly heard by those in the town, and the limbs were cut off a number of shade trees.
Fortunately no one was hurt, but several of the Minnie balls were picked up in the street after the occurrence.
This conduct on the part of the soldiers is perfectly unaccountable, as not the slightest indignity was offered to the boat by any one, nor have we heard any imputation of the disloyalty of the town's people.--Jonesboro' (Ill.) Gaz.,July 6.
Federal movements in Missouri. Louisville, August 1.
--The St. Louis Democrat, of Tuesday, the 30th, says that eight boats, with about 8000 Federal troops, will leave the next day, (Wednesday,) for Cape Girardeau.
Movements in Missouri. Springfield, Mo., Aug. 8
--Much alarm is felt in consequence of reports that the Southerners are flanking the city.
Stores are closed, citizens are gathering their valuables, and the State Bank has placed its specie in charge of Gen. Lyon.
At Potosi, Mo., about one hundred Secessionists dashed through the town and killed a large number of the Home Guard, and only losing two of their own men.
Eleven hundred Southerners are at a point 30 miles below here.
St. Louis, Aug. 10--It is reliably stated that Jeff Thomas is hovering in the immediate vicinity of Cape Girardeau.
The Daily Dispatch: August 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], War matters. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: August 30, 1861., [Electronic resource], Reported skirmishing. (search)
Reported victory of the Southern forces in Missouri. Memphis, (via Paducah,) Aug. 28
--It is reported here that there was a battle on yesterday at Cape Girardeau.
The Confederates were victorious.
This intelligence created considerable commotion at Cairo.