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Union, completely crushed out. Gov. Harris, on the 24th of June, issued his proclamation, declaring that the vote of the 8th had resulted as follows:  Separation.No Separation. East Tennessee14,78032,923 Middle Tennessee58,2658,198 West Tennessee29,1276,117 Military Camps2,741(none)   Total104,91347,238 But a Convention of the people of East Tennessee--a region wherein the immense preponderance of Union sentiment still commanded some degree of freedom for Unionists — held at Greenville on the 17th, and wherein thirty-one counties were represented by delegates, adopted a declaration of grievances, wherein they say: We, the people of East Tennessee, again assembled in a Convention of our delegates, make the following declaration in addition to that heretofore promulgated by us at Knoxville, on the 30th and 31st days of May last: So far as we can learn, the election held in this State on the 8th day of the present month was free, with but few exceptions, in no part o
ngton, when barely 1,500 of Wheeler's men had got between him and Columbia, while Cheatham's force (the remnant of Hood's army) was moving parallel with our advance still farther to the left. But, on crossing the Saluda, Feb. 17. Wheeler was found to be ahead; and our cavalry marched all day Feb. 18. parallel with Cheatham's corps, moving at times within three miles--a difficult stream forbidding an attempt to strike the enemy in flank, as he was strung along the road. Crossing the Greenville and Columbia road, Kilpatrick tore it up down to Alston, where he crossed Feb. 19 the Broad, and pushed north nearly to Chesterville; when he found that Wheeler had moved around his front, united with Wade Hampton, and was before him on the road to Charlotte and Raleigh, N. C., which Sherman's advance northward from Columbia to Winnsboroa Feb. 21 had led the enemy to believe was his intended course. They were at fault, as usual. Though his left wing was thrown north nearly to Che
in prayer and effort to defend our homes, our liberties, and our churches; and encourage them to be assured, that, as hitherto, putting our faith in God, though each of us may have much to bear, yet the rod will not finally rest upon us, but that in this most wicked attack upon our otherwise peaceful homes, the wickedness of the wicked will return on their own heads. By special appointment of the Convention, a thanksgiving sermon was preached on Sunday morning, by Rev. Dr. Broaddus, of Greenville, from Psalm 44: 6. A collection was taken up at the close of the sermon for the relief of our sick and wounded soldiers, amounting to one hundred and thirty dollars; among which was found a handsome gold ring, the heart offering of some fair donor. It is an interesting fact, as illustrative of the extraordinary character of our army, that one of the churches of the Convention, in Spartanburg District, has no less than thirty-four of its members in our Southern army. In one of the comp
the town the day before and retreated toward Greenville. I found him, however, occupying a position about one mile out of town, on the Greenville road, which he has held since about nine o'clock A. My I pursued Thompson twenty-two miles on the Greenville road, for the purpose of capturing his trainown the evening before, and was en route for Greenville. Being determined to pursue the enemy, Cond had not proceeded over half a mile on the Greenville road, when the enemy was discovered in frontce, I pursued the enemy for ten miles on the Greenville road, and sent forward a reconnoitring partyprevious, and marched about ten miles toward Greenville, where he left his train. He then proceededith the rest of the brigade, to march toward Greenville, and took my place in line in rear of the See right wing, being on the right side of the Greenville road, and Major Goodwin, with the left wing, of march immediately on the road leading to Greenville, where it was supposed the enemy would make
Disappointed.--We are reliably informed that a few evenings ago the family of Andrew Johnson felt so assured that he would make his appearance in Greenville at the head of a Lincoln force, that they made preparations for giving the distinguished traitor a splendid supper upon his arrival. What a delusion!--Nashville Banner, Nov. 20.
