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Browsing named entities in Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Hagerstown (Maryland, United States) or search for Hagerstown (Maryland, United States) in all documents.

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orth bank of the Potomac, down the Cumberland valley from Chambersburg toward Hagerstown, and from the northwest by McClellan along the line of the Baltimore & Ohio ra, occupied Cumberland, Md., and on the 15th Patterson advanced his troops to Hagerstown from Chambersburg, Pa., where he had been collecting, organizing and instructhnston and induced him to send Hill to Romney. The advance of Patterson to Hagerstown, within a day's march of Martinsburg, and the reported Federal advance towaront of Washington, Scott, on the 18th, thought of having Patterson march from Hagerstown to Frederick and join Stone in a movement down the Potomac, from Leesburg, to-Gen. Robert Patterson, with the Federal army which he had concentrated, left Hagerstown June 30th, with the intention of invading Virginia in two columns, one crossiuntry he had invaded, while the enemy could, he was compelled to send back to Hagerstown for all his subsistence. He was also under the impression that Johnston's ar
lled the South mountain), in the vicinity of Hagerstown, if he could draw him that far away, where, concentration of his army in the vicinity of Hagerstown. Jackson was perfectly familiar with the earning that a Federal force was threatening Hagerstown from the direction of Harrisburg, he proceedg, and Longstreet was ordered to return from Hagerstown, to Hill's aid, on the morning of the 14th. hat victory-compelling leader to move toward Hagerstown and take position guarding the left of his aement. The turnpike road from Sharpsburg to Hagerstown runs nearly north and south, and, for at leaith 1,600 men, extended this line across the Hagerstown road and into the northern end of the West wd, turned the Confederate right, crossed the Hagerstown road, and entered the eastern edge of the Weturns to the eastward, about halfway between Hagerstown and the Dunker church, and ascends to the su them back to the defensive fences along the Hagerstown road and to the shelter of the numerous buil[4 more...]
the west and to disconcert any plans that McClellan might be forming for a new campaign into Virginia, as he desired not only to gain time for collecting together the fragments of his army, but for the people of Virginia, especially those of the fertile valley of the Shenandoah, to gather the harvest of Indian corn which was now ripe and ready for cutting and shocking. On the 25th of September he suggested to President Davis that the best move his army could make would be to advance upon Hagerstown and fall upon McClellan from that direction, saying: I would not hesitate to make it, even with our diminished numbers, did the army show its former temper and disposition. He had every reason to believe that in a very short time his veteran army had recovered that temper and disposition. Lee had hoped that McClellan would cross the Potomac and offer battle in the lower Shenandoah valley; but that over-cautious commander was in no haste to try a third issue with the bold Confederate le
ace. Ewell's advanced division was encamped, in the midst of abundance, near Hagerstown; another was in a like favorable encampment near Sharpsburg, while his third en Federal corps were available for a rapid movement across South mountain to Hagerstown, to the rear of Lee's army, which was now some miles to the northeast of that that river on the 25th and was then threatening his line of communication at Hagerstown, as above stated. This news led Lee to at once recall Ewell's divisions froms posted on Seminary ridge, and halted near the Black Horse tavern, where the Hagerstown road crosses Marsh creek. Hill did not get into his assigned position until through Fairfield, across the South mountain by Monterey Springs, and through Hagerstown to Williamsport. These he followed with his army during the night of the 4thhes to Williamsport and Falling Waters. An admirable position was found near Hagerstown, which met with General Lee's approbation, when he arrived on the 6th and rod
ade of Ramseur's division remained on Bolivar heights until late in the afternoon, when it rejoined him at Sharpsburg by the usual route. McCausland marched to Hagerstown, and there had an engagement with some United States regular cavalry, which he forced to retreat. The remainder of the cavalry marched across the mountains to way of Martinsburg, to Hainesville. On the 5th, Breckinridge crossed the Potomac at Williamsport and encamped near St. James college, between Williamsport and Hagerstown. On the 6th, Rodes and Ramseur returned to Virginia, by way of Williamsport, and encamped at Hammond's mill, while Breckinridge recrossed to the Virginia shore opposite Williamsport, by way of Tilghmanton. Some of the Confederate cavalry made a demonstration as far as Hagerstown. On the 7th of August, the march of the army was continued, through Martinsburg, to the former camps at Bunker Hill and Darkesville. There General Early received information that a large Federal force was b
ther in the confusion for the defense of the place before the arrival of Imboden. Then, with half a dozen companies, he made his way through the enemy's lines to his command, and returned with it to participate in the attacks on Kilpatrick at Hagerstown and on Buford at Williamsport. During the campaign, he reported, his brigade fought in three battles and the affair at Boonsboro, and captured over 600 prisoners. Soon afterward an unfortunate break in his relations with General Stuart, which d his former Virginia brigade, now commanded by W. E. Jones. On the last day of the Gettysburg battle his command fought a cavalry battle near Fairfield, and during the retreat was engaged in repeated skirmishes, particularly at Funkstown and Hagerstown. After the return to Virginia, his two regiments having been reduced to 300 men, he asked to be transferred to another field, and was assigned in October to the command of the Second district of South Carolina. In this field he remained, with