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Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 11.1, Texas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 127 1 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 83 7 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 75 15 Browse Search
James Russell Soley, Professor U. S. Navy, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, The blockade and the cruisers (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 57 1 Browse Search
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 56 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 51 7 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 46 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 39 15 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 38 0 Browse Search
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States 36 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States.. You can also browse the collection for Galveston (Texas, United States) or search for Galveston (Texas, United States) in all documents.

Your search returned 45 results in 7 document sections:

ittle ken of the future. When we went together to Galveston, you expressed great concern for me when I announct to Louisville for this purpose, but came back to Galveston during the summer on business. In November, 1840, course. General Johnston being at the time in Galveston, the President could have ascertained the truth, bn of the entire affair: To the people of Texas. Galveston, May 6, 1842. my name having been used in a proation for it in fact. A. Sidney Johnston. City of Galveston, May 1, 1842. sir: your proclamation, which apps, Witnesses. J. S. Sydnor. Executive Department, Galveston, May 2, 1842. Sir: Your note of yesterday's dat to the market, being about thirty-five miles from Galveston by land, and twelve miles from the navigable waterre nearest to his heart was Colonel James Love, of Galveston. Love was six or eight years his senior, and had om the mountains of Kentucky, whence he removed to Galveston soon after the Revolution of 1836. He was a man o
d to General Johnston. Asks him to join the army. he goes on horseback from Galveston and joins the army. his letters from point Isabel, detailing military operatas, February 8, 1846. Dear sir: Your esteemed favor of the 17th ult., from Galveston, reached me on the 2d inst., and let me assure you I was much gratified at heself in the Texan contingent. A messenger from General Taylor had arrived in Galveston on the 28th of April, with a request to General Johnston to join him at once.in the actions at Palo Alto and Resaca. His wife and infant son were left at Galveston under the care of Colonel Love and his good wife. Leonard Groce, for manyxas quota of four regiments, to go by land to Corpus Christi. Once away from Galveston there was no opportunity of writing until I should reach this point, and sincrepublic, came back with the rest. As he joyfully hastened from the beach at Galveston to his father's house, he saw his father sternly regarding him from his front
Chapter 10: plantation-life. Reception at Galveston. reasons for retiring from the army. generosity to the writer. his plantation, China Grove. Texas coast scenery. game. his family. occupation. manual labor. Warren D. C. Hall. xpected conduct. letter on office-seeking. finally appointed a paymaster in the army. General Johnston returned to Galveston in October, and was received with enthusiasm by its citizens, with whom he was always a favorite. A public dinner was ral Hamilton occasionally. Colonel Samuel M. Williams wrote him, when his fortunes were lowest, to draw on his bank at Galveston according to his necessities. Hancock, Preston, Burnley, and some others, retained their interest, and manifested it as. I told him you would not have it. He said then, if Reynolds resigned, he intended to offer you the collectorship of Galveston. I told him you would not have it. Then, said he, I shall offer him a paymaster's place in the army. Not knowing your
Chapter 11: Paymaster in United States Army. Reception at Galveston. reasons for retiring from the army. generosity to the writer. his plantation, China Grove. Texas coast scenery. g by the malaria of the Brazos bottom, that, on the 8th of April, 1850, while waiting orders at Galveston, he was obliged, at the suggestion of his superior officers, to ask a little indulgence beforeand yielded to his own treatment and simple remedies, detaining him, however, several weeks in Galveston. On November 13th he reported to the paymaster-general that he had completed the first paymene journeys were, nevertheless, periods of great solicitude to him. The route was by steamer to Galveston, thence by steamboat to Houston, and thence by stage, a distance of 185 miles, to Austin ; andhe negro should be sold out of the community, where, indeed, he was not safe. He was taken to Galveston, and allowed to select his own master. He was sold for $1,000, which went to make up in part
ed in fortune, but he went to work cheerfully, following the pursuit of a civil engineer in New Orleans and Mobile, until within the past few years he removed to Galveston, where death closed his. career in his sixty-first year. General Bragg met his death at Galveston, Texas, September 27, 1876, by heart-disease. He was strucGalveston, Texas, September 27, 1876, by heart-disease. He was struck, while crossing a street, and died as suddenly as if he had met his fate on the battle-field. Colonel Johnston continues: The brief sketch which I have given shows that his service in the late war was large, varied, and active, and the time during which he was in command, from Shiloh to Dalton, comprises the most eventhed to the corps commanders. These orders are in Appendix C to this chapter. In a letter from General Bragg to the writer occur the following comments: Galveston, Texas, December 16, 1874. dear Colonel: Yours of the 8th instant, asking for any facts in my possession as to the authorship of the plan for the battle of Shilo
carried thence to Galveston by steamer. Galveston had been the home of General Johnston at onein's order: headquarters district of Texas, Galveston, January 24, 1866. Sir: My attention has commanding. Hon. C. H. Leonard, Mayor of Galveston, Texas. This order was without warrant of larcest. Wainwright and Lea were so buried in Galveston. Colonel Baylor stated that he buried Colonn. The following is the correspondence: Galveston, Texas, January 24, 1867. The citizens of Galk of beneficent despotisms: Mayor's Office, Galveston, January 24, 1867. I am in receipt of a cffin, dated headquarters, District of Texas, Galveston, January 24, 1867, forbidding the contemplatiffin gave a verbal assent: Mayor's Office, Galveston, January 13, 1867. General: While on the part of the citizens of Galveston I would state that they did not intend, by the published programmveston, January 25, 1867. The citizens of Galveston are hereby respectfully requested to implici[7 more...]
will allow, answered Mr. Davis. Whom else could you recommend, if neither of these could be sent? asked the President. Robert E. Lee. Mr. Buchanan then said, Do you and General Scott ever by any possibility agree? I should not like to think that I did not often agree on military affairs with a man of General Scott's experience, replied Mr. Davis. Well, said Mr. Buchanan, you have named the same persons for this service, though not in the same order. Judge William P. Ballinger, of Galveston, Texas, writing in 1873 of General Johnston, says: His impression on me was very strong and lasting. I was a boy of eighteen, and your father was the first great man I was ever thrown in association with. I saw a great deal of him for several years — I was his adjutant in Mexico. Since then I have met a number of the so-called great men of the day. Very few have excited in me any high degree of admiration. But I have a veneration for your father that classes him with the very lofties