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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 1,756 1,640 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 979 67 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 963 5 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 742 0 Browse Search
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 694 24 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 457 395 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 449 3 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 427 7 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 420 416 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 410 4 Browse Search
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ng the road toward Frederick, we intercepted despatches from Col. Rush (Lancers) to the commander of the scout, which satisfied me that our whereabouts was still a problem to the enemy. Before reaching Frederick I crossed the Monocacy, continued the march through the night, via Liberty, New-Market, Monrovia, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, where we cut the telegraph-wires and obstructed the railroad. We reached at daylight Hyattstown, on McClellan's line of wagon communication with Washington, but we found only a few wagons to capture, and we pushed on to Barnsville, which we found just vacated by a company of the enemy's cavalry. We had here corroborated what we had heard before, that Stoneman had between four and five thousand troops about Poolesville and guarding the river fords. I started directly for Poolesville, but instead of marching upon that point avoided it by a march through the woods, leaving it two or three miles to my left, and getting into the road from Pooles
ly, yet as far as I could, to the defence of Washington. On the second of September the formal ordelaced me in command of the fortifications of Washington, and of all the troops for the defence of th) as soon as they approached the vicinity of Washington, to go out and meet them and to post them asdisappearance of the enemy from the front of Washington and their passage into Maryland enlarged the covering the direct route from Frederick to Washington. The Sixth corps, under Gen. Franklin, was re in position readily to cover Baltimore or Washington, to attack him should he hold the line of thwith the garrison was cut off. Before I left Washington, and while it was yet time, I recommended toe Cumberland Valley, and not upon Baltimore, Washington or Gettysburgh. In the absence of the ful into Maryland, and then directly threatened Washington and Baltimore, while they occupied the soil d, by its movements, the important cities of Washington and Baltimore; then boldly attacked the vict
one half inch rifles,) munitions, provisions, and camp equipage. This success has been without loss on our side. The vessels then ascended the St. John's to Jacksonville, and there learned that the rebel forces had retreated beyond that point. We retain possession of St. John's River as far as Jacksonville. I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Wm. Godon, Captain Commanding South-Atlantic Squadron. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington City. Account by a participant. steamer Ben Deford, St. John's River, Fla., Saturday, October 4--P. M. The military portion of the expedition, under command of Brig.-Gen. J. M. Brannan, embarked at Hilton Head, on the afternoon of September thirtieth, on the steamers Ben Deford, Cosmopolitan, and Boston, accompanied by a smaller steamer, the Neptune, which transported scows and boats for landing purposes. Before leaving the wharf the troops listened to a few pithy words from Gen
appears that the first shot from the Owasco exploded directly over the heads of the men at and around the big gun, (their main reliance,) and the enemy left. A flag of truce was hoisted and the preliminaries arranged for a surrender, which took place on the ninth instant. The reports will give you all the particulars. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, D. G. Farragut, Rear Admiral Commanding West Gulf Squadron. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington. Acting Master Crocker's report. U. S. Steamer Kensington, Pensacola Bay, October 24, 1862. sir: In continuation of my reports from Sabine Pass, sent by the prize schooners Adventure and West Florida I have the honor now to state that on the thirteenth instant I sent the Kensington on her way to the Rio Grande, under command of Acting Master Taylor, there to water the Albatross, in obedience to your orders, and also to water the other vessels blockading on the Texan coast. T
rassing to the enemy. That it did not attain its original object is no fault of the Commanding General, but the failure in that respect can probably be attributed to the Union inhabitants with Southern sympathies who still reside in our midst. Great credit is due to General Stahel, who has proved that he possesses two of the most prominent attributes of a great commander — caution where necessary, dash when required. He has also evinced coolness and promptness; skill in handling his troops and choosing his positions; energy in not allowing any rest to his opponents; unquestioned courage in leading wherever danger threatened. General Stahel was ably seconded by Capt. Dahlgren, Col. Wyndham, and Lieut.-Colonel Sackett, and generally by his soldiers. The expedition lost not more than twelve in killed and wounded. They captured nearly one hundred prisoners-among others a Mr. Ball, well known as a spy in the vicinity of Washington, and father of the rebel captain of the same name.
