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protection of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In executing their deeds of local charity the Grand Army of the Republic found they must call to their assistance the good and loyal women. There were innumerable cases where only a woman could minister to the unfortunate; hence almost every post has auxiliaries in the persons of noble women who do as much as the members of the posts for the helpless and indigent. In 1883, at the national encampment of the Grand Army, held at Denver, Colorado, such glorious women as Florence Barker, of Massachusetts; Kate B. Sherwood, of Ohio; Annie Wittenmyer, of Pennsylvania; Mrs. L. A. Turner, of Massachusetts; Clara Barton; and a score of others organized the Woman's Relief Corps as auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic. Since the time of the organization of this corps, the parent society has had to look well to its honors, as these noble women have raised and distributed their hundreds of thousands of dollars; built homes for th
My department embraced the States of Missouri and Kansas, the Indian Territory, and New Mexico. Part of this section of countrywestern Kansas particularly-had been frequently disturbed and harassed during two or three years past, the savages every now and then massacring an isolated family, boldly attacking the surveying and construction parties of the Kansas-Pacific railroad, sweeping down on emigrant trains, plundering and burning stage-stations and the like along the Smoky Hill route to Denver and the Arkansas route to New Mexico. However, when I relieved Hancock, the department was comparatively quiet. Though some military operations had been conducted against the hostile tribes in the early part of the previous summer, all active work was now suspended in the attempt to conclude a permanent peace with the Cheyennes, Arapahoes, Kiowas, and Comanches, in compliance with the act of Congress creating what was known as the Indian Peace Commission of 1867. Under these circums
important Fort in the far West, containing millions of dollars' worth of government stores, is now safe beyond peradventure. It is garrisoned by one thousand five hundred soldiers, has water within the fortification, and provisions for an almost unlimited siege. It will be the rallying-point for the ample Union forces now marching to expel the invaders. Major Donaldson says the march of the Colorado Volunteers, a regiment of nine hundred and sixty men, organized by Gov. Gilpin, from Denver City, to the succor of Fort Union, exceeds anything on record. They traversed forty miles a day during the last four days, when they heard the Fort was in danger of falling. Their timely arrival secured its absolute safety. Major Donaldson relates many incidents of the battle near Fort Craig, and says that Major Lockridge, of Nicaragua fillibuster fame, fell dead at the head. of the Texas rangers in their last charge upon Captain McRea's battery.--N. Y. Commercial, April 3. Early yest
Dawfuskie Island, in the Savannah River, Ga. Her cargo consisted of assorted stores for the rebel government. Fort Pillow, Ky., garrisoned by loyal colored troops, under the command of Major Booth, was attacked by the rebel forces under General Forrest, and after a severe contest was surrendered to the rebels, who commenced an indiscriminate butchery of their prisoners, unparalleled in the annals of civilized warfare--(Docs. 1 and 139.) A detachment of the First Colorado cavalry had a fight with a party of Cheyennes on the north side of the Platte River, near Fremont's Orchard, eighty-five miles east of Denver, on the State road. Two soldiers were killed, and four wounded. Several of the Indians were also killed.--the steamer Golden Gate, from Memphis for Fort Pillow, laden with boat-stores and private freight, was taken possession of by guerrillas to-night, at Bradley's Landing, fifteen miles above Memphis, Tenn. The boat, passengers, and crew were rifled of every thing.
