Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Dumfries, Va. (Virginia, United States) or search for Dumfries, Va. (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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March 15. This day a reconnoitring party started from the north side of Quantico Creek, and occupied Dumfries, Va. From the river to the village the road was strewn with dead horses. Some were in harness attached to wagons. The rebel force in and around Dumfries was composed of Texans, Alabamians, South--Carolinians, under the command of Wigfall, of Texas. About thirty cartridge and cap-boxes, some blankets, flour, etc., were found in the house used as Wigfall's headquarters. A largeDumfries was composed of Texans, Alabamians, South--Carolinians, under the command of Wigfall, of Texas. About thirty cartridge and cap-boxes, some blankets, flour, etc., were found in the house used as Wigfall's headquarters. A large quantity of shells and cartridges were also stowed away in a barn, and seventy-five boxes of ammunition were found near the creek.--N. Y. Commercial, March 17. The United States frigate Cumberland, which was sunk by the attack of the Merrimac, rebel steamer, still keeps her masts above water, and the Stars and Stripes are yet flying at her masthead. A Naval expedition, composed of the gunboats Benton, Louisville, Cincinnati, Carondelet and Conestoga, under Flag-Officer Foote, left Cai
d to throw over the stern a small package, which immediately sunk. To-day Gen. Sickles ordered a portion of the First regiment, Excelsior brigade, under the command of Col. Dwight, to reconnoitre the position of the enemy's forces between Dumfries and Fredericksburgh, Va. His skirmishers, after marching to a place four miles in the interior, suddenly came upon a force of rebel cavalry, who were put to flight. When within a short distance of Fredericksburgh, a camp of the enemy was disce might be cut off, he marched toward Dumfriers. On the way the force examined a barn where some rebel cavalry were seen to emerge, and found it filled with choice commissary stores, to which the soldiers helped themselves. On the march from Dumfries to Shipping Point, within five miles of the latter place, a large camp was discovered, containing many good log houses and tents. Articles of furniture were also found, such as sofas, bedsteads, mirrors, cushioned arm-chairs, officers' trunks,
ne of defence.--New York Herald, March 27. A reconnoissance was made from Newport News, Va., as far as Big Bethel, where the rebels were discovered to be posted to the number of onet housand five hundred. Upon the approach of the National troops, they vacated the place without showing fight, and Big Bethel was occupied by the Union soldiers.--(Doc. 110.) Two squadrons of the First New Jersey cavalry, under command of Col. Wyndham, surrounded a party of rebel Texas Rangers near Dumfries, Va., twelve miles below the Occoquan. A few shots were fired on both sides without injury, except that one of the Nationals was slightly wounded in the wrist. Ten prisoners were taken and carried to Washington. The National troops captured a number of wagons loaded with wheat, but owing to the want of horses, were enabled to bring off only four of them. The Petersburgh, Va., Gazette of this date, complains that Gen. Burnside occupies the palatial residence of the President of the Ban
he battle near Fort Craig, and says that Major Lockridge, of Nicaragua fillibuster fame, fell dead at the head. of the Texas rangers in their last charge upon Captain McRea's battery.--N. Y. Commercial, April 3. Early yesterday morning, a regiment of picked men, belonging to the Excelsior Brigade, under the command of Brig.-Gen. Sickles, left Liverpool Point for Stafford Court-House, Va., on a reconnaissance. The troops landed at Shipping Point Batteries, and marched from thence past Dumfries through Aquia to Stafford Court-House. There was skirmishing between a body of six hundred rebel cavalry and the advanced corps of Gen Sickles's command, six miles from Stafford, and firing on both sides was continued until the Nationals reached that place to-day. The rebels in their retreat set fire to the town and all the stores. The Union forces promptly stopped the conflagration as soon as they entered. A number of prisoners, horses, stores, etc., fell into their hands. After remai
