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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The Baltimore riots. (search)
k A. M. a meeting of the military organization known as the Maryland National Volunteers was held under the presidency of Mr. T. Parkin Scott, and inflammatory speeches were made. At two o'clock two trains, containing twenty-one cars, which had left Harrisburg at ten minutes after eight o'clock that morning, arrived in Baltimore. There were six companies of troops-two of United States Artillery from St. Paul, commanded by Major Pemberton, two from Pottsville, Pennsylvania, one from Reading, Pennsylvania, and one from Lewistown, Pennsylvania, the latter known as the Logan Guards. A large and excited crowd had assembled at the depot and, previous to the arrival of the troops, occupied itself in singing Dixie's land and noisily cheering for the Confederacy. As the troops disembarked, they were pushed and hustled by the crowd, but no one was seriously hurt. Finally the line of march was taken up for Mount Clare station, where the troops were to re-embark for Washington. The troop
April 16. The Ringgold Flying Artillery, of Reading, Pa., Captain James McKnight, 180 men, with four field-pieces, received a requisition from the Governor this morning to set out this evening, at 6 o'clock, for Harrisburgh, a place of rendezvous for the first Pennsylvanians in the field. There was a large and enthusiastic Government meeting at Tyrone, Blair county, to-night. Speeches were enthusiastically received. Ex-Senator Bigler arrived after the adjournment; and expressed himself unequivocally for the Government, and he was determined to sustain it to the last. Two military companies from Tyrone, two from Altoona, and two from Hollidaysburgh, will leave to-morrow for Harrisburgh.--Times, April 17. The Mechanics', Elm City, Fairfield County, Thames, and other banks of Connecticut, voted large sums of money to assist in equipping the troops, and the support of their families.--Times, April 17. Governor Buckingham, of Connecticut, issued a proclamation calling
der their command, and the articles of war and regulations of the army provide ample means for restraining them to the full extent required for discipline and efficiency. Soldiers were called into the field to do battle against the enemy, and it is not expected that their force and energy shall be wasted in the protection of the private property of those most hostile to the government. No soldier serving in this army shall hereafter be employed in such service. The Philadelphia and Reading, Pa., Railroad Company, subscribed twenty-five thousand dollars to aid in raising volunteers.--The rebel steamer Cuba arrived at Mobile, Ala., from Havana, after an exciting chase by the blockaders. --Richmond Examiner, July 26. President Lincoln, in accordance with the sixth section of the act of Congress entitled, An act to suppress insurrection, to punish treason and rebellion, to seize and confiscate the property of rebels, and for other purposes, issued a proclamation warning all per
lles issued an order, naming such of the petty officers, seamen, and marines of the United States Navy, as were entitled to receive the Medal of Honor authorized by Congress, to be given to such as should most distinguish themselves by gallantry in action, and other seamanlike qualities, during the present war.--(Doc. 156.) The British steamer Tampico was captured off Sabine Pass, Texas, by the United States gunboat New London.--Phillip Huber and three others, having been arrested at Reading, Pa., on a charge of being connected with a treasonable organization known as Knights of the Golden Circle, were taken to Philadelphia and placed in prison. Considerable excitement existed at Reading in regard to the affair.--Philadelphia Press. Governor Bonham, of South-Carolina, sent a message to the Senate and House of Representatives of that State, informing them that the spirit of speculation had made such alarming strides in the State as to render their interposition necessary to a
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Citizens of Gettysburg in the Union army. (search)
nel, left to his own resources, wisely decided to make an effort to return to Harrisburg, and immediately struck off from the pike, the Confederates capturing many of our rear-guard after a sharp skirmish, and sending their cavalry in pursuit of us. These latter overtook us in the afternoon at Witmer's house, about four and a half miles from Gettysburg on the Carlisle road, where after an engagement they were repulsed with some loss. After many vicissitudes, we finally reached Harrisburg, having marched 54 out o f 60 consecutive hours, with a loss of some 200 men. It should be added that Gettysburg, small town as it was, had already furnished its quota to the army. Moreover, on the first day of the battle hundreds of the unfortunate men of Reynolds's gallant corps were secreted, sheltered, fed, and aided in every way by the men and women of the town. Reading, Pa., November 2d, 1886. Hall's Sattery on the First day resisting the Confederate advance on the Chambersburg road.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Sigel in the Shenandoah Valley in 1864. (search)
