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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 5, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) or search for Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) in all documents.
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Yankees fighting a Duel.
--A correspondent of a New York paper, writing from Fortress Monroe, June 26, relates the following incident:
The recent monotony of camp and garrison life was in a trifling degree alleviated by a farcical affair of honor between two officers of the Naval Brigade Omitting the cause which led to the affair, I will simply state that Lieut. N. B. Small sent a challenge to Capt. W. A. Perkins, to meet him at a certain time and place, and there settle their differences as chivalrous gentlemen, according to the code duello. Yesterday afternoon, the parties with their seconds, accompanied by a goodly number of the officers of the garrison, met outside the Union pickets at Hampton — The weapons were Celt's navy pistols; distance twenty paces Both parties then took their places, and at the word fired.
They exchanged four shots, without either being wounded, and the friends of the parties compromised the matter, alleging that both had proved themselves men