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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 461 449 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 457 125 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 432 88 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 425 15 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 398 2 Browse Search
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac 346 0 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 303 1 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 247 5 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 210 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 201 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) or search for Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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elevation of about 200 feet at the head of the tide, where it meets the granitic step, or Coast ridge, at the borders of the Midland, at the first falls of the rivers, where are situated the commercial and manufacturing cities of Alexandria, Fredericksburg, Richmond and Petersburg. Many of the most important battles of the war of 1861-65 in Virginia were fought along this Coast ridge, generally a sharply-defined line of escarpment. 2. The Midland is the undulating higher plain of the Atlantns, consequently there was none of that destructive competition which has now made farming unprofitable in the Atlantic States. The wheat from Virginia, much of it ground into flour by local mills, especially in the Valley and in Alexandria, Fredericksburg, Richmond and Petersburg, found good markets, notably in Baltimore and Richmond, for the West Indies and South America, or the grocery trade of the United States, which then had its best entrepots at Norfolk and Baltimore. The people in th
Letcher at once gave him the appointment of major-general of Virginia volunteers, and Maj.-Gen. R. E. Lee, who had been appointed commander-in-chief of the Virginia forces on the 22d, assigned to him the duty of organizing and instructing the volunteers who were then arriving in Richmond. General Lee had already selected the points to be occupied for the defense of the State and the number of troops to be assigned to each. These points were: Norfolk, in front of Yorktown; the front of Fredericksburg; Manassas Junction, Harper's Ferry and Grafton. Johnston was assisted in the duties assigned him at Richmond by Lieutenant-Colonel Pemberton, Majors Jackson and Gilham, and Capt. T. L. Preston, who had all recently reported for duty. Johnston was employed in this way some two weeks, when, Virginia having joined the Southern Confederacy, President Davis offered him, by telegraph, a brigadier-generalship in the Confederate army, which he promptly accepted, and on reporting to the war dep
ocated his headquarters at Manassas Junction and began the gathering of troops at that point, establishing connections with Col. Daniel Ruggles, in command at Fredericksburg with his advance at Aquia creek on the Potomac, and strengthening Leesburg, under command of Colonel Hunton, with several regiments of infantry and companiesattacked the Confederate battery established at Aquia creek on the Potomac, but without doing much damage. Colonel Ruggles promptly moved 700 men across from Fredericksburg, with some 6-pounder rifle guns, and engaged the gunboats successfully. He then established Bate's Tennessee regiment in a camp at Brooke Station, and returned the rest of his forces to Fredericksburg. On June 1st, Lieutenant Tompkins, with 75 men of the Second United States cavalry, sent on a scout, drove in the pickets and charged through Lieut.-Col. R. S. Ewell's camp, at Fairfax, between three and four in the morning. A lively skirmish ensued, forcing the Federals to pass aroun
rate army of Northern Virginia still had its center, in command of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, on the field of its victory at Manassas, while its right rested at Fredericksburg, in command of General Holmes, and Jackson held its left in the lower Shenandoah valley. Practically its pickets patroled the Potomac from Chesapeake bay up lellan's plan of campaign by ordering, April 3d, that McDowell's corps should remain in front of Washington. On the 17th of May he was directed to advance to Fredericksburg, but keeping himself in position so he could be readily recalled to Washington, if necessary, to aid in its defense. McClellan objected to this arrangement, Hampton Roads; across Hampton Roads, Magruder was holding the peninsula, before Fortress Monroe and Hampton, with 11,000 men; Holmes held the Rappahannock, at Fredericksburg, with a brigade of 2,000; Johnston held the line of the upper Rappahannock with about 47,000 men that had fallen back from Manassas; Stonewall Jackson safegu
rkansas to Strasburg, to take the cars for Fredericksburg. He retained for further orders the rest antry and artillery from the Blue ridge to Fredericksburg, were aligned on the south bank of the Raprotect the right of the army moving toward Fredericksburg. Banks hastened to comply with these ordeould be spared him from the force covering Fredericksburg. General Lee was favorably impressed withparently removed, had been diverted toward Fredericksburg. It was different with Edward Johnson's frch by way of Luray and Front Royal toward Fredericksburg, taking with him about 11,000 men and leavyal, President Lincoln visited McDowell at Fredericksburg, and wired McClellan on the 24th that Shie40,000 men of his command would march from Fredericksburg to reinforce McClellan's right in front of McDowell, who with 40,000 men had reached Fredericksburg on his way to join McClellan, to turn fromhis forces and resume his march, by way of Fredericksburg, to join McClellan, but the victories of C[3 more...]
