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eral. His position at Camp Dick Robinson was central and important. The country east of him was friendly to the Union; and that in his rear, Northwestern Kentucky, greatly divided in sentiment, was now nearly surrounded by a cordon of Federal encampments, ready, at any moment, to be drawn in upon it. Camp Dick Robinson, which had until now been regarded as a threat rather than a real peril, at once assumed its true character of a military stronghold. It dominated the political centre at Frankfort, where an obsequious Legislature eagerly registered the decrees of the military commander, while the State sank to the condition of a subjugated province. The reproach which fell upon Kentucky that it suffered such a body to make sport of its destiny was due to the division of sentiment in the State, and to a laudable unwillingness to begin a civil war. The consequent hesitation accrued to the advantage of the party in actual possession of the government, and the United States used thi
Sidney Johnston, who was a real general, and who had as correct information of our situation as I had, would unite his force with Zollicoffer, and fall on Thomas at Dick Robinson, or McCook at Nolin. Had he done so in October, 1861, he could have walked into Louisville, and the vital part of the population would have hailed him as a deliverer. Why he did not, was to me a mystery then and is now; for I know that he saw the move, and that his wagons loaded up at one time for a start toward Frankfort, passing between our two camps. Conscious of our weakness, I was unnecessarily unhappy, and doubtless exhibited it too much to those near me. (Page 200.) McClellan had 100,000 men, Fremont 60,000, whereas to me had only been allotted about 18,000. I argued that, for the purpose of defense, we should have 60,000 men at once, and, for offense, would need 200,000 before we were done. . . . (Page 203.) I complained that the new levies of Ohio and Indiana were diverted East and West,
suit Forrest was among the foremost; and is said, single-handed, to have engaged three adversaries at once, killing a trooper, mortally wounding Captain Bacon, and overthrowing and capturing Captain Davis. The story is not improbable, as his personal prowess was extraordinary. Forrest's report puts the Federal loss at sixty-five killed and thirty-five wounded and captured; including a captain and lieutenant killed, and a captain and lieutenant wounded. Captain Albert Bacon was from Frankfort, Kentucky, and his courage and soldierly conduct are noticed by Forrest. On the Confederate side the chivalric Captain Meriweather and private Terry were killed, and three privates wounded. Forrest returned to Hopkinsville, and was employed in routine duty until January 10, 1862. He then made another reconnaissance toward Green River, where he found a heavy Federal force, and, in returning, burned the bridges over Pond River, a tributary of Green River. When General Clark retired from Ho
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Holding Kentucky for the Union. (search)
were some half-dozen waverers who always opposed any decisive step toward secession but were equally unwilling to give any active support to the Government. Outside pressure was brought to bear. Large delegations of secessionists assembled at Frankfort, to be speedily confronted by Union men, just as determined, summoned by telegraph from all parts of the State. Argument was met by argument, threat by threat, appeals to sentiment and prejudice on one side by similar appeals on the other. Tts, and that the Union men could not maintain themselves unless they were also furnished with arms. Mr. Lincoln placed at his disposal ten thousand muskets with means for their transportation. Toward the end of April he met in consultation at Frankfort a number of the leading Union men of the State and arranged for the distribution of the arms. When, shortly afterward, the organization of the Union Home Guards began, it was from this source they were armed. In Louisville, on the initiative
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Marshall and Garfield in eastern Kentucky. (search)
s were brought on steamboats. On the 16th of March, 1862, Garfield with 750 men made an attack on a battalion of Virginia militia, occupying Pound Gap, and drove them away and burned the log-huts built for winter quarters. Soon after this he was ordered to report to General Buell, who had gone to the relief of General Grant at Pittsburg Landing. This he did on the 7th of April, 1862, in time to take part in the second day's contest. General Marshall was born January 13th, 1812, in Frankfort, Ky., and came of a most distinguished family, which included Chief-Justice John Marshall of Virginia, the historian Humphrey Marshall of Kentucky, and the orator and lawyer Thomas F. Marshall. He was four times elected to Congress from the Louisville District, and was Minister to China under President Fillmore. In his profession of law Humphrey Marshall had probably no superior and few equals among the jurists of Kentucky. As an orator he fully inherited the talent of a family which was f
