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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 330 40 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 5, 13th edition. 128 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 124 14 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 80 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 46 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition. 38 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 6, 10th edition. 26 0 Browse Search
Allan Pinkerton, The spy in the rebellion; being a true history of the spy system of the United States Army during the late rebellion, revealing many secrets of the war hitherto not made public, compiled from official reports prepared for President Lincoln , General McClellan and the Provost-Marshal-General . 24 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 21 11 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3 20 0 Browse Search
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ion of the column, amounting to 7 feet 9 inches from the vertical at the top. The whole structure was thereby endangered, and in order to restore its stability, it was necessary to bring it back to the vertical line. This was safely accomplished by sawing away the mortar on the bowing side at selected points, so as to cause the chimney to settle back again and resume the perpendicular. A wrought-iron chimney, 196 feet high and six feet seven inches in diameter, has just been erected in Pittsburg. Another is to be put up 275 feet high. The first was riveted together in a horizontal position, and then lifted to the perpendicular by a crane. The other is made upright, the plates being riveted by means of a scaffolding running up inside. Chim′ney-cap. An abacus or cornice forming a crowning termination for a chimney. A device to render more certain the expulsion of smoke, by presenting the exit aperture to leeward, or by a rotatory device. See cowl. Chimney-collar.
n Golconda, and seen by Tavernier. Weighed 793 carats; cut to 279 carats (carat, 4 grains). Russian. Taken from a Brahminical idol by a French soldier; sold to the Empress Catherine for £ 90,000 and an annuity of £ 4,000. Weighs 194 carats. Pitt. Brought from India by Mr. Pitt, the grandfather of the first Earl of Chatham; sold to the Regent Duke of Orleans, in 1717, for £ 135,000. Weighed when rough, 400 carats; cut to 136 1/2 carats. Napoleon placed it in the hilt of his sword. Koh-k for the herring busses to lie up in. — Pepys, 1661. Sir N. Crisp's project of making a great sasse [sluice or lock] in the king's lands about Deptford, to be a wett dock to hold 200 sail of ships. — Ibid, 1662. Of the docks of London: — Pitt laid the foundation-stone of the West-India August 15, 1800; opened in 1802. London docks, built 1802 – 5. Victoria, 1855. The Livcrpool and Birkenhead docks, 1810 – 57. 2. (Harness.) The divided piece forming part of the crupper, thro
ation it requires to be passed through naphtha, as it is deficient in carbon. If the owners could satisfy themselves of the continuity of the gas flow, we presume that pipes would be laid from the well to several of the large cities, such as Pittsburg, Cleveland, and Buffalo. The process of making gas consists in the distillation of coal, though other forms of hydrocarbon will yield it, and the subsequent purification of the same to purge it of noxious matters, — tar, ammonia, and sulphurwere first brought to Europe from the mine of Sumbalpoor. The Golconda mines were discovered in 1534. The mines of Brazil in 1728. Those in the Ural in 1829. The great Russian diamond weighs 193 carats; cost, £ 104,166 13 s. 4 d. in 1772. The Pitt diamond weighed 136 carats; sold to the king of France for £ 125,000, in 1720. The Koh-i-noor was found in 1550. It belonged in turn to Shah Jehan, AurungZebe, Nadir Shah, the Afghans, Runjeet-Singh, and Queen Victoria, 1850. It originally weig
he Pennsylvania Railroad by Hollidaysburg, the reader may have noticed and admired the inclined planes by which the summit and several other gradients were ascended; stationary engines at the summit of each grade hoisting or lowering the cars by means of ropes. The London and Blackwall Railway was operated in a similar manner, though the road was about level. The Portage Railway formerly occupied a nearly central position on the main line of the Pennsylvania Canal, between Columbia and Pittsburg, and extended from Hollidaysburg, on the eastern base, to Johnstown on the western base of the Alleghany Mountains, a distance of thirty-six miles; the total rise and fall on the whole length of the line being 2,571.19 feet. Of this hight, 2,007.02 feet were overcome by means of ten inclined planes, and 564.17 feet by the slight inclinations given to the parts of the railway which extend between these planes. The distance from Hollidaysburg to the summit-level is about ten miles, and the
