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omac heights; I see a bastioned and traversed flank-work, one fourth its size, and but a hundred rods to the west; I gaze from the further angle of the latter, and a chain of rifle-pits, redoubts, gabionades, and what not, stretches toward the James River as far as the eye can reach; seeing all these, and knowing how long and bravely an army fighting under the old flag would have held them — I almost wonder at the cowardly tactics of the braggart rebels, and more than ever realize the baseness onflicting: To Gen. McClellan and Command: The Fortieth Alabama regiment have been sitting very quiet for the last four hours, listening to our guns belching vengeance to your lines. You might as well attempt to change the run of the James River as to subjugate the Confederacy. Vale! Vale! Co. K, 40th Ala. II. Why have the rebels not been so completely surrounded that any movement would have been utterly impossible without a battle? Perhaps because Gen. McDowell's command w
ome eighty or ninety are reported killed or wounded. Colonel Kemper's regiment suffered terribly, though we have no account of the extent of the casualties. We learn that Gen. Magruder has been for several days quite sick at Westover, on James River. The enemy had not occupied Jamestown at six o'clock on Tuesday evening, but were in large force at Grove wharf and King's mill. They are also understood to be landing forces at West-Point. The Virginia (No. 2) was passed on James Riveren for several days quite sick at Westover, on James River. The enemy had not occupied Jamestown at six o'clock on Tuesday evening, but were in large force at Grove wharf and King's mill. They are also understood to be landing forces at West-Point. The Virginia (No. 2) was passed on James River yesterday, and will be at Richmond to-day. We have conflicting reports of the fight at Barhamsville yesterday, and prefer to wait for an official statement before giving publicity to rumors.
and by a countermarch proceeded by the old road to Norfolk, where I arrived safe at five o'clock, when the Mayor and Common Council met me and surrendered the city. The enemy, three thousand strong, with Gen. Huger, had fled but a short time before my arrival. The intrenchments through which I passed had twenty-one guns mounted, which, properly manned, might have made an effective defence. I turned the command over to Brig.-Gen. Viele, and appointed him Military Governor of the city, and then returned to the Fort and reported to the President and Secretary of War. I think it a fair inference that the occupation of Norfolk caused the blowing up of the dreaded Merrimac, and thus secured to us the free use of the James River. The army may, therefore, claim at least some share of this much-desired naval success. I have given you a hasty sketch of this movement, thinking it would be interesting to my friends in New-York. In great haste, most truly yours, John E. Wool.
of the fourth and fifth instant, directing me to take such a position in the James River as would entirely prevent the enemy's ascending it. Gen. Huger, commandinou telegraphed me to endeavor to afford protection to Norfolk as well as the James River, which replaced me in my original position. I then arranged with the Generan with a draft of eighteen feet as high as Westover, near Harrison's Bar, in James River, (whither he designed to take her,) which they previously stated they could g-Officer Tatnall having been instructed to prevent the enemy from ascending James River, the Virginia, with very little more, if any, lessening of draft, after ligh extending three feet under water, could have been taken up to Hog Island in James River, (where the channel is narrow,) and could then have prevented the larger vesems to have precluded the consideration of the possibility of getting her up James River to the point or points indicated. The Court of Inquiry, of which Captain
Bridge, on the twentieth, and made a reconnoissance from the Chimneys near Bottom's Bridge to within two miles of the James River, on the Quaker road, on the twenty-third, Gen. McClellan ordered me to make a reconnoissance of the road and country blellan, Major-General Commanding. Letter from General Gorman. headquarters Gorman's brigade, Fair Oaks, near Richmond, Va., June 13, 1862. His Excellency E. D. Morgan: sir: Now that an opportunity offers, I cannot suffer it to pass withoto assist the left, the overflowed swamps of the Chickahominy holding it fast in its position. The enemy moved from James River, near the lower suburbs of Richmond, in five divisions — say forty thousand men at least — with powerful reserves in fhich since this disgrace, has no charm for it. I am, dear sir, very truly yours, D. camp near Bottom's Bridge, before Richmond, Va., June 7, 1862. McClellan and Casey's division. headquarters army of the Potomac, June 5, 1862--11 P. M. G
