Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 13, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Nahant (Massachusetts, United States) or search for Nahant (Massachusetts, United States) in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: May 13, 1864., [Electronic resource], The Yankee Iron-Clad Navy--Admiral Dahlgren's opinion of monitors. (search)
t) August 2WagnerMontauk, Kaatskill, Patapsco, Weehauken, Nahant, Passic, Marblehead, (gunboat.) August 4WagnerMarblehead,18Wagner to prevent assaultWeehauken, Iron sides, Montauk, Nahant, Passaic, Kaatskill, Patapsco; gunboats Canandalgua Mahaskk September 1SumterWeehauken, Passaic, Patapsco, Montauk, Nahant. September 5Obstructions bet'n Sumter and GregWeehauken, Nahant, Patapsco. Montauk, Passaic, Lehigh. September 6Wagner and GreggLehigh, Nahant. September 7Batt'rs on Sullivan's INahant. September 7Batt'rs on Sullivan's Isl'd.Ironsides, Wechauken, Montauk, Passaic, Patapsco, Nahantt, Lehigh September 8Batt'rs on Sullivan's Isl'd.Ironsides, Patapsco, Lehigh, Nahant, Montauk, and Weehauken, (ashore.) I shall now briefly comment on the various qualities of the muk3014781541446214 Lehigh41283636 Passaic11910790359134 Nahant1702766936165 Patapsco17823096471144 Weehauken26464313453 Of the eight monitors, one was always absent at Warsaw (Nahant or Nantucket) to blockade the rebel ram. The Lehigh d