orses130.2 Holmbush 80-inch cylinder = 251 horses, worked at a power of 62 horses122.4 Estimated duty of 72-inch cylinder condensing-engine for Brooklyn Works35.5 Engines at the East London Works in 1850 from Mr. Wicksteed's evidence63.8 Engines at the same works before the use of the Cornish engines26.9 Average duty of Cornish engines (Lean, 1854)53.7 Duty of best engine, from Lean, 185477.0 Duty of Cornish engine (Browne, 1855)69.7 Duty of best engine, from Browne, 1855101.4 Pittsburg high-pressure non-condensing engines, 1852: — Upper Water-Works19.9 Lower Water-Works19.1 Allegheny City19.2 Detroit17.3 To which may be added, — Worthington duplex engine, Newark, N. J.76.6 Brooklyn, N. Y., double-acting beam, No. 160.1 Brooklyn, N. Y., double-acting beam, No. 3.72.0 Philadelphia, Spring Garden, Cornish58.9 Belleville, Jersey City, Cornish62.8 Hartford, Conn.; crank. Mean of three experiments61.7 Cambridge, Mass.; double-cylinder. (Mean)67.2 In c
; the Rhode Island gazette, 1732; South Carolina gazette, 1731 or 1732; Georgia gazette, 1763. The first paper in New Hampshire was published in 1756, but in the adjacent State of Vermont none existed prior to 1781. After the Revolution, the history of newspaper progress becomes identical with that of the nation, the printing-press keeping closely in the van of Anglo-American civilization. The honor of publishing the first paper west of the Alleghanies is claimed for John Scull of Pittsburgh, who, it is stated, founded the Pittsburgh gazette in 1783. The first north of the Ohio River, being the third or fourth west of the Alleghanies, is said to have been the Centinel of the Northwest territory, by William Maxwell, 1793. According to De Saint Foix, the earliest French newspaper, called the Gazette de France, was established by Renaudot, a physician, who obtained a royal grant of the exclusive privilege of publishing the same for himself and family. He had previously bee
ty in obtaining competent drillers, so absurd was deemed the project of searching for a basin of oil beneath the surface. He then gave out that he was boring for a salt-well. He originated the practice of driving a tube to the rock, instead of excavating and cribbing. He drove a tube 32 feet, and then bored 37 1/2 feet. He tubed the well, and obtained by handpump 25 barrels per day for two years. It was difficult then to find use for so much. The first refiners were McKeown and Kier of Pittsburgh. Oil-wells are of various depths, but the mode of sinking them is substantially similar. They vary in depth from 100 to 1,100 feet. After a spot is decided upon, a derrick is built, having four diverging posts planted upon a base of about 12 feet square, and having a hight of 40 feet. So great interest has been felt in the subject, and so frequently has the matter been described in the magazines and journals of the day, that we do not deem it advisable to afford much space to the des
effectually prevents primage, and secures a constant and uniform supply of steam to the engine. The power is 400 horse, net; the Cruquius and Van Lynden engines can be worked up to 500 horse-power if required. The pair of pumps of the Chicago Water-Works have steamcylinders of 44 inches diameter, 8 feet stroke. Water-pump 28 inches in diameter, double acting. The Brooklyn pumping-engine cylinder is 85 inches diameter, 10 feet stroke; the bucket is 51 1/2 inches in diameter The Pittsburg engine is 64 inches diameter, 11 feet stroke. The plungers are 4 in number, of 100 tons each, driving water into the Highland reservoir, 356 feet above. The Lehigh Zinc-Works engine is 110 1/4 inches, 10 feet stroke; estimated to raise 15,000 gallons per minute from a depth of 300 feet. Fig. 4037 is a form of pumping-engine constructed at Leeds for the use of the state railways in India. a is the cylinder. The cross-head of the piston-rod reciprocates between the upright guides
of evaporation and discharge of moisture which are most favorable to the support of man. The following table gives the average annual rainfall, in inches, for a number of places on the globe. The figures for Smithsonian Institution by C. A. Schott, Esq.:— Brunswick, Me44.68 Hanover, N. H.40.32 Burlington, Vt.34.15 New Bedford, Mass41.42 Providence, R. I.41.54 Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor43.24 Penn Yan, N. Y.28.42 Buffalo, N. Y.33.84 Newark, N. J.44.85 Philadelphia, Pa44.05 Pittsburgh, Pa37.09 Washington, D. C.37.52 Baltimore, Md. (Fort McHenry)41.10 Fortress Monroe, Va.47.04 White sulphur Springs, Va37.54 Gaston, N. C.43.40 Charleston, S. C.43.63 Savannah, Ga.48.32 Key West, Fla.36.23 Fort Myers, Fla.56.55 Mt. Vernon Arsenal, Ala.66.14 Huntsville, Ala54.88 Natchez, Miss.53.55 New Orleans, La51.05 Baton Rouge, La60.16 Fort Brown. Texas33.44 Fort Bliss, Texas9.56 Fort Smith, Ark40.36 Washington. Ark54.50 Springdale, Ky.48.58 Marietta, Ohio42.70 Cle
r portion came from Sheffield, England, but Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, and other places make them of the best quali17LomaxOct. 19, 1869. 107,677GodownSept. 27, 1870. 117,203PittJuly 18, 1871. 140,603WestmorelandJuly 18, 1873. 145,025Stt the 1/1200 part of an inch in thickness; and the famous Pittsburg letter written on iron, which gave rise to the competitioulton built the first steamboat on the Western rivers, at Pittsburg, in 1811. The Orleans, of 100 tons, was a sternwheeler, river between those points. She made her first trip from Pittsburg to New Orleans in 14 days. The next vessel was the Comet, Steel-saw. One saw for cutting cold steel, used in Pittsburgh, is a disk of soft iron 42″ diameter, 3/8″ thick, drivenh as the passenger elevators at Niagara, Cincinnati, and Pittsburgh; a vertical elevator for cars is used at Hoboken, N. J. idge, Niagara River (1855). b, Alleghany River Bridge, Pittsburg (1860). c, Cincinnati Bridge, over the Ohio (1867).