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rom General Carter's command, destroyed the railroad near Knoxville, and the bridges at Slate Creek, Strawberry Plains, and Moint, which place was reached on the first of September. Knoxville was also occupied on the first by Colonel Foster, and Gen directly on Cumberland Gap. By a rapid flank march from Knoxville upon that place General Burnside cut off the retreat of tH. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief. Major-General Burnside, Knoxville. Headquarters of the army, Washington, D. C., Sept. 13, H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief. Major-General Burnside, Knoxville. In addition to General Burnside's general instructioby the detachment of General Longstreet's command against Knoxville. General Sherman's army arrived upon the north side of Tand to relieve General Burnside, who was then besieged in Knoxville. We have reliable information that General Sherman has she crossed the Hiawassee River. Of Burnside's defence of Knoxville, it is only known that every attack of the enemy on that
Doc. 13.-fight at Campbell's Station, Tenn. Knoxville, Tenn., November 7, 1863. The first engagement of any consequence between our forces and those of Longstreet, in the retreat to Knoxville, took place yesterday, at Campbell's Station — a little collection of houses on the Kingston road, where it forms a junction witKnoxville, took place yesterday, at Campbell's Station — a little collection of houses on the Kingston road, where it forms a junction with the road to Loudon. During the night of Sunday, the rebels made three different charges on our position at Lenoir, with the intention of capturing the batteries on the right of our position; but every onset was met and repulsed. In the morning, our troops again took up the march in retreat, and the rebels pushed our rear-guarking of the enemy's progress until our trains were out of danger, and as he was not desirous of risking another engagement until he reached the fortifications at Knoxville, the retreat began once more, and it is reasonable to suppose, as the enemy gave no pursuit until the morning, that they were unaware of the movement, and expect
t, I can see that it might be passed by, and Knoxville and the rich valley about it possessed, igno in coming to our relief during the siege of Knoxville, and I am satisfied that your approach serveommand of all troops moving to the relief of Knoxville, and hasten to Burnside. Seven days befort, and trust to General Burnside's bridge at Knoxville. It was all-important that General Burnsireport: headquarters army of the Ohio, Knoxville, December 7, 1863. Major-Gen W. T. Shermann the forces of General Burnside move out of Knoxville in pursuit of Longstreet, and General Grangeif possible to send a force to the relief of Knoxville. To enable me to dislodge the enemy from th cavalry force to break the railroad between Knoxville and Dalton, the Chickamauga also required bre twenty-eighth marched with the brigade for Knoxville, reaching its present camp on the seventh inhave just heard that our communications with Knoxville have been cut, probably by the Federal caval[38 more...]
Doc. 19.-the siege of Knoxville, Tenn. Knoxville, Monday, Nov. 16. The excitement consequ upon us. Longstreet's legions are investing Knoxville. Our boys are skirmishing already with theireet to cross the river, and drove him on to Knoxville by order of General Grant--thus, on the eve bel sharp-shooters rendered the hills about Fort Sanders, on our left, unsafe for lookers-on. At onelf. But Fort Sanders lost, our position in Knoxville would be more precarious. But they failed. n Montgomery's report. Fort Sanders, Knoxville, Tenn., Dec. 5, 1863. sir: I have the honor tommand, to headquarters Ninth army corps, in Knoxville, and remained there till next morning, when r, having invested, threatened, and besieged Knoxville, in so far as he was able. He is now more a fallen. headquarters army of the Ohio, Knoxville, Teen., Dec. 11. General order, No. 37. Dickerson--Comprising all the works between Fort Stanley and Fort Higley, in memory of Captain Jonat[42 more...]