et his coming assault on Richmond by gathering to that city the troops that had been left at Fredericksburg, Gordonsville and elsewhere. He instructed Jackson to do what he could to retain in the Val Richmond with Ewell on short notice. Apprised of the formidable movement of Mc-Dowell from Fredericksburg with 40,000 men, he decided to attack McClellan before this large addition could be made to ll, that his right might be extended with the 40,000 men that were already on the march from Fredericksburg to Richmond. To open the way for this approach, he ordered Fitz John Porter, on the 26th, tel with the Virginia Central railroad, to destroy that road and also the railroad leading to Fredericksburg, and drive away any Confederate forces in that direction. Porter dispatched three infantry Porter. On this same 27th of May, Johnston, having information of McDowell's advance from Fredericksburg, determined to strike a blow at McClellan before that large reinforcement should reach him.
his cavalry along the eastern side of Cedar mountain and advancing his scouts well toward Culpeper. Through these, Jackson learned that Pope already had in hand 22,000 fresh troops, under Sigel and Ricketts,2,000 cavalry under Bayard, and about 5,000 that remained with Banks; a tactic force of about 30,000 in front of Jackson's 24,000, from which the casualties of the 9th had taken 1,000. When informed of Jackson's advance, on the 8th, Pope ordered King's division of 10,000 men up from Fredericksburg. These joined him on the 11th, so that he then had 40,000 men at command. Reno was following King with 8,000 of Burnside's corps, and he reported to Pope on the 14th. Through the tireless Stuart, who was as ubiquitous as Jackson himself, he was kept well posted in reference to these movements of the various parts of Pope's army of Virginia. Thus informed, he reluctantly gave up his idea of further attacking Pope, but remained on the battlefield during the 10th and 11th, caring for
e of Stuart's cavalry, the leading one in the march from Richmond, had gone too far to the right, in the direction of Fredericksburg, and was a day late in joining the army, thus causing another delay. Pope, on the 19th, ordered a cavalry reconnoiile his left was difficult of approach, and receiving the reinforcements steadily coming to him from the direction of Fredericksburg. Lee's military genius, and his conferences with Jackson, convinced him that the proper movement was one that shoulds position, near the railway, on the 22d, as he was unwilling to remove further from his expected reinforcements from Fredericksburg. Apprehensive of an attack from Longstreet, he did not care to move farther to his right to intercept Jackson's movehich shall it be? Halleck approved the suggested bold attack on Lee's rear, and directed the troops approaching from Fredericksburg to march to Stevensburg and Brandy station, on the south side of the river, proposing to unite these with Pope the ne
ourt House. He arrived in the vicinity of Fredericksburg near the end of November, having successfuir elevation, not only the terraces behind Fredericksburg, but all the more-than-mile-wide bottom ex of the Rappahannock, at Port Royal, below Fredericksburg, by which a highway led toward Richmond. crossings of the Rappahannock in front of Fredericksburg, where that river is but a few hundred yased the pontoon bridges at Deep run, below Fredericksburg, and spread themselves a few miles along tRappahannock; while Sumner led 31,000 into Fredericksburg by the upper pontoon. As the day of Decemwhere the old Telegraph road, leading from Fredericksburg to Richmond, mounts to the summit of the po advance from the cover of the streets of Fredericksburg, of the embankments of the railway, and ofof the Ninth corps, move from the cover of Fredericksburg for a fourth assault upon Marye's heights. his failure to move on Richmond by way of Fredericksburg, Burnside was tempted, by a spell of mild [18 more...]
hile tented in his winter quarters back of Fredericksburg, Lee was considering a plan of campaign fowick across the Rappahannock, at and below Fredericksburg, with three army corps, thus hoping to detin appeared on the broad river plain below Fredericksburg. That same morning Stuart informed Lee thestward, into the turnpike road leading to Fredericksburg. On the night of this same 29th of Apri, was still threatening Lee's right, below Fredericksburg; at the same time some 13,000 Federal cava who were in the act of opening the way to Fredericksburg. Lee himself spent the forenoon of the daolding the roads against a movement toward Fredericksburg. After urging A. P. Hill to promptness Early calling his attention to affairs at Fredericksburg. On Sunday, May 2d, Early was holding on Barksdale's right on Marye heights back of Fredericksburg, and opened the way for Sedgwick to march along, south of that, to within a mile of Fredericksburg, then north to the Rappahannock at Taylor'[9 more...]