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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 20, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) or search for Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 9 results in 5 document sections:
Progress of the war.
reports from Washington — affairs at Fortress Monroe--letter from a New York volunteer, &c., &c., &c.
[Dispatch to the N. Y. Express.] Washington, May 16th.
uglas is down in Egypt, Illinois, doing immense service to the Union cause there.
From Fortress Monroe.
By the steamer A. H. Bowman, which arrived at New York on Thursday, with the women and children from Fortress Monroe, the papers of that city have the following:
The news form Fortress Monroe is remarkable, though not altogether definite, as the men returned from there seem to uFortress Monroe is remarkable, though not altogether definite, as the men returned from there seem to understand the state of affairs only so far as the general opinion and apprehensions went.
As near as can be ascertained from them, it appears that the Secessionists assumed quite a threatening a own was suddenly disturbed by the startling intelligence that the enemy were advancing from Fortress Monroe--that the invaders would in a few moments be upon us. The men spread through the town, and
Movements of troops. New York, May 18,
--The Fourteenth New York Regiment start to-night for Washington; the Second Regiment leaves Monday morning; the Ninth and Sventy-Ninth leave Monday for Fortress Monroe.
The steamers Parkersburg and Mount Vernon sailed this afternoon for Fort Pickens, with provisions.