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William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 11: Nantucket County. (search)
at year, when it contained about three thousand Indians; it was formerly well-wooded; the soil is light and sandy. The whale fishery commenced here in 1690, and has continued to the present time; it has a good harbor, on the borders of which the town of Nantucket is located. The history of Nantucket is very interesting, and its war record during the Rebellion, which is all we have now to do with, is highly honorable, and in brief is as follows:— Nantucket Incorporated as the town of Sherburn, June 27, 1687; name changed to Nantucket, June 8, 1795. Population in 1860, 6,294; in 1865, 4,830. Valuation in 1860, $3,875,598; in 1865, $2,152,568. The selectmen in 1861 were William Barney, Joseph Mitchell, 2d, William H. Waitt, Alexander Macy, Benjamin Field, Joshua Parker, Elisha Smith; in 1862 and 1863, Charles F. Brown, Charles A. Folger, Zenas L. Adams, Samuel Woodward, Andrew J. Morton, Samuel Swain, Charles G. Coffin; in 1864, Joseph Mitchell, 2d, Joseph C. Chase, Charles G
lomon (7), m. Hannah, dau. of John Wyeth, and had Jonas, b. 25 Ap. 1713; Nathaniel, b. 19 May 1715, a tailor, resided in Sherburn 1742; Hannah, b. 16 Dec. 1716, m. Thomas Fessenden of Lex. (pub. 6 Feb. 1734-5); Tabitha, b. 30 Aug. 1718, m. Eleazar R21 Oct. 1749). His chil. were Joshua, b. 9 Ap. 1719; Caleb, b. 21 Feb. 1721-2; Martha, b. 27 June 1724, m. John Ware of Sherburn 19 June 1743, and was mother of the late Rev. Henry Ware, Sen., D. D.; Elizabeth, b. 17 Oct. 1727, m. Rev. Amos Adams of-91, a Deacon in Newton, m. Mindwell Stone 26 Jan. 1716; Abigail, b. 25 May 1695, m. William Greenwood 1715, who rem. to Sherburn, and was a Deacon. John the f. was a weaver, and res. on the south side of the river, near Newton Upper Falls. He erec 1828, a. 66; his w. Susan S. d. 28 Mar. 1855, a. 80. 17. Tapley, s. of Jonas (10), grad. H, C. 1786, and settled in Sherburn, where, he m. Sarah Fisk, and had two daus. Elizabeth Fisk, b. 21 Jan. 1799, and Lucy Coolidge, bap. 17 June 1804. Tap
Railroad Bridge. He was a Selectman 1744, and d. without issue, between 19 Mar. and 11 May 1761. 12. Nathaniel, s. of Solomon (7), m. Hannah, dau. of John Wyeth, and had Jonas, b. 25 Ap. 1713; Nathaniel, b. 19 May 1715, a tailor, resided in Sherburn 1742; Hannah, b. 16 Dec. 1716, m. Thomas Fessenden of Lex. (pub. 6 Feb. 1734-5); Tabitha, b. 30 Aug. 1718, m. Eleazar Russell before 1742; Solomon, b. 31 Jan. 1720-21. Nathaniel the f. was a brickmaker, and d. 24 Oct. 1722; his w. Hannah m. Ja3. Henry, s. of Solomon (7), m. Elizabeth Rand about 1718; she d. 13 Mar. 1748-9, and he m. Elizabeth Haley of Boston (pub. 21 Oct. 1749). His chil. were Joshua, b. 9 Ap. 1719; Caleb, b. 21 Feb. 1721-2; Martha, b. 27 June 1724, m. John Ware of Sherburn 19 June 1743, and was mother of the late Rev. Henry Ware, Sen., D. D.; Elizabeth, b. 17 Oct. 1727, m. Rev. Amos Adams of Rox., 18 Oct. 1753, and d. before 1776; Thomas, bap. 20 Sept. 1730, d. young; Hepzibah, bap. 23 Jan. 1731-2, m. Rev. Jacob F
d deaths are recorded here. Jackson adds the following: Joseph, b. 26 Nov. 1688, m. and had heirs; Ebenezer, b. 12 Mar. 1690-91, a Deacon in Newton, m. Mindwell Stone 26 Jan. 1716; Abigail, b. 25 May 1695, m. William Greenwood 1715, who rem. to Sherburn, and was a Deacon. John the f. was a weaver, and res. on the south side of the river, near Newton Upper Falls. He erected a house which was standing in 1854, and then occupied by descendants of the 5th and 6th generations.,.Jackson's Hist. Neknown as Major Wyeth, inherited the homestead on Garden Street, was Selectman 1819, 1820, 1821, a large landholder, d. 8 July 1828, a. 66; his w. Susan S. d. 28 Mar. 1855, a. 80. 17. Tapley, s. of Jonas (10), grad. H, C. 1786, and settled in Sherburn, where, he m. Sarah Fisk, and had two daus. Elizabeth Fisk, b. 21 Jan. 1799, and Lucy Coolidge, bap. 17 June 1804. Tapley the f. d. 17 Sept. 1813, and was described in an obituary, as an eminent physician, and a highly useful and respectable m
e widow Miriam Fosket. Ab. Bunker was Abigail, widow of Captain Benjamin Bunker, the innkeeper. She was a daughter of John and Anna (Carter) Fowle, the tanner. Jonathan Call was a baker, son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Croswell) Call. His place was near the Neck, resting on the western slope of Bunker Hill. By his wife, Sarah Boylston, he had a family of sixteen children. He was the fourth generation of Calls in Charlestown who had been bakers, as was his brother, Caleb. Joseph Frost was a native of Billerica, son of Dr. Samuel Frost. He married the widow of John Whittemore, the turner, who was a daughter of Richard Hall, of Dorchester. She died in 1716, and Joseph married (2) Hannah, daughter of Joseph and Hannah Easterbrook. In 1740 Mr. Frost, with his family, removed to Sherburn. John Goodwin is indeterminate, there were so many of him: John, the housewright, of Cambridge, Malden, and Charlestown; John, the perruquier; John, called tertius; and John, a sea captain.
ell, Phoebe, 19. Russell, Walter, 16, 17, 20, 21. Rust, Lieutenant-Colonel, 27. Rutherford Avenue, Charlestown, 78. Rutland, Mass., 88. Salem, Mass., 4. Salem Street, Charlestown, 100. Salem Turnpike, 100. Sanborn, David, 47. Sargent, Henry, 65. Savanna River, 34. Sawyer, Edward, 92, 93, 95, 96. School Holidays, 92, 101. School Street, 47. Seabrook Landing, 34. Second Church, Malden, 88. Second Ohio Light Battery, 59. Sewall, Mr., 45. Sewall, Samuel, 79. Sherburn, Mass., 89. Sherman, General T. W., 58, 59. Ship Island, 28, 30, 37, 49, 50, 55, 56, 57, 59, 62. Simmons, Sergeant, 31. Simonds, Silas, 39. Skotto, Mr., 83. Smith, Jesse, 70, 71, 72. Smith, John, 85, 87. Soley, Dorcas, 85, 87. Soley, Dorcas (Coffin), 87. Soley, John, 87, 90, 96. Somerville Avenue, 47. Somerville Historical Society, 2. Somerville Historical Society, Officers of, 24, 48, 76, 102. South America, 31. South Kingston, R. I., 64. South Writing School, 38.