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y me either; but I learn that you are to be in command of one of the Districts (not Departments) in Florida—under my orders—and Brigadier-General Finegan of the other. Your headquarters are to be at Quincy. General Finegan is at present in Tallahassee, where you will go to relieve him, and receive whatever instructions he may have in his possession from the War Department. The means at our command, for the defence of my Department (S. C., Ga., and Fla., to the Chattahoochee) are very limve guns, and obstructions not to exceed five hundred yards distant from the work. Heavier guns will be procured, if possible. In relation to the suggested danger to be apprehended that the enemy may land in force at St. Mark's, march via Tallahassee, or by a more direct route, to the left of that place, on the Appalachicola River, and thus turn the obstructions, it is the opinion of the Commanding General that the distance and character of the country to be traversed will be found highly
at once near the mouth of Trout Creek, a few miles below, Jacksonville, to cut off its communication with the mouth of the river. This would insure the fall or evacuation of both places. Colonel D. B. Harris, Chief-Engineer of the Department, will remain with you for the present, and has received my general instructions relative to the works referred to. As soon as you shall be able to dispense with his services you will send him to make the necessary examinations about St. Mark's and Tallahassee, to guard those important points from any attack from the Gulf. Captain Pliny Bryan, A. A.-Genl., is in charge of the torpedoes to be put in the St. John's River. He must consult Colonel Harris as to their location. Captain Bryan is also a very good signal officer; capable of reading the enemy's signals, he would be a good inspector of that branch of the service. You will please keep me well advised, at Charleston, of all movements of the enemy in your district. A telegram should
e loss of Richmond. Hence the urgent necessity of either reinforcing Hood, or making a diversion in Missouri in his favor. Hoping that you may give us the desired assistance, I remain, your obedient servant, G. T. Beauregard, General. A copy of the foregoing letter was immediately forwarded to Richmond for the information of the War Department, and this telegram preceded it: Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 2d, 1864:9 P. M. His Ex. President Jefferson Davis, Richmond, Va., via Tallahassee, Fla.: Generals Steele and A. J. Smith are reported to be reinforcing General Thomas at Nashville. Cannot General E. Kirby Smith reinforce General Hood in Middle Tennessee, or take offensive in Missouri? His assistance is absolutely necessary at this time. G. T. Beauregard. The next day, and while General Beauregard was already on his way to Georgia, there to gather up, from every quarter, all available forces to check Sherman's advance, he caused the following letter to be sent to
bor, under Captain Maffit. The Sumter and the Jeff. Davis, two frail, indifferent craft, extemporized for cruising from merchant-ships in Southern ports, had already closed their brief careers. The Nashville, a coasting steamer, made a voyage across the ocean in 1863, under Captain Pegram, and was run ashore on the coast of Georgia, to save her from capture. In 1864 the Shenandoah was bought in England, and placed under command of Captain Waddell; the Georgia, under Captain Maury. The Tallahassee and the Chickamauga—blockade-running screw-propellers had run into Wilmington—were also bought, and sent out with the Confederate flag, under Captains Wood and Wilkinson respectively, in 1864. What was done by the Confederate government to raise the blockade, on the one hand, and to sweep the commerce of the North from the ocean, on the other, was accomplished, almost exclusively, by the few ships mentioned. Such were the tardy and feeble efforts made, which show the extent of the failu
rst part of the message sent to Governors Brown, Milton, and Pickens. Executive Department, Tallahassee, Oct. 21st, 1862. Genl. G. T. Beauregard, Savannah, Ga.: I should be pleased for the Goverral Finegan reports enemy about to attack him near Lake City. Rapidity of movement indicates Tallahassee as the objective point—probably to form junction with forces from the Gulf. I have ordered tr, Adjt. and Insp.-Genl., Richmond, Va.: Telegram from General Anderson just received from Tallahassee. He is en route for East Florida. I will probably go there, nevertheless, if the enemy be s Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 2d, 1864:3 P. M. Genl. S. Cooper, A. and I. G., Richmond, Va., via Tallahassee, Fla.: Telegram 30th ultimo received here, on my way to Mobile. I will repair forthwith to Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 2d, 1864:9.30 P. M. Genl. S. Cooper, A. and I. G., Richmond, Va., via Tallahassee: Scouts report that General Steele, with 15,000 men, landed at Memphis on 24th, and went