e valor which they had displayed on previous occasions, and which was manifested in this battle on other parts of the lines, the enemy would have been repulsed with very great slaughter, and our country would have escaped the misfortune and the army the mortification of the first defeat that has resulted from misconduct by the troops. In the mean time, the army of General Burnside was driven from all its field positions in Eastern Tennessee, and forced to retreat from its intrenchments at Knoxville, where, for some weeks, it was threatened with capture by the forces under General Longstreet. No information has reached me of the final result of the operations of our commander, though intelligence has arrived of his withdrawal from that place. While, therefore, our success in driving the enemy from our soil has not equalled the expectations confidently entertained at the commencement of the campaign, his further progress has been checked. If we are forced to regret losses in Tenne
g them somewhere in China, perhaps about the great wall. The Yankees were retreating toward the Devil hole. Early bound for the same place! They did very little damage in the valley. Here is the moral: The marshals under Napoleon's eye were invincible — with separate commands, blunderers. A general of division, with General Robert E. Lee to plan and put him in the right place, does well. Mosby would plan and execute a fight or strategic movement better than Longstreet at Suffolk or Knoxville, Tubal Early at Staunton. Jackson's blunt response to some parlor or bar-room strategist in Richmond, More men, but fewer orders, was wisdom in an axiom — true then, just as true now as when the hero of the valley uttered it. It is difficult to direct, especially by couriers, the movement of troops a hundred miles distant, among mountains the ranking general never saw, except on an inaccurate map. It is not every commander who can point out roads he never heard of, and by-paths he never d
five hundred cavalry and mounted infantry, attacked Colonel Siebert, and captured a supply-train from Chattanooga, for Knoxville, about ten o'clock this morning, at Charlestown, on the south bank of the Hiawassee. The train escort had reached thhitherto been contraband, I deem it so no longer, to state that the divisions of Sheridan and Wood were left at or near Knoxville, when Sherman withdrew from that point, and they will probably remain there during the winter; and, of course, it is nend twenty-three prisoners. But this was not the most important result of the achievement. The wagon route from here to Knoxville has been rendered secure, and the courier lines saved from further annoyance. The old cavalry corps of this departmebattles, camp retainers, etc., and a train of about one hundred and fifty wagons, with orders to join the army corps at Knoxville. On. the twenty-fourth, I started from Chattanooga, and proceeded about eight miles, to a place near Chickamauga River
Doc. 31.-the fight at Mossy Creek, Tenn. Knoxville, January 31, 1864. The following account of this fight is given by one who participated in it: We reached Mossy Creek on the twenty-eighth of December, and for the next two days our pickets were constantly skirmishing. On the twenty-ninth, the rebels attacked us, coming down rapidly with eight thousand cavalry and fifteen pieces of artillery. They were opposed by our brigade of infantry--First brigade, Second division, Twenty-third army corps--numbering about one thousand five hundred, with four regiments of cavalry, two batteries, with nine guns. We had the advantage in position, and the enemy in numbers. The guns were placed in position, and commenced firing at eleven o'clock A. M. At the same time, skirmishing commenced all along the line. The One Hundred and Eighteenth was still quietly in camp; but soon an aid dashed up with the order to fall in, without knapsacks or blankets, and in five minutes we were rapi
e more likely to lead to an honorable end than such a circulation of a partial promise of freedom. I am, sir, very respectfully, your most obedient servant, J. Longstreet, Lieutenant-General Commanding. headquarters Department of the Ohio, Knoxville, E. T., January 7, 1864. Lieutenant-General Commanding Forces in East-Tennessee: sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated January third, 1864; you are correct in the supposition that the great object in view in tin regard to the wearing of the United States uniforms by confederate soldiers. I have the honor to be, General, very respectfully, your most obedient servant, J. G. Foster, Major-General Commanding. headquarters Department of the Ohio, Knoxville, Tenn., January 8, 1864. General orders, No. 7. Our outposts and pickets posted in isolated places having in many instances been surprised and captured by the enemy's troops disguised as Union soldiers, the Commanding General is obliged to is
rces under General Sherman; also that he had sent troops to aid Longstreet, in East-Tennessee; and it being the desire of the Commanding General of the military division, effectually to clear out the rebel army directly opposed to our forces at Knoxville, I received orders, on the tenth instant, to prepare to start for Knoxville on the thirteenth, with such force as could safely be spared from the protection of Chattanooga and its communications, to cooperate with the army of the Ohio in drivinKnoxville on the thirteenth, with such force as could safely be spared from the protection of Chattanooga and its communications, to cooperate with the army of the Ohio in driving Longstreet from East-Tennessee. The army at this period had been very much weakened by the absence of many regiments who had gone to their respective States to reorganize as veteran volunteers — a list of which I have the honor to annex hereto — so that in making my preparations, I found but a small force available. My transportation was in a very poor condition, notwithstanding all the efforts made to replace the animals lost by starvation, during the close investment of Chattanooga by the
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