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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 4: life in Lexington. (search)
aid, while an ungodly man, been inclined to tempt Providence by going in advance of his duty; he had never seeng, as he did, in the special superintendence of Providence over all affairs, and His favorable oversight of may be accepted as a significant dispensation of Providence, that Jackson, the best type of the Christian. mration,--his constant recognition of a particular Providence. No man ever lived who seemed to have a more prats nature and powers. The Christian doctrine of Providence does not reduce the universe into a pantheistic ms in the inevitable progression. The doctrine of Providence teaches that the regular, natural agency of seconical action in matter. Now, the very doctrine of Providence is, that the God who conferred upon spiritual subd, that he who was so clear in his recognition of Providence was also eminently a man of prayer. This was onene my duty; the steamer was delayed by the act of Providence; and I was perfectly satisfied. He was married
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 6: first campaign in the Valley. (search)
ommit to him so responsible a post? He is one, replied the member from Rockbridge, who, if you order him to hold a post, will never leave it alive to be occupied by the enemy. The Governor accordingly handed him his commission as Colonel, on Saturday, April 27th, and he departed at once for his command. On the way. he wrote thus to his wife:-- Winchester, April 29th.-I expect to leave here about halfpast two P. M. to-day, for Harper's Ferry. I am thankful to say that an ever-kind Providence, who causes all things to work together for good to them that love him, has given me the post which I prefer above all others, and has given me an independent command. To His name be all the praise. You must not expect to hear from me very often, as I expect to have more work than I have ever had, in the same length of time, before; but don't be concerned about me, as an ever-kind Heavenly Father will give me all needful aid. This letter is a truthful revelation of his character;
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 7: Manassas. (search)
ving you, so say I now, that if I fight for my country it is from a sense of duty, a hope that, through the blessing of Providence, I may be enabled to serve her, and not merely because I prefer the strife of battle to the peaceful enjoyments of homel Lee remains in the Northwest, I would like to go there and give my feeble aid, as an humble instrument in the hand of Providence, in retrieving the down-trodden loyalty of that part of my native State. But I desire to be wherever those over me mayd in the clutches of the oppressor. Whether General Jackson would have succeeded in that difficult region, or whether Providence was kind to him and his country in crossing his desires, and preserving him for future triumphs in more important fieldf the whole Confederacy, and I trust, in the future, by your deeds on the field, and by the assistance of the same kind Providence who has heretofore favored our cause, you will gain more victories, and add additional lustre to the reputation you now
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 8: winter campaign in the Valley. 1861-62. (search)
utter my protest against it in the most energetic form in my power; and that is, to resign. And then, traversing the floor of his chamber with rapid strides, he burst into an impetuous torrent of speech, in which he detailed his comprehensive projects with a Napoleonic fire and breadth of view; his obstacles, created by the reluctance and incompetency of some, with whom he had been required to co-operate; his hardships, and the heroic spirit of his troops; the brilliant success with which Providence had crowned his first steps, and the cruel disappointment which dashed the fruit of all his labors. For a long time he was inexorable; but at last, When he was told that the Governor had, in the name of Virginia, withdrawn his resignation from the files of the War Department, and requested that action should be suspended upon it until an attempt was made to remove his grounds of difficulty, he consented to acquiesce in this arrangement. In a few days he received the assurance, that it
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 9: General view of the campaigns of 1862. (search)
persons have claimed his career as an illustration of the uselessness of the science of warfare, and an instance of success in defiance of it. They have conceived of him as a leader who discarded rules, and trusted only to his fortunate star, to rapidity of movements, and to hard blows. They suppose his victories were the results of his boldness only, with that inexplicable chance, which, to man's natural reason, appears good luck, and which a religious faith, like that of Jackson, terms Providence. But while the perpetual and essential influence of the divine power is asserted, which alone sustains the regular connexion of means with ends, it will be shown that these conceptions are erroneous; that General Jackson's campaigns were guided by the most profound and original applications of military science, as well as sustained by the vigor of their execution; and that they are an invaluable study for the leader of armies. The reader has now reached the commencement of that wondro
