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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
6; return of the radical delegation from Washington, 99; interview between Washburne and S. in, 107; Gen. Grant entertained in, 111; Halleck a, 359; Sherman removes his headquarters from Washington to, 406, 469; hospitalities of, 424, 427, 428; Sheridan removes to Chicago from, 425; headquarters of Department of the Missouri removed to, 427 St. Louis Democrat, the, publishes radical address to the President, 93; publishes the President's letter to S., 97; arrest of the editor, 425 St. Paul, Minn., military station at, 454; protecting the Northern Pacific Rail-road at, 511 Salomon, Col. Charles E., retreat from Wilson's Creek, 47 Salt Lake City, Utah, a trip to, 430 Sanborn, Brig.-Gen. John B., ordered to report to S., 93 Sandtown Road, Ga., military operations on, 133, 136 San Francisco, Cal., S. commanding at, 188, 430; Thomas commanding at, 278; conversation between Halleck and Thomas at, 293; death of Thomas at, 429; the great earthquake of 1871, 430 Sanger,