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), April 29-June 10, 1862.-advance upon and siege of Corinth, and pursuit of the Confederate forces to Guntown, Miss. (search)
tion, though important, is too exposed for a single brigade, with our line disposed as at present. General Hurlbut has two companies at Russell's and two regiments along the edge of a field which lies to the east of RusselPs house. This house is now the advance picket station in our front, and I have a chain of sentinels around by the right to a point on the Purdy and Corinth road, where it joins on to the pickets of General McClernand. There was no loss sustained by Generals Hurlbut's or Denver's commands in their flank movements on RusselPs, but the loss in General Morgan L. Smith's brigade was pretty heavy-10 killed and 31 wounded, a list of whom will accompany his report. The Confederates left 12 dead on the ground, whom we buried. They removed their wounded, of which many traces were on the ground and in the houses. Among their dead was 1 captain and 2 lieutenants. We took only 1 prisoner, whom 1 send to the provost-marshal. I have the honor to be, your obedient servan
minance of Murdstone and Quinion herself — of Quinion at any rate. Yes, and of Murdstone too. Miss Bird, the best of travellers, and with the skill to relate her travels delightfully, met the rudimentary American type of Murdstone not far from Denver, and has described him for us. Denver — I hear some one say scornfully-Denver! A new territory, the outskirts of civilization, the Rocky Mountains! But I prefer to follow a course which would, I know, deliver me over a prey into the Americans' ple social order in the older states will be too strong for it; or whether, on the other hand, it may be too strong for the elegant and simple social order. Miss Bird then describes the Chalmers family, a family with which, on her journey from Denver to the Rocky Mountains, she lodged for some time. Miss Bird, as those who have read her books well know, is not a lackadaisical person, or in any way a fine lady; she can ride, catch, and saddle a horse, make herself agreeable, wash up plates, i
, as he had a company a short distance off that would kill the whole party if they harmed him. He was allowed to proceed to the camp, where he found all but two of the men asleep. One of them presented a gun at him, but did not shoot. After some conversation, the Sergeant was permitted to leave the camp. When safely outside of it, and as soon as he reached a hill, where he was in full view of his own company, he gave the signal by waving his handkerchief. Capt. Long left the horses in charge of a few men, took the balance of the company, and surrounded the Secesh. Capt. Long commanded them to stack their arms and surrender. Chamberlain surrendered, but refused to stack arms, and threw his rifle into the fire. They were all taken and marched back to Fort Wise. Upon investigation, it was ascertained that the company had been raised in Denver, and was on its way to Arkansas, for the purpose of taking a part in the rebellion. They are confined at Fort Wise.--Leavenworth Times.
the position, though important, is too exposed for a single brigade, with our line disposed as at present. Gen. Hurlbut has two companies at Russell's and two regiments along the edge of a field which lies to the east of Russell's house. This house is now the advance picket-station in our front, and I have a chain of sentinels round by the right to a point on the Purdy and Corinth road, where it joins on to the pickets of Gen. McClernand. There was no loss sustained by Gens. Hurlbut or Denver's commands in their flank movements on Russell's; but the loss in Gen. Morgan L. Smith's brigade was pretty heavy--ten killed and thirty-one wounded, a list of whom will accompany this report. The confederates left twelve dead on the ground, whom we buried. They removed their wounded, of which many traces were on the ground and in the house. Among their dead was one captain and two lieutenants. We took only one prisoner, whom I sent to the Provost-Marshal. I have the honor to be your
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 2.13, chapter 2.14 (search)
wed that this should be the last time I would have to condemn myself for a scandalous act of the kind. What an egregious fool I have been! Hang N----and all his gang! was my thought for many a day. Like David Copperfield's first supper-party, one such lesson was enough for a man who was to do a man's part; he never again fell under Circe's spell. But the hunger for robust exploit was there, and he had found a companion of kindred tastes. With W. H. Cook, in May, 1866, he started for Denver. We bought some planking and tools, and, in a few hours, constructed a flat-bottomed boat. Having furnished it with provisions and arms against the Indians, towards evening we floated down the Platte River. After twice up-setting, and many adventures and narrow escapes, we reached the Missouri River. From Omaha they travelled to Boston, where in July, 1866, they took a sailing-ship for Smyrna. They had planned to go far into Asia. The precise nature of their plan is not recounted; bu
l, I hope, reach you this morning. He carried with him what he regarded as a specific remedy. . . . My ease, my health, my property, my life, I can give to the cause of my country. The heroism which could lay my wife and children on any sacrificial altar is not mine. Spare us, good Lord. Yet he was subjected to peculiar trials. During the war a four-year-old son fell from a balcony and was instantly killed. Only two of his children survived him—Margaret, who married J. A. Hayes of Denver, Colorado, in 1877, and Varina Anne Davis, favorably known as a writer, honored at many a veterans' reunion, and beloved throughout the South as Winnie, the Daughter of the Confederacy. Let us have peace The following significant sentences form part of the conclusion to General Grant's Personal memoirs: The war has made us a nation of great power and intelligence. We have but little to do to preserve peace, happiness and prosperity at home, and the respect of other nations. Our ex