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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 12., A pioneer railroad and how it was built. (search)
n as Middlesex Village and part of the city of Lowell. The canal's first cost was a half-million,passed through, it was an all day journey from Lowell to Boston. Besides Lowell was nearly two mileacquired, then factories built and the town of Lowell came into existence, with its many and varied he line of the railway. The growing town of Lowell, with its manufacturing industries, demanded ather railroad should be built from Boston into Lowell within a period of forty years. As a matterho were the Proprietors of Locks and Canals at Lowell. By them the road was slowly but surely carricars set out and passed over the railroad from Lowell to Boston on Wednesday, June 24, 1835. This dden. Nothing daunted however they returned to Lowell and set about their task anew. Frequently the The tickets sold by the station agents on the Lowell road were a curiosity. Of stout card board ofston & Maine laid a track from their line into Lowell; and not to be outdone the Boston & Lowell bui
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 12., The first Parish in Medford. (search)
in which he won the victory. As a preacher he was a man of commanding presence, with gifts of oratory that made him widely known. His voice was rich, and finely modulated, and there are those still living who in their youth remember his reading of hymns and scripture as something that uplifted them. He was followed in 1857 by Rev. Theodore Tebbetts, under whose care the church and parish seemed entering upon brighter prospects. But ill-health, which had forced him to resign his work at Lowell, returned after about two years of his ministry here, though he continued as minister till July, 1860. His was a name I often heard when I first came to the parish. He was deeply and tenderly beloved. The parish was very kind and generous to him, supplying the pulpit at its own charge during his long illness. Indeed there is nothing in the history I have been reviewing which has impressed me more profoundly than that of the friendly relations between Mr. Tebbetts and this parish. He be