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, including 7,000 for speculation and export. Liverpool, March 17.--The estimated sales yesterday were 25,000 bales, including 8,000 for specula- tion and export; stock in port 907,000 bales, of which 750,000 are American. Hewitt's circular reports the market as closing buoyant, and fully 1/2 higher. Flour quiet and steady. Wheat firm. Corn a shade higher. Sugar buoyant. Breadstuffs firm, and prices generally unchanged. Provisions generally quiet. Consols 92@92 1/2. From Denver city. Fort Kearny, March 28.--The Western stage, with mails and passengers, and Hinckley's Express, for Omaha, passed here at 4 P. M. Denver, March 25.--The daily yield of gold in the mines is very rapidly increasing. The mills are nearly all getting to work, many of them with the new gold-saving process. The population on the Blue Rim slope has doubled in the last month. That district will be a great theatre of gold mining operations. The road over the snowy range, betwee
From Denver city. Fort Kearny, March 28.--The Western stage, with mails and passengers, and Hinckley's Express, for Omaha, passed here at 4 P. M. Denver, March 25.--The daily yield of gold in the mines is very rapidly increasing. The mills are nearly all getting to work, many of them with the new gold-saving process. The population on the Blue Rim slope has doubled in the last month. That district will be a great theatre of gold mining operations. The road over the snowy range, between the South and Middle Forks, is open for pack ani- mals, but not for wagons. Emigrants from the States are beginning to arrive. The weather is very fine.