Doc. 11.-President Lincoln's order, establishing a Provisional Court in Louisiana. Executive mansion, Washington, October 20, 1862. The insurrection which has for some time prevailed in several of the States of this Union, including Louisiana, having temporarily subverted and swept away the civil institutions of that State, including the judiciary and the judicial authorities of the Union, so that it has become necessary to hold the State in military occupation; and it being indispens and delivered to such Judge, shall be deemed and held to be a sufficient commission. Let the seal of the United States be hereunto affixed. [L. S.] Abraham Lincoln. By the President: William H. Seward, Secretary of State. war Department, Washington, 28 October, 1862. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy, duly examined and compared with the original, of the Executive Order of the President of the United States, constituting a Provisional Court for the State of Louisiana.
sas Railroad soon. There are some large sugar plantations here, and a great deal of sugar, and the Lord knows the people need the necessaries it might purchase in New-Orleans. It is likely that many of the crops now in the fields will be lost, as the whites have gone with the confederate forces--been compelled to go — and the blacks have come within our lines. They are a great source of annoyance to our army, but, under the act of Congress, and instructions from the powers that be, in Washington, they cannot be turned away. They are good foragers. Nearly every man in the expedition has a servant, even the privates. Some of the officers have two or three. The private soldiers are strictly forbidden to leave the ranks to snatch up unconsidered trifles, like fowls, pigs, sheep, and the like; but the negro, for the first time in his life, finds himself better than the whites, and levies his contributions at will. Negroes from all along the route, come flocking to the lines with
ered. Whilst we drop a tear, therefore, for those who have fallen, and sympathize with those who are yet suffering, let us not forget to render thanks to the beneficent Giver of all blessings for the success that has thus far attested the truth and right of our glorious cause. F. J. Herron, Brigadier-General Commanding Second and Third Divisions. General Curtis's report. St. Louis, Mo., Thursday, Dec. 11, 1862. Majer-General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief of the U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. Further details are received from Gens. Blunt and Herron, from the battle ground, Prairie-Grove, near Fayetteville, Arkansas: Our loss in killed and wounded is now estimated at one thousand, and that of the enemy at over two thousand. The rebels left many of their dead and most of their wounded for us to care for. Extensive hospitals will be improvised in Fayetteville. Persons returned from the battle-field represent that the enemy are twenty-eight thousand strong. Th
lleck, General-in-Chief, United States Army, Washington: General: I have the honor to offer the f Uniontown, some two miles southerly from Washington City. We encamped the second day near PiscataTwitchell was not present, being detained in Washington, and arriving here on Tuesday after the batt Washington; Captain N. D. Stoodley, sick in Washington; Captain Luther M. Wright, sick in quarters; field-hospitals to the general hospitals at Washington. The comfort of the wounded and the resulur special relief agent, was despatched from Washington to Acquia Creek to provide suitable accommody part of last week in procuring passes from Washington to the line of operations of the army of them a strict examination. I spent two days in Washington providing myself with the document that, accreek landing is about sixty-five miles below Washington, on the Potomac, and is now the principal de with his division. The idea entertained at Washington had been, that Burnside would force the pass[6 more...]
n supporters, and there remained till recalled by the order of Gen. Negley, to form his division in the rear of the artillery in the centre. The review which I have made of the battle-fields over which we have together made our way during this protracted day's struggle, shows the awful effectiveness of our arms, the desperate obstinacy which characterizes our troops, and warrants the belief that though our pathway may be over bloody fields and thickly-planted graveyards, yet the flag of Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, and the heroes of our glorious Union, endeared by a thousand precious memories, and the symbol of a greater, grander destiny, shall be upheld and be borne along and aloft till it shall again float in unquestioned supremacy over all its ancient domain. Allow me to say in behalf of the Seventy-fourth regiment, officers and men, that with such commanders as Major-Gen. Rosecrans, Gen. Negley, and Col. John F. Miller, we are prepared to go forward and follow the fortunes