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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XXVIII (search)
inistration, I was ordered by the President to go to that place from Chicago and suppress that violation of the treaty obligations between this country and China. On my arrival at Omaha, I was informed by press reporters that a grand conclave at Denver that night was to consider a proposition to order out all the train-men on the Union Pacific Railroad the next morning, for the purpose, as I understood, of preventing the passage of my train. I told the reporters they might telegraph those people in Denver, but not for publication, that I was traveling over a military road, on military duty, under orders from the commander-in-chief of the army; that interference with that journey would be regarded by me as an act of war, and would be so treated. I heard no more on that subject. That interpretation of the Pacific Railroad acts was suggested several times, but never officially accepted until 1894. The following are in substance the orders sent on July 6 and 7, by the President's d
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
n march to the sea, 317 Dean, Widow, 225 Death, foreboding of, 141 Debs, Eugene V., leader of riots at Chicago, 498 Decatur, Ala., Federal possession of, 167, 194, 197; necessity for railroad guards near, 197; as base of supplies for Sherman, 304; possible movement by Sherman toward, 311; proposed movement for Thomas toward, 317, 319, 322; Hood's probable movement via, 318; possible siege of, 319, 321, 322 Democratic party, attitude on President Johnson's impeachment, 415 Denver, Colo., proposed strike of trainmen at, 509, 510 Department of Arkansas, repeal of orders concerning, 451 Department of Justice, action concerning the Pacific railroads, 510, 511 Department of North Carolina, S. assigned to command of, 346, 351, 360, 367-377; S. relinquishes command of, 377 Department of State, sends S. to France, 382; S. ordered to report at, 383, 393 Department of Texas, the, discharge of soldiers from, 382; S. appointed to command, 447 Department of the Col