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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—the naval war. (search)
es, at that time, had left entirely unprotected. Mitchell was to continue the destruction of the track of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad wherever he found it impossible to hold it, and to occupy that portion of the line which follows the right bank of the Tennessee, at a certain distance from the river, between the bridges of Stevenson and Decatur. Leaving the capital of Tennessee at the same time as the remainder of the army of the Ohio, but bearing to the south-east, he reached Murfreesborough, where he remained until the 4th of April, to reopen the first section of the railroad from Nashville to Chattanooga, which the Confederates had entirely destroyed. The next stage was at Shelbyville, and the trains leaving Nashville were soon enabled to bring his supplies as far as that place. Then, leaving his depots at this point, he set out on the 7th of April by forced marches, crossed over to Fayetteville on the 8th, and notwithstanding the entire absence of good roads, he arrive
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—Kentucky (search)
of partisans were ready to welcome it. Murfreesborough, a small village of Tennessee, situated aederates to attempt a sudden dash against Murfreesborough, especially as this position was poorly dly attacked; it was on the way to relieve Murfreesborough, when it received information that it wouintended to pass between MacMinnville and Murfreesborough, in order to join Bragg on the Cumberlandixth, under Thomas. These troops reached Murfreesborough between the 3d and 5th of September. Theding from Decherd and MacMinnville toward Murfreesborough and Nashville, Bragg ascended the Sequatcsed with difficulty between Nashville and Murfreesborough. Bragg had under his command many of tred the railway track from Chattanooga to Murfreesborough; by this means Bragg, once in Knoxville, n, and Bragg took up his quarters between Murfreesborough, MacMinnville and Chattanooga. The two am to come off victorious at the battle of Murfreesborough. But Mr. Davis refused to issue an order
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book V:—Tennessee. (search)
s manner, had been on the battle-field of Murfreesborough, the issue of that contest would have beef the Confederates on the battle-field of Murfreesborough. Their retreat, on the contrary, renderelle; and Crittenden, on the left, that of Murfreesborough. The right and left thus flanked the poste army was united in the neighborhood of Murfreesborough; according to Bragg's report, it only numowed from Nashville, by which to approach Murfreesborough. The other two corps, in their efforts tarch. As the Federals were approaching Murfreesborough, it is proper that we should devote a few of the Confederates on the Nashville and Murfreesborough road, Rousseau's division having remaineds and place itself between the latter and Murfreesborough. The conception of this plan was all theall's Creek to those of Stone River, near Murfreesborough, the two straight lines formed by the rainfederate cavalry surrendered the town of Murfreesborough to the Federals. Bragg's army halted on [30 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book VII:—politics. (search)
d their seventeenth year since the 16th of April. It was under the operation of these new measures, affecting the whole able-bodied population of the Confederacy, that the armies were reorganized and prepared for the sanguinary campaigns of Murfreesborough and Vicksburg in the West, and of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg in the East. It may be said that these campaigns mark the greatest effort made by the Confederates in defence of the cause which they upheld with so much vigo of the reconstituted republic, or by the triumph of this institution over the largest portion of the American continent under the protection of the Confederacy, aggrandized and allpowerful. At the period where we left off the recital of military events after the terrible defeat of the Federals at Fredericksburg, their serious disaster before Vicksburg and their fruitless victory of Murfreesborough, the most sanguine optimists of the North were beginning to doubt the success of their cause.
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 9 (search)
ral Van Dorn. Division, Lovell. Villepique's brigade, Rust's brigade, Bowen's brigade. Division, Breckenridge. Brigade, ......; brigade, ......; cavalry, Jackson's brigade. Army of trans-mississippi, Major-general Sterling Price. Division, Maury. Moore's brigade, Phifer's brigade, Cabell's brigade. Division, Hebert. Gates' brigade, Colbert's brigade, Green's brigade, Martin's brigade. Cavalry, Armstrong's brigade. Artillery, 10 batteries, 44 guns. Battle of Murfreesborough. Federal army. Commander-in-chief, Major-General Rosecrans. Left wing. Major-general Crittenden. 1st Division, Wood (6th The figures in parenthesis indicate the permanent numbers of divisions and brigades in the general enumeration of the armies of the West.). Haxall's brigade, Harker's brigade, Wagner's brigade. 2d Division, Palmer (4th). Craft's brigade, Hazen's brigade (19), Grose's brigade (10). 3d Division, Van Cleve. Fyffe's brigade, Gibson's brigade. Ce