ce heard of a wag that seized hold of an elephant's snout on every occasion, and he always excused himself upon the pretext that he could not resist the temptation to pull a nose that he could get hold of with both hands. It seems that Andy Johnson is such a miserable traitor, that an editor at Lynchburg could not resist the temptation to pull his proboscis. Our citizens heard yesterday, with every demonstration of delight, the indignity offered Gov. Johnson on his way from Washington to Greenville. His presence in Virginia was regarded as exceedingly offensive to Virginians. He was insulted at almost every depot. At Lynchburg his nose was most handsomely pulled, while he was hooted and groaned at by the large crowd. The traitor is meeting his reward. We have heard since, from good authority, that at Liberty, in Bedford county, Va., Johnson was taken from the cars, and a rope placed around his neck preliminary to a proposed hanging. Some old citizens of the county begged for hi
reconnoissance. Report of Captain Jocknick. Washington, N. C., June 25, 1862. sir: Having within the last few days received a number of reports from various sources in regard to certain fly-trap contrivances made by the rebels on the Greenville road, for the purpose of catching my mounted patrols whenever they should venture beyond their usual limit of four miles, I made yesterday a reconnoissance with my company to Tranter's Creek, a distance of eight miles, where they were said to hf my reconnaissance was accomplished, their lives were spared. I found the bridge partially destroyed, the mill where they made their last stand entirely deserted, and no traces whatever of the presence of a large force. In the direct road to Greenville, and a mile from this point, is another bridge, which Lieutenant Allis crossed at the time of his engagement; but, although I made a careful reconnoissance of that locality, no rebel pickets could be seen. About twelve feet of the centre of th
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore), The fight in Bollinger County, Mo. (search)
The fight in Bollinger County, Mo. Major Lazar's despatch. Greenville, July 30, 1862. Colonel T. C. Merrill: sir: Yesterday, at eleven o'clock A. M., Captain Whybank, with one hundred and twenty men of companies A and F, Thirteenth regiment, attacked Major Tenley and Captain Polson and one hundred and eighty men, near Bollinger's Mill, Bollinger County, killing ten, wounding a large number, and capturing a lot of horses, guns, etc. The brush was so thick, it was impossible to find all the wounded. The rebels were well mounted and well equipped. We did not lose a man. Full particulars by mail. B. T. Lazar, Major Commanding Post.
notice the gallantry of Captain Fletcher, of the Thirteenth Arkansas regiment, in repelling the sudden attempt of the enemy to capture two pieces of artillery, which were unavoidably delayed in being removed from their position late in the evening of the twentieth. I thank God for permitting us to be the survivors of a great victory for our country. Respectfully submitted, John R. Liddell, Brigadier-General. Report of Brigadier-General W. Preston, commanding division. Greenville, South Carolina, October 31, 1863. Captain Gallaher, Assistant Adjutant-General: Captain: I have the honor to transmit, in obedience to orders, a report of the part taken by the division under my command in the battle of Chickamauga: On the eighteenth of September, our forces advanced in several columns to cross the Chickamauga, and give battle to the Federal army under General Rosecrans. Major-General Buckner's corps, consisting of Stewart's division and mine, moved on the road to Thedford'
sFifth1,16516213.9 63d PennsylvaniaBirney'sThird1,34118613.8 5th VermontGetty'sSixth1,53321313.8 6th IowaCorse'sSixteenth1,10215213.7 155th New YorkGibbon'sSecond83011413.7 49th OhioT. J. Wood'sFourth1,46820213.7 Confederate generals killed in battle group no. 7 Brigadier-generals Abner Perrin Spotsylvania May 12, 1864. W. E. Jones, Piedmont June 5. 1864. George doles, Bethesda Church May 30, 1864. Robert H. Anderson, Antietam October 6, 1862. John H. Morgan, Greenville September 4, 1864. John R. Chambliss, Jr., Deep Bottom August 16, 1864. Junius Daniel, Spotsylvania died May 13, 1864. James B. Gordon, Yellow Tavern May 11, 1864. J. C. Saunders, Weldon Railroad August 21, 1864. Micah Jenkins, Wilderness May 6, 1864. C. H. Stevens, Peach tree Creek July 20, 1864. Samuel Benton, Esra Church July 29, 1864. Some casualties of Confederate regiments General Marcus J. Wright, Confederate States Army At the time when Lieutenant-Colonel Wi