Thomas C. DeLeon, Four years in Rebel capitals: an inside view of life in the southern confederacy, from birth to death., Chapter 24: echo of Seven days, North and South. (search)
ers, to that of the enemy, should thus allow him to escape was then inexplicable to the people; and, as far as I have learned, it is so still. There is no critic so censorious as the self-appointed one; no god so inexorable as the people's voice. General Bragg's last hold upon the southern masses-military and civil — was lost now. The fight at Munfordville occurred on the 17th of September, but it was not until the 4th of the next month that the junction with Smith was effected at Frankfort. Then followed a Federal advance upon that town, which proved a mere diversion; but it produced the effect of deceiving General Bragg and of causing him to divide his forces. Hardee's and Buckner's divisions were sent to Perryville; and they with Cheatham's — who joined them by a forced marchbore the brunt of the battle of Perryville on the 8th of October. Notwithstanding the great disparity of numbers, the vim of the barefooted boys prevailed against the veterans of Buell's army, under
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 19 (search)
s a city of refuge, but we have invincible columns interposed between him and his country. September 13 Buell has impressed 10,000 slaves, and is fortifying Nashville. September 14 Our army has entered the City of Lexington, and the population hail our brave soldiers as deliverers. Three regiments were organized there in twenty-four hours, and thirty thousand recruits, it is thought, will flock to our standard in Kentucky. September 15 Our flag floats over the Capitol at Frankfort! And Gen. Marshall, lately the exile and fugitive, is encamped with his men on his own farm, near Paris. September 16 Intelligence from Missouri states that the Union militia have rallied on the side of the South. September 17 Everything seems to indicate the breaking up of the armies of our enemies, as if our prayers had been answered, and the hosts of Lincoln were really to be brought to confusion. September 18 To-day, in response to the President's proclamation, we gi
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXIII. February, 1863 (search)
he President has been grossly imposed upon. February 14 A beautiful day. Yet Gen. Lee is giving furloughs, two to each company. If the weather should be dry, perhaps Hooker will advance: a thing desired by our people, being confident of his destruction. The papers issued extras to-day with news from the Northwest, based upon the account of a reliable gentleman, who has just run the blockade. He says Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois have resolved to meet in convention, at Frankfort, Ky., for the purpose of seceding from the United States, and setting up a confederacy for themselves, or joining the Southern Confederacy. I fear the reliable gentleman is not to be relied upon. Yet it would be well for the Western States, a just retribution to New England, and a very great relief to us. Gen. Lee is urging the department to have the meat at Atlanta brought to his army without delay. It is here the army will be wanted. I saw pigs to-day, not six weeks old, selling i
to Major Anderson, reached Charleston and visited Fort Sumter by permission, in company with Captain Hartstein. Intercepted despatches --by which we are to understand stolen letters --subsequently disclosed to the authorities in Charleston, it is said, that Mr. Fox employed this opportunity to devise and concert with Major Anderson a plan to supply the fort by force; and that this plan was adopted by the United States Government.--Times, March 23 and April 13. A meeting was held at Frankfort, Alan,, at which the following resolutions, among others of a similar character, were passed: Resolved, That we approve the course pursued by our delegates, Messrs. Watkins and Steele, in convention at Montgomery, in not signing the so-called secession ordinance. That secession is inexpedient and unnecessary, and we are opposed to it in any form, and the more so since a majority of the slave States have refused to go out, either by what is called southern cooperation, or precipitate
The Fourteenth Regiment, Colonel Johnson, and the Fifteenth, Colonel Oakford, of Pennsylvania Volunteers, arrived at General Patterson's camp at Chambersburg from Lancaster.--National Intelligencer, June 6. The British Government decided not to allow the entry of privateers into any of their ports. This was announced by Lord John Russell in Parliament, saying that Government had determined to prohibit privateers from bringing prizes into any British port. It was also stated that France intended adhering to the law which prohibits privateers remaining in port over twenty-four hours.--(Doc. 229.) The border State Convention met at Frankfort, Kentucky.--N. Y. Tribune, May 27. Major-General Patterson, from Headquarters at Chambersburg, Pa., issued a proclamation announcing to the soldiers that they would soon meet the insurgents. --(Doc. 230.) The First Regiment Scott Life Guard and the Third Regiment N. Y. S. V., left New York city for Fortress Monroe.--(Doc. 231.)