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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Flight and capture of Jefferson Davis. (search)
fiction, unrelieved by a single fact. If the writer of this paper is Major General Wilson, who was in command at Macon, Georgia, when we were captured, I shall regret that he has allowed himself to be the author of such a paper, as I felt, and still feel, under obligations to him for a personal favor when I was passing that place. When we reached Macon, where we remained a few hours, we were informed that Mr. Davis and Mr. Clay, of Alabama, who were there, would be sent on to Washington Cg it by going south with an escort. He says the first he heard of the armistice was from Generals Cobb and Smith, at Macon, Georgia, on the 20th day of April. That after that he was advised of its existence by General Sherman, and that it was inten as to our security for the time being by the following facts: We were getting well south in Georgia, with a view to turn Macon and Montgomery and pass through the piney wood country to the south of these cities, where the population was more sparse
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The Dalton-Atlanta operations. (search)
e of supplying the army. So it could have maintained itself there indefinitely, and so won the campaign with little more loss. This is no afterthought, but was expressed to General Hood when he took command. The Federal march to Jonesboroa caused, but did not compel, the abandonment of Atlanta. For if the Southern troops had remained in the place, the enemy would, in a few days, have been forced to return to his railroad. And, besides, Atlanta could have been sufficiently supplied from Macon, through Augusta; but at Jonesboroa the Federal troops could not be fed. This mode of gaining Atlanta made the acquisition of no great value. For the campaign continued, and General Sherman was occupied by General Hood until late in October, when he commenced the disastrous expedition into Tennessee, which left the former without an antagonist. Bentonville-pages 303-4-5-6: Johnston attempted to unite the three little bodies of his troops near Bentonville, on the 18th of March, to attack
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), How Jefferson Davis was overtaken. (search)
e way of Montgomery, Columbus, West Point, and Macon; while a detached brigade, under Croxton, movemulgee river from the mouth of Yellow creek to Macon. General Minty, commanding the Second Divisioting in that region. Beginning his march from Macon, General Alexander, at his own request, was auOcmulgee from the right of Upton's Division to Macon, and in scouting the country to his front and rney, he rode moodily in the cavalcade back to Macon, where first he was to learn the extent of hisew the report, immediately after our return to Macon, for Captain John C. Hathaway, commanding the ubt. all speak the truth. On our way back to Macon, however, Mrs. Davis told me, and I will use hs return march, with prisoners and wagons, for Macon, about one hundred and twenty miles to the norhe President. Mr. Clay surrendered himself at Macon, about the 11th of May, having informed me by ntion, were paroled. When Davis arrived at Macon, he looked bronzed, but hardy and vigorous, an[13 more...]