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Manufactures in Manchester, N. H. --Manchester, N. H. built at the Amoskeag Falls, in the Merrimack river, is one of the cities of New England which have had a marvellous growth, rising from feebleness and insignificance to places of great business and industrial importance in a few years. In 1840, Manchester had a population of 3,223; in 1850, 13,392; in 1854, 19,897, and in 1860 about 25,000. Its growth began in 1838, at which time there were, within the limits of the city proper, not more than fifty inhabitants. The capital stock of the manufacturing companies is $6,840,000, which run 6,154 looms and 229,132 spindles. Number of female operatives 4,870; male operatives 2,490; consumption of cotton per week 385,000 lbs; of wool 30,000 lbs.; yards made per week 1,133,500; yards printed per annum 17,500,000; 2,300,000 seamless bags per annum are woven here. The monthly pay roll is $139,200.
her side, at the risk of a forfeiture of all claims on his Government. The report of a treaty between France and Spain, securing to the latter the possession of the Antilles, is officially denied. A new Italian Ministry has been established. Baron Recasoll has assumed the Presidency of the Council and Foreign Affairs. The Pope's health had been entirely reestablished. Additional commercial intelligence by the Anglo-Saxon. Liverpool, June 13th. --The advices from Manchester are unfavorable. The market for goods and yarns was quiet, but prices were steady. Liverpool Breadstuffs markets. Liverpool, June 14th. --Messrs. Wakefield, Nash & Co., report flour dull and six pence lower. Sales at 26s.a28s 6l. Wheat very dull, and holders pressing on the market at a decline of 2d. Messrs. Richardson, Spence & Co. say some forced sales were made at a decline of 6.9; sales of red at 10a12s., and white at 11s 6.1 a 13s. 6d. Corn steady; sales of mined a
Great advance in cotton. --"The mills of this city," says the Manchester (N. H.) Mirror, "have a large quantity of cotton on hand, which has advanced in price since it was bought about one million of dollars.--That owned by the Amoskeag Company would sell for $180,000 more than it cost; that owned by the Stark Mills $150,000, and that owned by the Manchester Mills $165,000--sum total,$995,000."
The Daily Dispatch: October 24, 1861., [Electronic resource], Discharge of disabled soldiers — Granting of furloughs. (search)
Five dollars reward. --Left Manchester, about the last of September, my girl Jane. She is a little girl, about 12 years of age, stout built, white spot in one eye, don't remember which. The above reward will be paid if left at Dunlop, Moncure & Co.'s Mills, Manchester, or to Mr. Hitchcock, on 14th st. oc 22--3t* Lawrence Moody.
Runaway.$10 reward --Left Manchester about the last of September, my girl, Jane. She is a little girl about 13 years of age, stout built, very flat nose; has a white spot in one eye don't remember which. There is reason to believe that she is in the city as she has been seen there. The above reward will be paid for her delivery to me at Messrs. Dunlop. Moncure & Co.'s Mill in Manchester, or secured in jail so that I can get her. P. S.--Persons are warned not to harbor her. no-Left Manchester about the last of September, my girl, Jane. She is a little girl about 13 years of age, stout built, very flat nose; has a white spot in one eye don't remember which. There is reason to believe that she is in the city as she has been seen there. The above reward will be paid for her delivery to me at Messrs. Dunlop. Moncure & Co.'s Mill in Manchester, or secured in jail so that I can get her. P. S.--Persons are warned not to harbor her. no 19--ct* Lawrence Moody.
Runaway.--ten dollars reward. --On Thursday, the 14th instant, my servant Caroline. She is a mulatto; she is about 10 years of age; medium size; rather delicate, she has bad teeth; quite a singular voice. I purchased her of Anderson Edwards, Esq. of Chesterfield about seven miles from Richmond. She has acquaintances in Manchester, but I have no doubt that she is in the city. I warn all persons from harboring her, I will give the above reward for her delivery to me at my residence in Richmond, corner of Clay and 10th streets. no 17--t* G. A. W. Taylor.
Runaway.--$20 reward. --will be paid for the delivery at our office or at our Mill in Manchester, of our absconding slave, Di K Brya Dick is about 5 feet 8 inches high, lightning color, and about 19 years old. Dick on when he left, a brown frock coat, dark and black Russia hat. no -- Dunlop, Moncure & Co.
Ran away.--$100 reward. --Ranaway from the Batteries in Manchester, on or about the 3d, September last a Negro Boy, named John call himself John Alvis, the property of Mrs. Roberta Robinson. Said negro is about 18 or of aged, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high; brown complexion black eye and very sullen looking.--He is supposed to be in the neighborhood of Richmond or at some of the encampments below Richmond be paid for his delivery to the subscriber in the city or any of the adjacent course $50 taken in any other part of the State, or $100 if taken out of the State. Samuel Hastings. Richmond, Nov. 14, 1861. no 20--d6t&ewlt*
Runaway.--$10 reward --Left Manchester about the last of September, my girl, Jane, she the little girl about 13 years of age, very big nose; has a white spot in one side don't remember which. There is reason to believe that she is in the city, as she has been seen before. The above reward will be paid for her delivery to me at Messrs. Dunlop, Moncure & Co.'s in Manchester, or secured in jail so that I can get her. P. S.--Persons are warned not to harbor her. -- Lawrence Moodyunaway.--$10 reward --Left Manchester about the last of September, my girl, Jane, she the little girl about 13 years of age, very big nose; has a white spot in one side don't remember which. There is reason to believe that she is in the city, as she has been seen before. The above reward will be paid for her delivery to me at Messrs. Dunlop, Moncure & Co.'s in Manchester, or secured in jail so that I can get her. P. S.--Persons are warned not to harbor her. -- Lawrence Moody.
Ranaway--ten dollars reward. --On Thursday, the 14th instant, my servant Caroline. She is a mulatto she is about 14 years of age; medium size; rather delivery she had bad teeth, quite a singular voice. I purchase her of Anderson Edward, Esq. of Cheyenne county, about seven miles from Richmond, she has acquaintances in Manchester, but I have believe that she is in the city. I warn all person against harboring her. I will give the above reward for her delivery to me at my residence in Richmond corner of Clay and 10th streets. -- G. A. W. Taylor.