clock.--The Naugatuck moved up towards Elizabeth, followed by the Monitor and Dacotah in regular line of battle, the Seminole and San Jacinto following slowly. Heavy firing still heard from the direction of the Galena, and the gunboats up the James River. 12.10 o'clock.--The United States side-wheel steamer Susquehanna moved up, passing the Seminole and San Jacinto. In the mean time, the Dacotah and the Monitor had reached the channel, and taken possession of Sewell's Point, and the Dacot--The Susquehanna moves up, and takes the lead of the San Jacinto and Seminole. There was no return from either of the rebel forts, and the Dacotah and Monitor are steaming up the Elizabeth River, the Naugatuck laying off towards the mouth of James River. 12.30 o'clock.--The Dacotah and Monitor are moving up abreast, and are approaching Craney Island and Sewell's Point. The Dacotah stops and fires every few minutes, alternately at Sewell's Point and Craney Island, the enemy making no reply
Doc. 37.-the battle on James River, Va. Commander Rodgers's report. United States steamer Galena, off City point, James River, May James River, May 16, 1862. sir: I have the honor to report that this vessel, the Aroostook, the Monitor, and Port Royal, with the Naugatuck, moved up the r. Wm. N. Jeffers's report. U. S. Iron-clad steamer Monitor, James River, May 16, 1862. sir: I submit the following report of the move attached, had a four hours fight with a strong rebel battery on James River, eight miles below Richmond. During the fight our one hundred-ptly I have tendered my vessel to the Flag-Officer to again go up James River in her present condition, relying upon my broadside rifle-guns f obstructions, etc., etc. The Commodore, before I left him up James River, told me that even in my present state I could be of great servie Galena, Monitor, Aroos took, and Port Royal, worked our way up James River, and at a battery at a place called Harding's Bluff, (about five
Doc. 40.-the destruction of cotton. The rights of neutrals. confederate States of America, Department of State, Richmond, Va., May 16, 1862. sir: In answer to your communication of this morning, I have the honor to state that the government has no desire to destroy any cotton belonging to neutrals; but, on the contrary, is willing to extend to it full protection while in its power, provided the like protection can be made effective when the cotton may fall into the possession of the enemy. The past conduct of the Government of the United States, and passive attitude of neutral nations whose rights have been violated by the United States, have satisfied us that, if cotton belonging to neutrals be allowed to fall into the hands of the enemy, it will be seized and appropriated by them regardless of neutral rights, and that neutral powers will fail to afford any protection to the rights of their subjects when thus violated. If, however, as you suggest, any official assu
Doc. 48.-the James River expedition. Reconnoissance towards Petersburgh. Fortress Monroe, May 28, 1862. Yesterday the Coeur de Lion and Stepping Stones were ordered to proceed up the Appomattox River towards the city of Petersburgh, which is built on its banks. They proceeded up this stream for a distance of ten miles above its mouth without molestation, but just at this point there is what is called the Seven mile reach. On one side the ground was low and marshy, but on the other (northern) side there was a sort of bluff, upon which there appeared to be an earth-work; but on close examination, it was observed that no guns were mounted upon its parapet. Moving up a little further, the enemy's troops were discovered, composed of infantry and cavalry, in some force. They were skulking around under cover of houses and clumps of trees. Our gunboats moved up close under shore, when they were saluted with a heavy volley of musketry. Capt. Hamilton, of the Coeur de Lion,
Doc. 58.-General Kearney's order. headquarters Third division, Third corps, camp near Richmond, Va., June 5, 1862. General order, no. 15. brave regiments of the division, you have won for us a high reputation. The country is satisfied. Your friends at home are proud of you. After two battles and victories, purchased with much blood, you may be counted as veterans. 1. I appeal, then, to your experience, to your personal observation, to your high intelligence, to put in practice on the battle-field the discipline you have acquired in camp. It will enable you to conquer with more certainty and less loss. 2. Shoulder-straps and chevrons, you are marked men. You must ever be in the front. Colonels and field-officers, when it comes to the bayonet, lead the charge. At other times, circulate among your men, and supervise and keep officers and men to their constituted commands; stimulate the laggard, brand the coward, direct the brave, prevent companies from huddl