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 10: Kernstown. (search)
es of too many brave men. I must retreat, and wait for a better time. The air of grief again possessed him, and he proposed to return to his friend's dwelling, to take leave of his family. He bade them a sad farewell, but said he hoped a good Providence would enable him soon to return, and bring them deliverance. The next morning, at dawn of day, the Confederate army left Winchester for Strasbourg, and at 9 o'clock, A. M., the column of General Banks began cautiously to enter it. As they appas my shield. His protecting care is an additional cause for gratitude. . . .. My little army is in excellent spirits: it feels that it inflicted a severe blow on the enemy. April 7th. I trust you and all I have in the hands of an ever kind Providence, knowing that all things work together for the good of his people. So live that your sufferings may be sanctified to you; remembering that our light afflictions, which are but for a moment, work out for us a far more exceeding and eternal weig
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 11: McDowell. (search)
t they supposed they had only the six regiments of the latter to deal with. His troops had not all come up; and the Stonewall Brigade especially, was many miles in the rear. His purpose was to amuse the enemy, while his engineers diligently explored the mountain to the right and left, for a road which might lead him to their rear. To the zeal of his artillery officers, who offered to bring up batteries, he quietly replied: Thank you; not yet; and at length added to one of them: Perhaps Providence may open a way toward Monterey for you tomorrow. (Monterey is the next village ten miles west of McDowell; and was in the enemy's rear.) In truth, his explorations had already been successful in leading him to a rude mountain road, practicable for artillery, which, passing far to the right of Hull's mountain pastures, enters the highway five miles in the rear of McDowell; and his orders were just issued to move a formidable park of artillery, with sufficient escort, by this road, during
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 12: Winchester. (search)
s energy with which he had been pressing forward, told how dear the project was to his wishes. He meekly replied; Then Providence denies me the privilege of striking a decisive blow for my country; and I must be satisfied with the humble task of hid in the future. But his chief duty to-day, and that of the army, is, to recognize devoutly the hand of a protecting Providence in the brilliant successes of the last three days (which have given us the results of a great victory without great losent to Richmond, where they were found abundant enough to replenish the medical stores of the great army. The mercy of Providence in this supply, was as manifest as His rebuke of the barbarity of the enemy. With an inhumanity unknown in modern histg after his victory at Winchester, that he wrote thus to Mrs. Jackson: Winchester, May 26th, 1862. An ever kind Providence blessed us with success at Front Royal on Friday, between Strasbourg and Winchester on Saturday, and here with a succes
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 13: Port Republic. (search)
ts should have joined him, lest the Confederates should move by them against Washington! Thus Providence employed the movements of General Jackson's little army to paralyze the forces of Fremont, Banand a conclusion, or whether it was the fortunate and unforeseen dispensation of chance, or of Providence. To the latter he delighted to attribute all his success; and he would have been the first tt a detachment of cavalry to burn; when there occurred one of those manifest interpositions of Providence, which from time to time shewed the answer to his prayers for the divine blessing. A quarter ned with the handful of troops thus cut off. But out of this accident, to them so involuntary, Providence ordained that a result should proceed essential to the safety of the army. As the captured Coime he would be expected to hold the army of Fremont in check. He replied: By the blessing of Providence, I hope to be back by ten o'clock. Here then, we have revealed his whole purpose: He allott
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 14: the Richmond campaign. (search)
ps, as he lay down that night among his Staff, showed that he was conscious of depression. After dropping asleep from excessive fatigue, with his supper between his teeth, he said: Now, gentlemen, let us at once to bed, and rise with the dawn, and see if to-morrow we cannot do something! Yet he found time, amidst the fatigues of this day, to write to Mrs. Jackson, with a heart full of piety and of yearning for domestic happiness:-- Near White Oak Swamp Bridge, June 30th. An ever kind Providence has greatly blessed our efforts, and given us great reason for thankfulness in having defended Richmond as he has. I hope that our God will soon bless us with an honorable peace, and permit us to be together at home, in the enjoyment of domestic happiness. Meantime, Generals Longstreet and A. P. Hill, after confronting the enemy's powerful centre until 4 o'clock P. M., heard firing upon the Charles City road, which they supposed indicated the near approach of Huger. The former pla