Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 23, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Reading, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) or search for Reading, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) in all documents.

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the people of the New England States are thus divided in sentiment on the subject of the war.--They can never be united on the radical policy, is there any other way to unite them? An unlawful arrest. The New York World, speaking of the unlawful arrests recently made by order of the Washington says: The political Bourbons at Washington, who never forget anything and never learn anything, are at all their old tricks. Four citizens were kidnapped on Tuesday in the city of Reading, Pa., and taken to a Government jail in Philadelphia. The vague charge against them is that they are Knights of the Golden. It is not said that they were in arms against the Government or helping its enemies in any way, but simply that they belonged to an alleged secret society, about which nobody knows anything definite. This is the first bitter hurt of the Connecticut election. John VanButon, James T. Brady, Judge Daly, and their ex-Democratic loyal league , have been telling the county