Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 28, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Norfolk (Virginia, United States) or search for Norfolk (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Arrived. Schr. J. B. Cunningham, Whyatt, New York, hay and ice, B. Wardwell & Co. Schr. J. W. Woolston, Whyard, Philadelphia, coal, S. P. Hawes & Son. Schr. Access, Bennett, Norfolk, shingles, W. W. Wells. Schr. Alexena, Smith, North Carolina, lumber. J. S. Steverson. Schr. Minnesota, Hickman, Charleston, rice and iron. I. & G. B. Davenport. Schr. Georgianna, Booth, Chickahominy River, wood. Schr. Wythe, Tuttle, New York, mdze., D. & W. Currie. Sailed. Schr. Mary Adams, Sparrow, Baltimore, wheat and corn. Schr. John Boshwell, Farrill, down the river, light.
New York,March 25.--Cleared, schr. Saginaw, Norfolk. Arrived, schr. Fairfax, do. March 26--Cleared, schr. J. Wixon, Norfolk. Arrived, Norfolk. Arrived, schr. Joshua Bates, Norfolk; Orrin Cowl, do., for Waneham. Belfast,March 4.--Arrived, Volant, Turner, Norfolk. Bremen,March 3.--ArrNorfolk; Orrin Cowl, do., for Waneham. Belfast,March 4.--Arrived, Volant, Turner, Norfolk. Bremen,March 3.--Arrived, Pepperill, Hill, Richmond, Va. Boston,March 23.--Cleared, schr. Westover, Richmond via City Point. Providence,March 25.--ArriNorfolk. Bremen,March 3.--Arrived, Pepperill, Hill, Richmond, Va. Boston,March 23.--Cleared, schr. Westover, Richmond via City Point. Providence,March 25.--Arrived, schr. Albert Field, Norfolk. Baltimore,March 26.--Cleared, schr. Hope, Richmond. Liverpool,March 7.--Arrived, ship Avona, CityNorfolk. Baltimore,March 26.--Cleared, schr. Hope, Richmond. Liverpool,March 7.--Arrived, ship Avona, City Point. Newport,March 22.--Arrived, schr. Charles Alistrom, Boston, for Richmond. Provincetown,March 22.--Arr'd, schr. Corve, Rocklft, Petersburg. New Bedford--Sailed, (no date,) schr. Nimrod, Norfolk. Alexandria,March 26.--Arrived, schr. R. H. Hinckley, Norfolk Petersburg. New Bedford--Sailed, (no date,) schr. Nimrod, Norfolk. Alexandria,March 26.--Arrived, schr. R. H. Hinckley, Norfolk.
— the flag-ship Cumberland in the Roads — no troops yet arrived at Old Point — Norfolk has Missed her Chance — who's responsible?--Dr. Wm. A. Smith--Mr. John B. Curyroops have yet arrived at Old Point; we understand a number are expected. Our Norfolk friends are complaining of the course of the Convention in not doing that which will carry Virginia out of the Union at once. Norfolk is beginning to feel the evil effects of not seceding. The Great Eastern, we learn, is to discharge cargo off Charleston harbor, and then come to Norfolk. Good idea, that; as Lincoln would say, "bright id'e." Well, if our Norfolk merchants love the Union better than Norfolk merchants love the Union better than their State, their city, and their own interests, and show this to the country and to the world, by electing to the Convention a "Union man," they can only blame thehern tariff, to the Southern States, and there discharge, their cargoes. Will Norfolk ever awake from her profound slumber? We sincerely hope she will, and the da
Committed to jail as a Runaway. Was committed to the jail of the corporation of the city of Norfolk, on the 2d day of January, 1861, Negro Man Wm. Johnson. The said negro man is five feet three inches high, and weighs about 135 pounds; has one scar on right arm above his elbow; light complexion: about thirty years old. Had on when committed to jail, black cloth coat, black pants, glazed cap, and says he was born free, in Baltimore, Maryland. Thos. J. Corprew, Sergeant City Norfojail as a Runaway. Was committed to the jail of the corporation of the city of Norfolk, on the 2d day of January, 1861, Negro Man Wm. Johnson. The said negro man is five feet three inches high, and weighs about 135 pounds; has one scar on right arm above his elbow; light complexion: about thirty years old. Had on when committed to jail, black cloth coat, black pants, glazed cap, and says he was born free, in Baltimore, Maryland. Thos. J. Corprew, Sergeant City Norfolk. mh 16--6w