occupied by the National cavalry alry belonging to the army of General Grant.--A fight took place near Franklin, Va., between a force of Union troops, under the command of Colonel Spear, Eleventh Pennsylvania cavalry, and a body of rebel cavalry, supported by artillery, resulting in a complete rout of the rebels, with considerable loss.--(Doc. 57.) Lieutenant Hoffman of the First New Jersey cavalry, and six of his men, were surprised while on picket-duty, at a point three miles from Dumfries, Va. In their unsuccessful resistance, private Thomas Buffin was seriously wounded.--General Averill sent a reconnoisance from Brooks's Station, up the Rappahannock River, which succeeded in capturing a number of rebel pickets, and obtaining valuable information.--At three o'clock this morning parts of two companies of the Eighth Pennsylvania cavalry, numbering sixty men, under the command of Captain Wilson, were attacked at King George Court-House, Va., by a large body of rebels, who succeed
After an artillery fight of three or four hours, in which the rebels were driven back, the National force returned to their camp at Suffolk.--(Doc. 71.) This afternoon the gunboat Essex, accompanied by the transport Winona, while making a reconnoissance of the fortifications at Port Hudson, was fired upon by a party of rebel artillerists, under the command of Captain Boone, and compelled to retire.--About day-break this morning, a large body of General Stuart's rebel cavalry entered Dumfries, Va., and captured thirty-five National pickets and sutlers. After destroying the telegraph and several Government wagons, they retreated, and the town was soon after occupied by the Union troops, under Brigadier-General Steinwehr.--A skirmish took place on the Kinston road, about fourteen miles from New-bern, N. C., between the column of the expeditionary forces, under General Foster, and a small body of rebels, resulting in a rout of the latter with some loss.--(Doc. 73.) The rebel sa
December 27. Elizabethtown, Ky., was this day captured by the rebel forces, under General J. H. Morgan, after a short resistance by the Union garrison of the post, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel H. S. Smith. An immense amount of public and private property was destroyed and carried off by the rebel troops.--(Docs. 52 and 88.) A fight took place at Dumfries, Va., between the garrison of the town, consisting of three infantry regiments, a section of a field-battery, and a regiment of cavalry, under the command of Colonel Charles Candy, and the rebel forces of Generals Stuart and Fitz-Hugh Lee, with a battery of artillery, in all about three thousand five hundred men, resulting, after a desperate conflict of several hours' duration, in a retreat of the rebel forces with great loss.--(Doc. 89.) Yesterday the expeditionary army, under General Sherman, successfully disembarked near the mouth of the Yazoo River, and to-day marched on Vicksburgh.--(Doc. 91.) To
inia Railroad, and a locomotive, tender, and cars. They also captured four hundred rebel troops, six or seven hundred stand of arms, and a large quantity of valuable stores.--(Doc. 92.) Major-General Sherman, commanding the Union army before Vicksburgh, raised the siege of that town by reembarking his army on his transports, and sailing out of the Yazoo.--(Doc. 91.) General J. E. B. Stuart, with his rebel cavalry, returned to Richmond this morning from his expedition to Occoquan, Dumfries, and Anandale,Va., having been absent seven days, during which time he burned several bridges on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, and captured or destroyed large quantities of National stores.--Richmond Dispatch, January 3, 1863. The iron-clad steamer Monitor, Commander Bankhead, sprung a leak and foundered a few miles south of Cape Hatteras, N. C. Four officers and twelve men were lost in her.--(Doc. 93.) The battle of Parker's Cross-Roads, Tenn., was this day fought between a
command of the rebels, sent a despatch to Richmond stating that the enemy finding all his efforts unavailing to make any inroad upon our position here, has reembarked, leaving a considerable quantity of intrenching tools and other property, and apparently has relinquished his designs upon Vicksburgh. President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was officially issued as General order no. 1. A detachment of Stuart's rebel cavalry, commanded by Major Herring, made a descent into Dumfries, Va., and captured a quantity of public stores and ten sutler's wagons, belonging principally to Maine and New York regiments. The movement was accomplished with such extraordinary expedition, that but two drivers only escaped.--At Richmond, Va., brown sugar sold at one dollar and ten cents per pound, molasses at eight dollars a gallon, and other necessaries of life in proportion.--Richmond Examiner. Salutes in honor of the confirmatory proclamation of the President of the United States,