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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Index (search)
226. Freneau, Philip, 23. Frugal Housewife, the, 121. Fuller, Margaret. See Ossoli. Fulton, Robert, 6. Furness, Rev. W. H., 192. Furness Abbey, 219. Garrison, William L., 285; his Liberator, mentioned, 163,166; his Memoirs, cited, 167 note. Gazette, United States Literary, the, 23-26, 29 note, 41; Longfellow contributes to, 27. Georgia (State), 143. Germany, 8, 50-52, 65, 71, 98, 125, 142, 156, 170, 199. Gervinus, George G., 112. Gladstone, William E., 221. Gloucester, Mass., 264. Goddard, William, 97. Goethe, John Wolfgang von, 64, 92, 112, 234, 289; his Werther, mentioned, 120; quoted, 233. Goldsmith, Oliver, 50, 62. Goodrich, Samuel G., 72; his Recollections of a Lifetime, mentioned, 74. Gorges, Thomas, 131. Gongora, Luis de, 68. Gothenburg, 97, 101-103. Gottingen, 52. Gower, Sir, Ronald, his My Reminiscences quoted, 279-281. Graham, Mr., 158. Graham's Magazine, 164, 193. Grant, General Ulysses S., 6. Granville, Earl, 254; of