Sigel in the Shenandoah Valley in 1864. by Franz Sigel, Major-General, U. S. V. On the 8th of March, 1864, while in command of the District of Lehigh, with headquarters at Reading, Pennsylvania, I received an order from the President appointing me to the command of the Department of West Virginia, and on the 10th of the same month I arrived at Cumberland, the headquarters of the department. As this was the time when General Grant assumed the chief command of the armies and began his preparations for the campaign of 1864, it seemed to me necessary to subordinate all military arrangements in the department to the paramount object of making the bulk of our forces available as an auxiliary force in the prospective campaign. It was also necessary to protect the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the shortest line of communication between Washington and Cincinnati. To reach these ends a system of defensive measures was applied to the line of that road, and the troops were concentrated
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 16: Secession of Virginia and North Carolina declared.--seizure of Harper's Ferry and Gosport Navy Yard.--the first troops in Washington for its defense. (search)
he Capital in the hour of its greatest peril. These composed five companies from the interior of the State, namely, the Washington Artillery, and National Light Infantry, of Pottsville, Schuylkill County; the Ringgold Light Artillery, of Reading, Berks County; the Logan Guards, of Lewistown, Mifflin County, and the Allen Infantry, of Allentown, Lehigh County. At the call of the President, the commanders of these companies telegraphed to Governor Curtin that they were full, and ready for servien, and children joined in the acclamation. The spirit of the women is well illustrated by the following letter from the wife of a private of the Ringgold Light Artillery, written to her husband, who was in Washington City at the time:-- Reading, April 16, 1861. my dear husband:--The Ringgolds have been ordered to march. It is pouring down rain, and the men are flocking to the army. O I do wish you were home to go with them. Such a time I have never seen in all my life. The peopl
orse, commanded by Alexander Nesbitt and Samuel Caldwell, who were to obey the despatches from the Board of War, of which General Horatio Gates was President, directed to the lieutenants of the counties through which the prisoners were to pass. The writs of habeas corpus, on being presented to the Chief Justice, were marked by him, Allowed by Thomas McKean, and they were served on the officers who had the prisononers in custody, when they had been taken on their journey as far as Reading, Pennsylvania, on the 14th day of September, but the officers refused to obey them. It appears by the Journal of the Supreme Executive Council of the 16th of September, that Alexander Nesbitt, one of the officers, had previously obtained information about the writs, and made a report of them; when the Pennsylvania Legislature, at the instance of the Supreme Executive Council, passed a law, on the 16th of September, 1777, to suspend the habeas corpus act; and although it was an ex post facto la
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, chapter 16 (search)
eans should in like manner strike another to the west; thus preventing any further molestation of the boats navigating the main river, and thereby widening the gap in the Southern Confederacy. After having given all the necessary orders for the distribution, during the winter months, of that part of my command which was in Southern and Middle Tennessee, I went to Cincinnati and Lancaster, Ohio, to spend Christmas with my family; and on my return I took Minnie with me down to a convent at Reading, near Cincinnati, where I left her, and took the cars for Cairo, Illinois, which I reached January 3d, a very cold and bitter day. The ice was forming fast, and there was great danger that the Mississippi River would become closed to navigation. Admiral Porter, who was at Cairo, gave me a small gunboat (the Juliet), with which I went up to Paducah, to inspect that place, garrisoned by a small force, commanded by Colonel S. G. Hicks, Fortieth Illinois, who had been with me and was severely
h New York, D. 44; regiment of, build a floating bridge, D. 97 Rice, Alexander H., speech at Roxbury, Mass., D. 61 Richards, W. C., P. 46, 53 Richmond, Va., secession at, D. 7; effect of Lincoln's war proclamation in, D. 25; Custom-house, &c., seized at, D. 32; the rebel army at, D. 48; Confederate Congress at, D. 74; the British Consul at, P. 56; the Southern capital, P. 143; reign of terror in, P. 56; ancedote of a young lady in, P. 113 Ringgold Flying Artillery at Reading, Pa., D. 27 Rives, W. C., delegate to Southern Congress, D. 49; speech of, at Atlanta, Ga., P. 95 Rives, W. H., Dr., of Ala., P. 94 Robert McClellan, the revenue cutter, surrendered, D. 16 Robins, Harry, the wife of, P. 148 Robinson, —, Judge, of Troy, N. Y., D. 27 Robinson, —, Judge, of Virginia, offers the command of the Southern army to Gen. Scott, P. 41 Robinson, William, D. 6 Rochester, N. Y., abolition meeting at, D. 14; flag-raising at, D. 1